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Taunton FairwaterYard

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Taunton FairwaterYard 21/04/2013 at 22:45 #43811
902 posts
After going past Taunton Fairwater Yard yesterday, I noticed what looks to be a considerable amount of work going on there. Would anyone be able to provide any insight of what is going on there?
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Taunton FairwaterYard 22/04/2013 at 02:51 #43813
officer dibble
393 posts
The Network Rail High Output Ballast cleaner (HOBC) is based there, having migrated there a few years ago from Reading West Junction Yard.

Its basically a base for the machine enabling it to run to & from worksites over a large area within the Gloucester & Bristol areas, it usually heads up to Aschurch & Abbotswood Junction (see Gloucester SimSig) for engineering possessions. Same principle when it was at Reading, vehicles are stabled & maintained at a Yard and then the train is sent out as mentioned to various locations.

Its a beast of a train when its in full flight, half a mile long (at least) with a FL Cl.66 (usually a 66/6) at either end.

Also there may be Track relacement trains (TRTs) present, usually consisting of YXA sleeper carriers & HQA Autoballasters. These can operate in a possession alongside the HOBC, or be used instead (dependent upon requirements). You will prbably find track machines sharing the yard as well, especially if linked into larger weekend possessions.

Looking at Saturday 20/04/2013 there was a 6Y11 2006 Fairwater Yard - Stoke Works Junction, and a return on Sunday 21/04/2013 6Y11 1000 Ashchurch - Fairwater Yard (along with a 6Y12 0915 Ashchuch - Fairwater Yard).

During the week there can be numerous turning moves (as requirements dictate) which operate a circuit via Westbury & Bristol to enable wagons to be in the correct formation/direction for their next trains, along with trip workings to & from Westbury Virtual Quarry, which I believe to be linked to spent ballast. Have also personally noted "half-portions" of the HOBC on the triangle near the line to Minehead.

Hope this helps.

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Taunton FairwaterYard 22/04/2013 at 08:39 #43814
902 posts
Thank you for you answer, although I just realised that I did not phrase my question well, what I was getting to, although missed it out is that there looked to be a considerable amount of what looked to be track being laid, and any ideas what that is for
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Taunton FairwaterYard 22/04/2013 at 15:20 #43820
Temple Meads
307 posts
" said:
Thank you for you answer, although I just realised that I did not phrase my question well, what I was getting to, although missed it out is that there looked to be a considerable amount of what looked to be track being laid, and any ideas what that is for
Which side of the track was this work on?

It may have been work on the West Somerset Railway's turning triangle.

PS: I've just finished adding the HOBC into an Exeter timetable!

Username TIM in multiplayer
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Taunton FairwaterYard 22/04/2013 at 17:49 #43824
902 posts
It is on the Fairwater Yard side, just approaching Taunton. Its slightly further up than the yard it's self
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Taunton FairwaterYard 22/04/2013 at 18:06 #43826
Temple Meads
307 posts
A new road is being built on old railway trackbed almost adjacent to the station, could have been track being pulled up rather than laid?
Username TIM in multiplayer
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Taunton FairwaterYard 22/04/2013 at 18:23 #43827
902 posts
That I cannot say on, looked like it was being laid, but just guessed that because the ballast looked fairly clean. Again though, I was going passed and just noticed it, so that was kind of my first thought
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