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Trains Entering with no Specified Entry Time

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Trains Entering with no Specified Entry Time 05/06/2012 at 13:59 #32780
456 posts
I'm having issues with trains entering with no specified time (ie with a rule so they don't enter until x minutes after a previous train has left the area).

The sim gives the entry time as --:--, yet I get delay notifications that the train will be y minutes late entering my area.

Don't recall this happening in earlier core codes (I'm working on something for a sim on 2.232) - so could someone tell me how I get such a train to enter without giving false delay notifications.

I hope someone can give me a black and white explaination after my last query was unable to be answered difinitively.


God bless, Daniel Wilson
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Re: Trains Entering with no Specified Entry Time 05/06/2012 at 14:04 #32781
Stephen Fulcher
2066 posts
--:-- is commonly used with rules if I remember correctly to ensure that the train enters more or less as soon as the timetable writer wants it to. For example light engines coming out of a yard off an incoming train are often given --:-- times with a rule that they should not enter the sim until a given number of minutes after the train has arrived.

I have no idea about core code alterations, but to be honest have never taken much notice as to whether or not a train that is reported delayed has an entry time or not. I just tend to read the message and then forget about it as there is not really much the signaller can do about late running trains that are yet to enter his area in any case.

I have had plenty of trains report late entering the sim on Saltley, which as you are no doubt already aware, is on 2.232 core code, when playing in difficult mode, but have never taken a note of the trains time at all.

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Re: Trains Entering with no Specified Entry Time 05/06/2012 at 14:44 #32790
Peter Bennet
5393 posts
When you look at the timetable after launch, has a delay time been generated by the Sim?


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Re: Trains Entering with no Specified Entry Time 05/06/2012 at 17:38 #32818
456 posts
Yes if I run the TT in something other than developer mode. If, like when I was testing the TT, I run it in developer mode, then no delays were given by the sim. TT was "cleaned" at each stage of writing.

Sent PM to Peter also.

God bless, Daniel Wilson
Last edited: 05/06/2012 at 17:56 by onlydjw
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