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SPAD driver videos posted by Darren Cafferty

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SPAD driver videos posted by Darren Cafferty 28/05/2013 at 05:18 #45198
1637 posts
Thanks to UKTrainMan who posted one of them here and suggested there were more, this led me to Darren Cafferty's Instructional and Training Films for Drivers and Train Crews. They include:




and also



Although produced for drivers, they include considerable driver-signaller interaction. There are several other train- but non-signalling-related videos on his channel.

Although, as a matter of policy, SPADs and accidents have been deliberately excluded from SimSig, one can still learn a lot from watching these videos.

Darren's area of interest is "All things Railway related in the old Eastern Division of British Rail Southern Region".

Last edited: 28/05/2013 at 05:32 by maxand
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SPAD driver videos posted by Darren Cafferty 28/05/2013 at 09:16 #45203
77 posts
Without trying to turn this into an advertising thread, for anyone interested in these type of videos, please may I recommend the channel ElectrostarGeorge ? He has a few the same as Darren Cafferty but also a many more including most of the old BR videos (He has a lot of spotting vids too!).
Last edited: 28/05/2013 at 09:19 by fsxfaulder
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SPAD driver videos posted by Darren Cafferty 28/05/2013 at 14:04 #45211
1637 posts
Thanks for the link. Yes, the SPAD videos are available there too, in case Darren Cafferty's channel goes down. However, there did not seem to be as many instructional videos of value to would-be signallers as I had hoped. There is, however, a list of "My friends (sic) channels" on the RH side which may be worth checking out.

One more SPAD video, this one by Connex (1989):


Last edited: 28/05/2013 at 14:25 by maxand
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SPAD driver videos posted by Darren Cafferty 28/05/2013 at 14:16 #45212
77 posts
I agree with you about the low number of instructional signalling videos as the reason I posted it was for the driver training videos in general as I'm sure some users will find those interesting
Sorry for the confusion

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SPAD driver videos posted by Darren Cafferty 28/05/2013 at 19:11 #45222
330 posts
These have been ripped from a site called railnetchannel (www.railnetchannel.tv) which has some obscure relationship with the company which produced them, Spa Films (http://spa-films.co.uk/).
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SPAD driver videos posted by Darren Cafferty 28/05/2013 at 20:41 #45224
77 posts
" said:
These have been ripped from a site called railnetchannel (www.railnetchannel.tv) which has some obscure relationship with the company which produced them, Spa Films (http://spa-films.co.uk/).
Oh right thanks for the info I always wondered where they got them from and I'm not surprised about their relationship!

Last edited: 28/05/2013 at 20:43 by fsxfaulder
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SPAD driver videos posted by Darren Cafferty 29/05/2013 at 09:35 #45240
1637 posts
Thanks for the heads-up, Ron_J.

Darren Cafferty's explanation (see the Discussion tab on his YouTube channel) is

I've raided the Office and got some new films which will be here Very Soon

(Added) I searched for "spad" on railnetchannel without finding anything. Where are these videos?

Last edited: 29/05/2013 at 09:42 by maxand
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SPAD driver videos posted by Darren Cafferty 29/05/2013 at 21:19 #45265
330 posts
Having just had a look for them myself, it seems they've been removed. This must be a fairly recent thing since they were still on there at the start of the year. Regardless, they've were on the railnetchannel site (under the 'Operations and Traction Training' and 'Safety' categories) for a few years - certainly before they were added to Youtube. I first came across the site because a video starring two of my colleagues was on there.
Last edited: 29/05/2013 at 21:20 by Ron_J
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