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The Big Chain

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The Big Chain 12/10/2012 at 08:35 #36324
222 posts
" said:

Saltley should be added to the list that Peter Requested.
No, Saltley does allow routes to be set whilst paused, although it does prevent phone calls being made.

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The Big Chain 12/10/2012 at 11:38 #36337
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
" said:
Thanks for the information that nothing will be done about this pause function.
That's not what anyone's said but if that's what you think then so be it. The fact that it had ever been a problem was something that I'd long forgotten so thanks for alerting me. It is something that I will deal in as far as it's for me to do so but it's not on the top of my list of priorities.

We often get accused of not telling you (collectively) what the state of play is -so please accept this as such a telling.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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The Big Chain 12/10/2012 at 11:47 #36338
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
" said:
" said:
Largely academic though Noel as several of those are not available outside of the inner circle of Developers.
Actually all of those sims have been in the public domain, even though they were only beta versions, so it's not academic at all. The only issue is that not everybody got the beta releases as they were tested at several meets
As a point of information I am a Developer and I don't have copies of most of the Sims that are in development and few other Developers have copies of mine.

Generally, if we do then it's for technical reason in sorting out chaining or something like that and it'll be the data files we have.

If you think there is some "inner circle" that play SimSig all day and night over the internet on Sims that are not public then you are wrong - unless I'm in the outer-circle too hmmmm - paranoid - moi.....

In fact I have very few of the released Sims downloaded never mind unreleased ones, I just don't have the time.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
Last edited: 12/10/2012 at 12:53 by Peter Bennet
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The Big Chain 12/10/2012 at 13:21 #36345
3635 posts
" said:
" said:
Thanks for the information that nothing will be done about this pause function.
That's not what anyone's said but if that's what you think then so be it. The fact that it had ever been a problem was something that I'd long forgotten so thanks for alerting me. It is something that I will deal in as far as it's for me to do so but it's not on the top of my list of priorities.

We often get accused of not telling you (collectively) what the state of play is -so please accept this as such a telling.

im not a betting man peter, but id happily put money on the fact that if you took time out to refresh your sims with a revised pause function, there would be a complaint that it has put any release of a Mcsim back by X months/weeks as a result!

on a side note, i cant see what the major issue is with this pause function, if i cant handle one of those sims solo without pausing, I dont bother and play a different one (plenty to choose from), or wait for an Mplay session. for the smaller sims like oxted and brighton i have no issue. for larger sims like saltley, i much prefer Mplay anyway as theres a better atmosphere and its far more relaxing than hectically running around at rush hour trying to route everything.

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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The Big Chain 12/10/2012 at 15:56 #36357
6325 posts
" said:
Whoever decided that the pause function should be changed lost the sight that as brilliant as Simsig is ,it is a GAME.The changing of the function was not needed and,as far as I know was just not made public knowledge.
This is ridiculous, not to mention insulting. You have a very narrow view of what you want and to extrapolate that out amongst everybody else is wrong. This particular feature, requested - yes requested - by other people was put in to improve the realism. However, an equal number - and the opinions did seem to be 50/50 for and against - did not like it. The only solution in that situation was to remove it as that was the more helpful solution.

" said:
...he should read my posting again [...] Thanks for the information that nothing will be done about this pause function.
May I suggest you read my earlier posting again.

SimSig Boss
Last edited: 12/10/2012 at 15:56 by GeoffM
Reason: Formatting

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The following users said thank you: Didcot, TomOF, guidomcc, Signalhunter, Stephen Fulcher
The Big Chain 12/10/2012 at 16:27 #36358
771 posts
" said:
I have read the postings re the Pause and after this I will not mention this again.
Whoever decided that the pause function should be changed lost the sight that as brilliant as Simsig is ,it is a GAME.The changing of the function was not needed and,as far as I know was just not made public knowledge.As for Stephen Fulcher's comments he should read my posting again .We are not all Multiplayers and are quite content with a single player session.
Saltley should be added to the list that Peter Requested.
Thanks for the information that nothing will be done about this pause function.
The majority will rule.! :angry:
I can't speak for everyone elses sims but I can speak up for mine. At no time have I said I wouldn't do anything about it and the debug version I currently have does not restrict setting routes while paused. The problem I had was timing. South Humberside was already in the middle of a major update when the core code update to derestrict the pause function was released. I then had a choice....release a bug-ridden, incomplete version just to fix the unrestricted pause or wait until I have the sim entirely debugged and working correctly. I chose the latter, that's all there is to it. Will the next version have a restricted pause function? You'll be glad to hear, no it won't. However, I'm not going to release it while it still contains incomplete features and bugs (which, unfortunately, it currently does).

Last edited: 12/10/2012 at 16:28 by Lardybiker
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The Big Chain 13/10/2012 at 01:01 #36409
177 posts
" said:

The majority will rule.! :angry:
Isn't that how a democracy usually works? Why would the minority have it all their way?

I suppose, loosely speaking, SimSig-Land could be considered as a (kind of) benevolant Dictatorship! GeoffM has created this masterpiece and chosen to share it , for free, with the rest of us. Then, there are the developers, they do their magic bits, once again for free.
Below that are the testers. Yes, you've guessed it. Testing for free.
Then, there are the "players". Getting to use the products FREE!

If you don't like it, try some of the PayWare signalling simulations. I'm sure they will be happy to have you. Especially, as you will be paying them around £40 for a sim and a T/T.

PS Even though you have paid for it, you still can't signal trains whilst it is paused but, at least you would have paid for the right to complain.

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The Big Chain 13/10/2012 at 02:08 #36410
872 posts
I had to PAUSE to take in all the postings on this topic. Which seems to have now gone from a simple question about a big chain, into what seems to happen on the forum, increasingly now, of attack and defense. I thought we were all in this together but fear we might have lost another one.
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The Big Chain 13/10/2012 at 05:52 #36411
33 posts
I'll provide a question to hopefully get us back on track:
Will there ever be a chance of a larger chain than the 5 western ones (Exeter, Bristol, Gloucester, Swindon, and Westbury) and if so will it be reasonably soon? (I know you developers have a lot more pressing matters than adding chaining options, so I'm saying about a year or so)

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The following users said thank you: andyb0607, Sam Tugwell
The Big Chain 13/10/2012 at 07:56 #36414
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
" said:
I'll provide a question to hopefully get us back on track:
Will there ever be a chance of a larger chain than the 5 western ones (Exeter, Bristol, Gloucester, Swindon, and Westbury) and if so will it be reasonably soon? (I know you developers have a lot more pressing matters than adding chaining options, so I'm saying about a year or so)
Two questions and two quick answers:

Yes and impossible to say.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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The Big Chain 13/10/2012 at 12:34 #36434
41 posts
No Geoff not insulting an any way but just a point of view
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The Big Chain 13/10/2012 at 15:52 #36442
5208 posts
Interesting view about what is insulting. It's rather like going into someone's house and telling them that their new wallpaper is rubbish particularly as they changed it without consulting the whole street. I would view that as insulting but could well be in a minority.
“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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