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Performance issues when in Client Multiplay mode

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Performance issues when in Client Multiplay mode 08/11/2012 at 13:46 #37331
Frankley Junction
37 posts
I am having problems when playing someone else's hosted session as a client. When I connect to the remote server all is well for perhaps 5-7 minutes but then SimSig slows down alarmingly and eventually hangs and stops responding. The only solution is to come out of SimSig and reboot plus reset the router, and the behaviour is then repeated - highly irritating for me and for other MP players.

I have tried disabling anit-virus/firewall software but the same thing occurs. I have increased my IE cache size to maximum (1024 MB). The rest of the internet seems to run fine.

I am running Windows 7 and the PC is new, reasonably high spec with 8GB RAM. I am using a BT infinity Home Hub 2.0 which is hard wired to the PC, so no wireless issues.

Really baffled by this, so any help gratefully received.


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Performance issues when in Client Multiplay mode 08/11/2012 at 14:53 #37334
249 posts
So, you're joining a multiplay session (as a client) and then the performance will degrade.

1) What sim is it or is it a general issue?
2) What if you don't use your router but directly connect your PC to the modem?
3) When you say "slows down and eventually hangs and stop responding", does the program actually slow down (i.e. the title bar will eventually show "Not Responding"), or the simulation speed decreases (i.e. when clicked on a manual signal the flashing white bit flash slower), or the response from the server slows down (i.e. when you set a route it takes years for the server to response, or when you send message to the server it appears on the message bar very slowly or others cannot receive)?
4) When the situation occurs, can you still normally browse the internet? (e.g. Google search)
5) What antivirus and firewall are you using?

P.S. Never disable antivirus and firewall if you don't have a good reason. If the firewall blocks a port or program you can always configure it to allow, but disabling the firewall is just dangerous.

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Performance issues when in Client Multiplay mode 08/11/2012 at 15:58 #37335
1841 posts
Could be that the issue is at the server end?

Maybe try running two instances of the sim yourself, one as server one as client, and connecting back to yourself via the internet.

I can only help one person a day. Today's not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look too good either.
Last edited: 08/11/2012 at 16:00 by AndyG
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Performance issues when in Client Multiplay mode 08/11/2012 at 17:05 #37337
1171 posts
Can't connect to yourself via the internet unless you have two external IP addresses
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Performance issues when in Client Multiplay mode 08/11/2012 at 21:05 #37343
101 posts
But you can connect to yourself using your internal IP address, using an address like

I am not sure if this can work in windows, as I have just tried it under linux.

You should be sure that the firewall let pass this type of internal connection (note that this connection do not reach your modem or router, so the setting of the router is not important).

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Performance issues when in Client Multiplay mode 08/11/2012 at 21:53 #37344
4869 posts
" said:
But you can connect to yourself using your internal IP address, using an address like

I am not sure if this can work in windows, as I have just tried it under linux.

You should be sure that the firewall let pass this type of internal connection (note that this connection do not reach your modem or router, so the setting of the router is not important). is a reserved IP address for loop back and will work on any operating system.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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Performance issues when in Client Multiplay mode 09/11/2012 at 01:28 #37346
Frankley Junction
37 posts
" said:
So, you're joining a multiplay session (as a client) and then the performance will degrade.

1) What sim is it or is it a general issue?

It has happened on Kings X, Edinburgh and Central Scotland, but not Sheffield

2) What if you don't use your router but directly connect your PC to the modem?

Don't know, haven't tried that yet.

3) When you say "slows down and eventually hangs and stop responding", does the program actually slow down (i.e. the title bar will eventually show "Not Responding"), or the simulation speed decreases (i.e. when clicked on a manual signal the flashing white bit flash slower), or the response from the server slows down (i.e. when you set a route it takes years for the server to response, or when you send message to the server it appears on the message bar very slowly or others cannot receive)?

The title bar eventually says 'Not Responding' and the program whites out. Before that, interaction with the server is slow, things flashing slowly and taking 30 seconds or so to register a route click.

4) When the situation occurs, can you still normally browse the internet? (e.g. Google search)


5) What antivirus and firewall are you using?

Trend Micro Titanium Maximum Security 2012 with inbuilt firewall. Windows Firewall is turned off.

P.S. Never disable antivirus and firewall if you don't have a good reason. If the firewall blocks a port or program you can always configure it to allow, but disabling the firewall is just dangerous.

I did have a good reason - to check if the AV software was slowing the Sim down. I only turned it off for a short while and immediately re-enabled it.

Thanks in anticipation of your help.

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Performance issues when in Client Multiplay mode 09/11/2012 at 03:06 #37347
249 posts
You can try opening the sims on your own computer. First start one in server mode, then start another in client mode and connect to ``.
If you have another computer you can try with your internal IP (usually `192.168.*.*` for home routers).

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Performance issues when in Client Multiplay mode 09/11/2012 at 13:04 #37360
2756 posts
" said: is a reserved IP address for loop back and will work on any operating system.
Equally, it never leaves your machine and, indeed, doesn't go through all of the network stack (it gets looped back half way down).

Last edited: 09/11/2012 at 13:07 by clive
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Performance issues when in Client Multiplay mode 09/11/2012 at 13:06 #37361
2756 posts
" said:
I have increased my IE cache size to maximum (1024 MB).
This won't affect things, since SimSig doesn't use HTTP and doesn't involve IE. You can run SimSig on a machine with no web browser on it.

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Performance issues when in Client Multiplay mode 09/11/2012 at 13:15 #37362
2756 posts
"Not responding" and things flashing slowly suggests that your machine isn't keeping up with the load.

Before you start, start up Task Manager (right click on the taskbar) and switch to the "Processes" tab. Watch how much CPU and memory SimSig is using:
(a) when you run it as a standalone game
(b) when you're in client multiply mode. In particular, see how quickly the numbers change when the problems happen.
Try this both for a simulation that shows the problem and one that doesn't.

Post the results here. This might give some clues.

Last edited: 09/11/2012 at 13:16 by clive
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Performance issues when in Client Multiplay mode 09/11/2012 at 13:22 #37363
4869 posts
" said:
" said:
So, you're joining a multiplay session (as a client) and then the performance will degrade.

1) What sim is it or is it a general issue?

It has happened on Kings X, Edinburgh and Central Scotland, but not Sheffield

2) What if you don't use your router but directly connect your PC to the modem?

Don't know, haven't tried that yet.

3) When you say "slows down and eventually hangs and stop responding", does the program actually slow down (i.e. the title bar will eventually show "Not Responding"), or the simulation speed decreases (i.e. when clicked on a manual signal the flashing white bit flash slower), or the response from the server slows down (i.e. when you set a route it takes years for the server to response, or when you send message to the server it appears on the message bar very slowly or others cannot receive)?

The title bar eventually says 'Not Responding' and the program whites out. Before that, interaction with the server is slow, things flashing slowly and taking 30 seconds or so to register a route click.

4) When the situation occurs, can you still normally browse the internet? (e.g. Google search)


5) What antivirus and firewall are you using?

Trend Micro Titanium Maximum Security 2012 with inbuilt firewall. Windows Firewall is turned off.

P.S. Never disable antivirus and firewall if you don't have a good reason. If the firewall blocks a port or program you can always configure it to allow, but disabling the firewall is just dangerous.

I did have a good reason - to check if the AV software was slowing the Sim down. I only turned it off for a short while and immediately re-enabled it.

Thanks in anticipation of your help.
My red. It appears to happen on scrolly sims, but not on paged sims.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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Performance issues when in Client Multiplay mode 29/11/2012 at 01:16 #38280
Frankley Junction
37 posts
OK, have been doing further testing using Edinburgh. Even when playing single player standalone - i.e. not connected to the internet at all, it slows down over time. I'm running a Windows 7 machine with 8GB RAM but I'm just wondering if there is some cache size setting that might be affecting things. Everything else on the PC runs super fast, just SimSig that slows down over time. By slowing down I mean the sim is slow to respond whatever one does, and the simulation speed slows down without me adjusting the sim speed in F3 options.

Please help, this is driving me crackers, but good to have ruled out internet issues for now.


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Performance issues when in Client Multiplay mode 29/11/2012 at 07:13 #38282
6325 posts
While I'm not trying to belittle your issues, it does seem rather unique. In your original post you mention having to reboot the router - why? Is browsing the internet slow or unavailable after playing SimSig? If so, that would suggest a far deeper problem than SimSig itself. I know you've said you've ruled out internet issues. FWIW in the evenings I often run SimSig on a basic Netbook with 512MB of RAM on XP and can still run at 10x speed for most sims without issue; the larger sims maybe 5x.

You mentioned some sims where it happens and other where it doesn't, and someone pointed out that it was scrolly versus non-scrolly. The only real difference there is the graphics: scrolly will use more memory for the bitmap than non-scrolly, IIRC. That might suggest a graphics card issue, but the bitmap factor is constant throughout, not something that changes over time, so I doubt that is an issue.

Possibly it is something else interfering. For example - and I'm not saying this is the problem - Zone Alarm has been cited for a number of problems for various pieces of software in the past. Even using something like Task Manager often fails to show such problems because the CPU usage is in the context of the main program, not the software affecting it.

SimSig Boss
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Performance issues when in Client Multiplay mode 29/11/2012 at 20:15 #38320
Frankley Junction
37 posts
So I have now updated my video card drivers (NVIDIA GeoForce GT520) and tested again. Still slowing down the same, but appears to speed up again if I open or edit a sticky. Any further thoughts? This is exasperating.
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Performance issues when in Client Multiplay mode 30/11/2012 at 18:38 #38348
771 posts
As Clive suggested, have you looked to see how much CPU SimSig is actually taking when running standalone? A basic tool like Task Manager should give you an idea. You may find though there is other stuff going on on your PC that's causing SimSig to react slowly. I'll run a typical sim in standalone mode a bit later at home and let you know typically what its showing to give you some idea of what to expect.

Here's some other things to look at.
1) Is your Wins 7 up to date. I heard several people "claim" their PC runs slower if they do not install the latest updates. I can neither confirm or deny this but won't hurt to make sure.
2) Are all your drivers up to date and you devices working (Windows Device Manager should show no yellow warning triangles)
3) Make sure there are no other applications running.
4) Make sure your Antivirus/Internet Security software isn't running a background check of all your files.
5) Run a full virus scan and check to ensure something untoward isn't affecting your PC.
6) Follow that up with running a malware scan using a tool like SpyBot Search and Destroy (which is free).
7) You could try and turn off your Internet Security suite/Anti-virus software and then run the sim to see if its the anti-virus getting in the way (I would isolate your PC from any network first before you do just to be safe mind and don't forget to re-enable it once you are done). That's all I got for the minute.

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Performance issues when in Client Multiplay mode 01/12/2012 at 03:31 #38368
Frankley Junction
37 posts
Clive & LardyBiker

On starting, CPU was 17 rising to 25 after about 3 minutes. Memory 44,916K steadily rising to 50,212K after bout 10 minutes of playing time. Sim clock slowed to a crawl by then and sim sluggish to respond.

On putting a stick note on the sim, CPU usage drops back to 13 and memory stays the same, continuing to rise. CPU rises to about 25 within a couple of minutes but sim still quite playable.

Hope this helps.


Last edited: 01/12/2012 at 03:31 by Frankley Junction
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Performance issues when in Client Multiplay mode 01/12/2012 at 06:52 #38369
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
Just tested Edinburgh, a big Sim, on normal speed CPU was 1 and RAM 33K, on full speed CPU rose to around 10, RAM remained the same. I guess the CPU% will depend on the CPU you have, smaller CPU, higher %.

My main problem is with Firefox which seems to consume more and more memory the longer I have leave it open.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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