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ACOA's and Wrong Routes.

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ACOA's and Wrong Routes. 21/06/2011 at 00:16 #3258
167 posts
Analysis of your performance and score

Trains passing timing points: 18520 total timing points
On time: 4925 (27%)
2 mins late: 2071 (11%)
5 mins late: 1824 (10%)
Over 5 mins late: 9700 (52%)

Minutes lost/gained overall:
Total minutes lost by you: 132102
Total minutes recovered by you: 769

Trains using the correct platforms: 1491 occasions
Correct: 1361 (91%)
Opposite: 70 (5%)
Incorrect: 60 (4%)

Total routes cancelled with trains approaching: 34
Total wrong routes set for trains: 33
Total joining moves abandoned: 0
Total trains removed: 12
Total trains shortened: 0
Other points lost: 101

TOTAL SCORE 61897 OUT OF 182422 (34%)

I chose this score as it is off the 24 hour game. I am aware the 12 trains removed consideraly lowered the score, unfortunately this was because of a timetable issue.

the main points of concern are the number of ACOA's and wrong routes set. I am aware these numbers are unusually high because tiredness and fatigue that a 24 hour game brings. But I and a number of other players have noticed that there has been an unusually high number of ACOA's recently, i have no problems with wrong routes being set but i would expect the signaler to wait for the driver to call in before dropping the signal or allow the train to take the wrong route and re-route it to its correct route at a later stage.

when i anounced the amount of ACOA's last night during the game a number of players gassped and asked why ad how there were so many. I am aware that someone commented that they are being put off joining games because host's keep commenting about ACOA's but the case is that hosts dont mind a few ACOA's but when it becomes 34 (24 hour game) and 19 on the 24 hours of the TT is hosted over 5 days last week, i think at these numbers every host will be asking questions soon.

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ACOA's and Wrong Routes. 21/06/2011 at 00:16 #16784
167 posts
Analysis of your performance and score

Trains passing timing points: 18520 total timing points
On time: 4925 (27%)
2 mins late: 2071 (11%)
5 mins late: 1824 (10%)
Over 5 mins late: 9700 (52%)

Minutes lost/gained overall:
Total minutes lost by you: 132102
Total minutes recovered by you: 769

Trains using the correct platforms: 1491 occasions
Correct: 1361 (91%)
Opposite: 70 (5%)
Incorrect: 60 (4%)

Total routes cancelled with trains approaching: 34
Total wrong routes set for trains: 33
Total joining moves abandoned: 0
Total trains removed: 12
Total trains shortened: 0
Other points lost: 101

TOTAL SCORE 61897 OUT OF 182422 (34%)

I chose this score as it is off the 24 hour game. I am aware the 12 trains removed consideraly lowered the score, unfortunately this was because of a timetable issue.

the main points of concern are the number of ACOA's and wrong routes set. I am aware these numbers are unusually high because tiredness and fatigue that a 24 hour game brings. But I and a number of other players have noticed that there has been an unusually high number of ACOA's recently, i have no problems with wrong routes being set but i would expect the signaler to wait for the driver to call in before dropping the signal or allow the train to take the wrong route and re-route it to its correct route at a later stage.

when i anounced the amount of ACOA's last night during the game a number of players gassped and asked why ad how there were so many. I am aware that someone commented that they are being put off joining games because host's keep commenting about ACOA's but the case is that hosts dont mind a few ACOA's but when it becomes 34 (24 hour game) and 19 on the 24 hours of the TT is hosted over 5 days last week, i think at these numbers every host will be asking questions soon.

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ACOA's and Wrong Routes. 21/06/2011 at 07:09 #16787
275 posts
I agree, Afro, 34 is excessive. Remember though, they can be a judgement thing. If you've set a wrong route, but your train is more than 5 sections away then you should be able to cancel it with no adverse change. Of course, miss that opportunity and then the driver needs a change of trousers!
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ACOA's and Wrong Routes. 21/06/2011 at 10:56 #16790
149 posts
Your train needs to be 3 or is it 4 sigs before so thehis aspect will not change if nearer then have to wait for phone call.
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ACOA's and Wrong Routes. 21/06/2011 at 11:17 #16792
1841 posts
I agree in principle with these comments, but in mitigation m'lud remember that in the '24hrs to Dublin' game there were over 1800 trains with the add-ons so mistakes were inevitable to a degree.

A lot of the ACoAs occur when clients don't read the detail in TTs carefully enough, especially with regard to routes/pathing, eg SL to FL etc, as well as the next location. It should be noted that Kurt's 1985 TT is a meticulously hand-crafted work of art, you deviate from it at your peril.

Also in the latest releases, the ACoA 'routine' has been updated, such that you incur more delay and thus gain no advantage.

I'd also like to thank Alan for hosting the 'game' (how I hate calling it that) session, I think he had over 35 clients participating at various times, along with other viewers...maybe a Sheff 82 next time?

I can only help one person a day. Today's not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look too good either.
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ACOA's and Wrong Routes. 21/06/2011 at 12:58 #16795
1107 posts
AndyG said:

I'd also like to thank Alan for hosting the 'game' (how I hate calling it that) session, I think he had over 35 clients participating at various times, along with other viewers...maybe a Sheff 82 next time?
So speaketh the Ironman of SimSig [doffs cap ;)] (14 hours straight between panels) Great acheivement Andy.

If Alans up for it ? [daft question] in a couple of weeks, I'll have a go at tweaking Pascals 83/4 Sheffield t/t, even though theres plenty to do there already (not that I havent done a little already, I'm playing with the idea of a double HST power car swap out at Sheffield, which I know happened once for sure in the early 90's so could have happened in 83/4 [must remember not to do it with 1E13 though too much with 1O19 and 4J75 going off in Sheffield at that time] as well as a few Tinsley Silverwood trips and some reworking of the Barrow Hill MGR circuit)

All in all Alans host was a great session and as Andy said in his previous post, intreptation of timetables is a key element for reducing the 'brown trouser' moments as well as a simple sticky note reminder e.g. 2Bxx to New Barnet 2Fxx to Loop etc helps as well.

Passed the age to be doing 'Spoon Feeding' !!!
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ACOA's and Wrong Routes. 21/06/2011 at 14:15 #16799
167 posts
ralphjwchadkirk said:
I agree, Afro, 34 is excessive. Remember though, they can be a judgement thing.
I wouldn't judge or give out to any signaller for making an ACOA, but the 'brown trousers' moments that are done on purpose can be eraticated.

AndyG said:
I agree in principle with these comments, but in mitigation m'lud remember that in the '24hrs to Dublin' game there were over 1800 trains with the add-ons so mistakes were inevitable to a degree.
Yes andy I was well aware that mistakes would be enevitable but on the 1179 train 1985 TT hosted over 5 days last week there was 19 ACOA's which is still nearly 1 ACOA an hour which is still prety high.

Meld said:
If Alans up for it ? [daft question] in a couple of weeks,
Very daft question John, you know i am always up for it!!

Meld said:
I'm playing with the idea of a double HST power car swap out at Sheffield,
this is an excellent idea for a shunt which i wouldn't mind seeing.

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