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harworth glass bulbs

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harworth glass bulbs 10/04/2012 at 11:59 #31443
3726 posts
hi all

can anyone shed some light on when harworth glass bulbs stopped receiving trains? glass bulbs GF is still controlled and monitored by maltby colliery box although of course, doesnt see use.

glass bulbs is shown as having dissolved in 2001 and the only other info i can find is 6D81 which is a speedlink working to glassbulbs GF in the 1990 WTT.

also could anyone enlighten me as to the formation of the trains serving glass bulbs. i wouldve thought it would be sand but im not sure if this was conveyed via speedlink services


"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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Re: harworth glass bulbs 10/04/2012 at 19:12 #31452
2669 posts
I have a photograph in one of my 'Freight-Only' books in the Worksop section & the caption for the photograph reads as follows:-
'SHIREOAKS EAST JUNCTION: Class 37 No. 37031 arrives at Worksop with 6E61, the Toton - Worksop Speedlink freight. On the right is a single ferry van fo the glass works at Harworth & this will depart behind 37031 as the 6T14 'trip'.[i][b]The photo was taken in August 1986.

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harworth glass bulbs 14/08/2019 at 18:50 #120036
677 posts
Hi Joe,

Sorry for bumping a 7 year old thread, but I've been having a go on the Worksop sim today for the first time in years and was having a look through the forum comments.

I was a TOPS clerk covering the Worksop area in 1990.

I seem to recall the sand used to run pretty well daily SX from Doncaster via Maltby and Dinnington to Worksop to run round at around 1800ish then proceed up to Harworth, conveying 6 or 7 wagons of sand. I think its headcode was 6D01. I can't recall whether it returned by the same route in reverse or via Retford.



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