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Testing. 19/06/2011 at 20:21 #3249
167 posts
as we are all made well aware of that new sims will be ready when they are ready,

But as i can not make a financial donation to the site I would like my time to host new sims in develeopment in a multiplay situation within specified test groups to alllow the developers pick up on bugs such as losing focus, level crossings and warner routes.


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Testing. 19/06/2011 at 20:21 #16743
167 posts
as we are all made well aware of that new sims will be ready when they are ready,

But as i can not make a financial donation to the site I would like my time to host new sims in develeopment in a multiplay situation within specified test groups to alllow the developers pick up on bugs such as losing focus, level crossings and warner routes.


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Testing. 20/06/2011 at 00:11 #16747
49 posts
Thanks for the offer, speaking for my sims it is all in hand. Hosting sims as such isn't that helpful, as testing sims is not about playing sims. (I have never seen my Trent tt past 9am!!) Many people have volunteered for testing in the past but really have only wanted to play sims early, and not contributed to Simsig, which is why I tend to run a recruitment and selection campaign every now and again. OK, I know the last one I had to cut short because of real life issues, but I am hoping to do that again in the near future, when everyone is welcome to take part.
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Testing. 20/06/2011 at 00:46 #16750
771 posts
Hi Alan,

I am glad you would like to get more involved. The following is posted in the wiki about being a tester....

".....How do I become a tester?
This is an easier route (than becoming a developer). Again, acceptance as a tester is given by proof of knowledge and accurate bug reporting on the forum. Users are usually notified by email if we consider them to be useful. There is a brief overview of the basics of simulation construction which is intended to enable better bug reporting......"

However, testing is not just about hosting multiplay games. Testing is laborious and can be very, very repetitious. It requires running the sim as single and multiplayer. It requires a knowledge of signalling, and some knowledge of how the sims are put together. Some knowledge of software testing would also helpful but not required. Kurt did run a tester schooling course at one time that I believed required all potential testers to do an "entrance" exam with a flawed sim where you had to spot bugs. I don't know if he is still doing it (but reading the post he sneaked in before me it seems like he may well be)

Most devs have a group of testers they work with all the time. My group has several other developers (we all use the same group), several real signalers, a couple of TT writers and several others including the Jinx (who breaks anything no matter how robust!!). All of them have been playing SimSig and been involved for a considerable time. Like Kurt, I don't need any further help at this time but there are testers who float and will test sims for anyone so its not necessary to be attached to a particular developer.

At this stage all you can do is register your interest and see if anyone needs any help or see if you can get on Kurts tester program as an when he runs the next one..

All the best


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Testing. 20/06/2011 at 01:05 #16752
3675 posts
ditto to what alan (afro) said but i thought it bad form to ask in any particular way
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Testing. 20/06/2011 at 08:59 #16759
5239 posts
The other thing to remember is that testing does become quite a time-consuming exercise. For example, I came to Edinburgh quite late in the development cycle and even then I spent about 200 hours on the one sim (i.e. the equivalent of 5 weeks full time 9-to-5 employment) over the last 18 months before release.

You also need to have the patience to work at the same sim time after time after time and over a long period - often by loading the same saved game repeatedly and trying to find what trigger caused a particular event. Then you have to persuade the developer that there is a problem and see if he/she can recreate it in order to try and track down the underlying cause. Obviously I can only speak for myself, but talking to other testers, I don't think that I am alone in feeling absolute sim fatigue by the time a sim is released; there have been a couple of instances where I have been so played-out that I have had to completely switch off and not open any sim for a couple weeks while I recovered my enthusiasm. The only reason I do it is to try and find bugs before The Jinx gets there!

Still, I don't expect any of us would do the work if we weren't enjoying ourselves - haha.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Testing. 22/06/2011 at 13:39 #16867
167 posts

Is your trent TT released? I understand that testing is not all about playing the sim but to host a 24 TT over a couple of days in an mp situation can earmark bug such the lossing focus bug, which i belive jinx has finally found the problem to, this was an MP only bug, and also if you have say a new sim with 5 pannels on it, with a tester on a pannel each, each tester can test every trigger over and over again, then once a bug list is compiled the sim then can be run solo to either, A) determine if the bug is a MP only bug and B) can be run over and over in solo to find the trigger and the cause.


I am aware that testing is maticulas and time consuming, but i think the many hours enjoyment which SimSig brings us all that it is only fair to give something back to geoff and the developers in either as a donation to fund the sim buiilding or as offering our time to help out in any way possible. As I said I cant afoard to donate cash but would like to donate my time, this does not have to be in testing, it can be helping SimSig run and continue to grow in anyway I possibly can.


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Testing. 22/06/2011 at 14:28 #16870
274 posts
I am in the same position in being not able to donate cash but i can give my time to these matters


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Testing. 21/03/2017 at 20:15 #93963
29 posts
Hi, Allan, I'm not a proper developer, but I am writing some WTTs, so could you help me spend some time going through the whole thing (single and multi player) an tell me if there's anything that would make the WTT better. Thanks!


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Testing 21/03/2017 at 20:19 #93966
29 posts
Here are the WTTs they're for Royston
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Testing. 21/03/2017 at 20:19 #93967
4869 posts
Mod note - Four duplicate posts removed.
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Testing. 21/03/2017 at 21:06 #93968
norman B
111 posts
It sounds just like testing with a flight sim developer.We could receive many file updates in a matter of hours all of which required testing and then on the other hand we would then wait a few days for the next ones to arrive.
Heading for release we would receive the release candidate file with orders to try and break it - we never did as all the faults at this stage had been ironed out.(Or so we thought)
It can be very time consuming but rewarding.Two years flew by!!!

I used to work on the operating side in the North West in the 80s WCML Preston - Carlisle as well as covering S&C.I then moved onto the commercial side but kept up my operating rules too.Due to ill health (I had a rare condition) the Crewe railway doctors ,because of the rarity of my illness would not pass me fit for work and I was retired in my early 50s.

I would be very willing to become a tester!!!


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Testing. 21/03/2017 at 21:56 #93970
3969 posts
CTD Sig in post 93963 said:
Hi, Allan, I'm not a proper developer, but I am writing some WTTs, so could you help me spend some time going through the whole thing (single and multi player) an tell me if there's anything that would make the WTT better. Thanks!

Given that Alan started this topic 6 years ago and hasn't logged in since May 2013, I don't think he's likely to reply...

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
Last edited: 21/03/2017 at 21:57 by Steamer
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The following users said thank you: Stephen Fulcher, headshot119
Testing. 22/03/2017 at 13:59 #93990
29 posts

I've just posted my latest WTT, Project 500 and I'd like some help playing through it.

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Testing. 22/03/2017 at 14:02 #93991
29 posts
Before the proper developers say anything, here are some WTTs to get you started.

P.S. Is there a panel for the S&C?

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