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32bit / 64bit ??

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32bit / 64bit ?? 23/01/2013 at 12:17 #40820
12 posts
I've just upgraded my PC and am running Windows 7 (64 bit). I am an enthusiastic newcomer to all signalling simulations Whilst I have successfully downloaded 'Westbury' neither 'Stafford' nor 'Swindon' [paged] - I prefer the paged versions - will download / extract the files. Is there a compatibility problem and can it be overcome?

Any help appreciated.

Brith 3006

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32bit / 64bit ?? 23/01/2013 at 12:55 #40822
4870 posts
Both Stafford, and Swindon paged, have installers that aren't compatible with 64 bit.

There was a forum thread where someone (Albert) had said that you could get both the sims to work if you had a copy of the files pre-extracted. I can't remember if they where ever made available in that form.

If no one manages to dig up the thread before I get home ill have a look for you.


64bit compatible version of Stafford is a availableHere

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Last edited: 23/01/2013 at 12:58 by headshot119
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