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Other Sims 08/07/2011 at 10:10 #3366
1719 posts
I don't know whether this is the right part of the forum, but I'm not sure it fits well anywhere else.

There's been a discussion on the Blower http://www.signalbox.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3243 initiated by a member who's thinking of trying to write a sim for manual signalling. Unlike every other manual sim out there, he's thinking of incorporating what we already take for granted in SimSig - multiplayer working over t'interwebthingy.

I've stuck my oar in (well I would, wouldn't I? ) seconding a suggestion that SimSig would be a good place to look for inspiration. I've also suggested the possibility of writing his sim in such a way that, where appropriate, he might also simulate a fringe box to a SimSig area, with the possibility of chaining & multiplay across the two systems. Wouldn't that be fun, if it could be managed?

From comments in response to some of my wilder flights of fancy, I've picked up that just-about anything is technically possible. What I'm not sure about is how much active co-operation would be needed - and of course, given Geoff's position, possible - to make it happen. Nor indeed whether such a link would be seen as desirable.

Any thoughts?

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Other Sims 08/07/2011 at 10:10 #17371
1719 posts
I don't know whether this is the right part of the forum, but I'm not sure it fits well anywhere else.

There's been a discussion on the Blower http://www.signalbox.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3243 initiated by a member who's thinking of trying to write a sim for manual signalling. Unlike every other manual sim out there, he's thinking of incorporating what we already take for granted in SimSig - multiplayer working over t'interwebthingy.

I've stuck my oar in (well I would, wouldn't I? ) seconding a suggestion that SimSig would be a good place to look for inspiration. I've also suggested the possibility of writing his sim in such a way that, where appropriate, he might also simulate a fringe box to a SimSig area, with the possibility of chaining & multiplay across the two systems. Wouldn't that be fun, if it could be managed?

From comments in response to some of my wilder flights of fancy, I've picked up that just-about anything is technically possible. What I'm not sure about is how much active co-operation would be needed - and of course, given Geoff's position, possible - to make it happen. Nor indeed whether such a link would be seen as desirable.

Any thoughts?

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Re: Other Sims 24/07/2011 at 08:02 #18248
2756 posts
Geoff has agreed that I can create the necessary documentation for this. It will appear on the wiki when I get the time.

Note that each chain has to be explicitly written into the SimSig simulation. As a brief example, the information in the documentation I will write will not allow you to chain a Littleport simulation to Cambridge unless I actually change Cambridge to allow it.

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Re: Other Sims 10/08/2011 at 14:54 #19309
1719 posts
Thanks Clive. Blower discussion has gone off in the direction of simulation attached to signalbox hardware, so I may have got the worng end of the stick - or maybe that's just because there's several people there busy building boxes for themselves. So we just have to wait & see, but I'm not sure there's a lot of urgency.
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Re: Other Sims 10/08/2011 at 15:57 #19310
1171 posts
I'm still interested in whatever data you have available Clive, I'm quite a fan of implementing your specifications!
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