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what a host should be

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what a host should be 22/06/2011 at 15:31 #3274
3635 posts
just a general follow on from a previous thread which questioned what host does/doesnt do and why or why not we need them. (other than the obvious need for a server)

what are siggers opinions on what a host is/isnt expected to do, provide help out with decide on etc. for instance i would think some people would expect the host to make regulation decisions whilst others prefer to be independent.

input also welcome from hosts on what they think.

the purpose of this post to come up with ideas to improve mplay and also a general opinion poll idea

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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what a host should be 22/06/2011 at 15:36 #16875
4869 posts
Personally I see them as the person I ask for Timetable information. Ground Frame operation, placing phone calls for me.

I do occasionally ask the host about regulation if I'm unsure.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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what a host should be 22/06/2011 at 15:37 #16876
1107 posts
Personally when hosting I prefer not to have a panel and concentrate on keeping the sim running smoothly and assisting with any problems that arise (as I normally have created them in the first place :lol: )
Passed the age to be doing 'Spoon Feeding' !!!
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what a host should be 22/06/2011 at 16:34 #16881
167 posts
I am of the opinion that clients are signallers and the host is box regulator( Supervisor), as Meld has said its better if a host lets the siggnaller get on with it and the host keeps things running smoothly, I would expect a siggnaller to consult me on regulatory issues but the the final dicision rests with the signaller and the person operating the pannels next to them, communication can solve a lot of problems, and Andy G's idea of separate message boxes for sim related messages and F10 messages would go along way to improving communication.
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what a host should be 23/06/2011 at 10:21 #16907
77 posts
From my (limited) experience of MultiPlay and never having hosted, I would suggest that Alan/Meld's opinions of the host as the equivalent to a PSB regulator make a lot of sense and I would as a signaller expect the host to be available to give advice on regulation issues as required, although I would also suggest that some of these issues can be solved by the signallers on adjacent panels "talking" to each other through F10, as would happen in real life between signallers on adjacent panels or workstations.
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what a host should be 12/07/2011 at 03:43 #17543
21 posts
While some standardized minimum rule set should exist that covers the mutually agreeable violations like rude language the more extreme rule breaks should not be on the list but set by the host.

The hosts duties are:
Provide Timetable Information
Ground Frame Operation
Placing Phone Calls to specialized places
Assisting with Uncertain Train Placement
Correcting Display Codes
Assist Signalers in Open or Overwhelmed Panels
Assign and/or Confirm Panel Assignments
Provide Control and Regulation

I am personally of the new generation of hosts but of the games that I hosted I have yet to kick anyone or have any issues with anyone. Maybe it is just that I am lucky or have not met any bad apples.

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what a host should be 12/07/2011 at 15:05 #17547
258 posts
or perhaps you are the bad apple !
Only joking of course.

I agree with the comments made by John / Alan - I will take a panel if there is nobody else otherwise I will supervise the game doing whats required for the players. I tend to allow the players to regulate themselves and only get involved when there is a potential for something to go wrong or just to prompt a player when something could be forgotten.

I feel that this is the hosts job to do, rather than each player telling one another to do things as this tends to end up in the enjoyment level being sucked from the game.
After all its only a game and people need to enjoy it to keep them coming back for more.

Blessed are the true believers, for only they shall walk the Path, and they shall be welcomed unto the realm of the Ori and made as one with Them.
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what a host should be 14/07/2011 at 18:21 #17640
310 posts
Yep, I'd agree with all of the above. I prefer not to have my own panel while hosting so I can concentrate on keeping an eye on the whole area. It's also important (for me at least) for a host to know the simulation well, and ideally know the timetable too (so they can be familiar with any quirky bits such as the postal train that shunts around at New Barnet on KX 1985). I've frequently had new players in games I've hosted, and it's important to know the box so as to be able to help them learn it. This is why I generally only host KX and Exeter, as they're the sims I know inside out.

And it's been a while - I really must start hosting again!

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