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new sims 10/06/2013 at 18:02 #45624
1461 posts
" said:
visited the mock signal box they had(?) at Crewe Heritage Centre. (No, I'm not talking about Exeter West, I'm talking about the one that overlook(s/ed)(?) the 'real' train line and station)
There's Crewe North Junction (the large concrete thingy), and Crewe Station A, neither of which are "mock"!

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new sims 10/06/2013 at 18:07 #45625
1803 posts
" said:
" said:
visited the mock signal box they had(?) at Crewe Heritage Centre. (No, I'm not talking about Exeter West, I'm talking about the one that overlook(s/ed)(?) the 'real' train line and station)
There's Crewe North Junction (the large concrete thingy), and Crewe Station A, neither of which are "mock"!
Looks like it was probably North Junction Box....

Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
Last edited: 10/06/2013 at 18:07 by UKTrainMan
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new sims 10/06/2013 at 18:43 #45626
Late Turn
697 posts
" said:
According to a notice that appeared in one of our signalboxes a few months back, a kitten also dies whenever you don't use a lever cloth!

Perhaps a little unfair on the kittens , but I fully support the principle! There's nothing more frustrating than taking a bit of pride in the place and making it presentable, only to see your mate waltz in and get his grubby mits all over the lever tops and brasses...!

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new sims 10/06/2013 at 18:54 #45627
26 posts
Oh dear I see we seem to have a sense of humour favour on this thread

I am concerned that we seem to have posts that are quiet arrogant in their request for new sims an then when someone applies a touch of sarcasm in their reply toys are forcefully thrown out of pram

Does every response now have to come with a disclaimer

So we are clear for those who seem to be under any doubt

A no kittens have ever been killed as a result of questions
B we do not plan an harm to any feline beasts even though I'm allergic to them

Perhaps in future when asked about new sims we should just answer refer to post no xyz


Last edited: 10/06/2013 at 18:55 by Foulounoux
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new sims 10/06/2013 at 19:37 #45628
14 posts
Or just refer them to Arkell v Pressdram ?? ;-)
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The following user said thank you: Forest Pines
new sims 12/06/2013 at 15:03 #45652
1637 posts
UKTrainMan wrote:

upon my somewhat recent return to SimSig, I had no problems whatsoever finding out about the release of sims such as the excellent North Wales Coast; the lovely Llangollen; and the decent Carlisle - all via either the Homepage (most likely) or a very quick browse of the recent threads/post that already existed on the forum anyway
I agree that there would be little trouble discovering new sims by this method, but as much as I enjoy trawling the Recent Posts section for its own sake, I would welcome a faster and surer way to locate updates to existing sims (and timetables), not to mention new versions of SimSig core releases. Maybe the mods could create a section named New and Updated Sims for brief entries.

Apart from the advantage of needing only to look at this relatively small section instead of sifting through pages and pages of posts on everything else, this would better enable me to tell which updates are likely to contain a core improvement and which do not. E.g. if a notice of a core release containing a specific improvement is posted on a certain date, only those updates posted later than that date are likely to contain the improvement, explaining why earlier versions do not work as currently intended.

As the number of sims, and updates to them, increase, I see it becoming more and more necessary for a separate New and Updated Sims section to be created, as SimSig sims do not update themselves automatically each time the core is changed.

I would like to see the Recent Releases and Updates section appear directly below the Recent Posts section. The only downside I can see is that Recent Posts, being generated automatically, would contain "duplicate" entries, one from the Recent Releases and Updates section, and the other from the forum section for that particular sim or sim timetable, there being no method in place to filter out one from the other.

Of course, if the mods were to stipulate that any announcements of new releases or updates were to contain a key phrase such as "newrelease" (all one word, and unique at that), this would overcome the duplication problem. But from past experience I do not expect such conformity to be welcomed by the majority of forum members!

No kittens were harmed during the creation of this post.

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new sims 12/06/2013 at 15:29 #45654
1803 posts
To add further to my previous post....

  • You can arrange the Official Software » Simulations, and all the other sections, by submit date simply by clicking on the Submit Date link in that row of links just above the uploads - the result of which being that the latest uploaded item should appear first.

  • You could register on IFTTT.com and use the relevant RSS feeds (e.g.: this one, for the afore linked to section) and then set the 'recipe' on IFTTT to perhaps eMail you (other methods also available, e.g.: call or text you if you're in the US) whenever anything is uploaded to that section.

Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
Last edited: 12/06/2013 at 16:16 by UKTrainMan
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new sims 12/06/2013 at 15:58 #45656
3945 posts
Don't forget the Newsletters which are now e-mailed out when Simulations are released/updated.

maxand said:
Apart from the advantage of needing only to look at this relatively small section instead of sifting through pages and pages of posts on everything else, this would better enable me to tell which updates are likely to contain a core improvement and which do not.
Practically all new releases contain a core code update, and even if they don't, they'll fix any bugs which were reported since the last release.

Personally I think the new e-mail system is simpler, and has the advantage of contacting people who don't visit the site every day.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
Last edited: 12/06/2013 at 22:06 by Steamer
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new sims 12/06/2013 at 17:34 #45661
1461 posts
To be honest, I don't see what some new forum (?) section would do that perusing http://www.SimSig.co.uk/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=usertrack:available_simulations or http://www.SimSig.co.uk/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=usertrack:install:versions or http://www.SimSig.co.uk/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=usertrack:mans:manuals doesn't already show. If you're checking the forum, you'll probably a half dozen posts going on about how someone can't clear suchandsuch a signal on the new sim (because they didn't read the manual!), and there'll be a new forum section for the sim.
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new sims 12/06/2013 at 21:36 #45673
2158 posts
Maxand, when are you leaving for your next 12 months vacation? SIMSIG is for the "professionals"!
Barry, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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new sims 12/06/2013 at 22:52 #45675
5208 posts
" said:
Maxand, when are you leaving for your next 12 months vacation? SIMSIG is for the "professionals"!

I have the impression that those from the Antipodes do like to wind people up. I could well be wrong in that as I am wrong in so many other things, but just because ideas and suggestions aren't universally accepted doesn't mean that they should be suffocated at birth. Correct me if I am wrong, but was not the banking industry run by professionals (who at the end of the day ended up being totally professional but in the wrong profession)? I'm sure Maxand can speak for himself but I don't think we would be doing the Forum any favours by implying that ideas and suggestions (however outlandish) are unwelcome.

I have a different problem as I was going to query with the mods whether there was any possibility of identity theft as someone posting under the name Maxand was contributing without being confrontational or provocative.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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new sims 13/06/2013 at 01:49 #45677
1637 posts
Some great suggestions in the last few posts. Thanks guys.

The basic issue raised by the original poster was, really, what is the quickest way of finding the newest sims? To which I added, what is the quickest way of scanning existing sims (and timetables) for updates so one is assured of using the version with the latest improvements and the fewest bugs? Simply reading the Recent Posts section is a bit inefficient, particularly if one has to do a bit of catching up. Many other forums have a special Announcements section which is strangely missing here (I don't mean Permanent Announcements), so I don't think my suggestion was anything out of the usual.

Thanks Danny252 for recommending the Simulation Versions and Revisions page in the Wiki. Worth bookmarking.

Thanks UKTrainMan for suggesting a RSS feed to Recent Files - very useful too. I'll look into IFTTT.com though the Recent Files feed should be enough.

Steamer wrote
Don't forget the Newsletters which are now e-mailed out when Simulations are released/updated.
This puzzled me. The link was to a forum post mentioning newsletter #1, yet nothing about how to subscribe to it. Obviously no point in clicking the Subscribe button at the top of the thread as the thread wasn't the actual newsletter, only about it. There's no advice elsewhere on the forum or on the home page that I can find about how to subscribe to this newsletter or indeed how often it is likely to appear. It's now 6 months since notice of the first was posted.

IMO newsletters can be a mixed blessing. I try to keep their number as small as possible as they clutter up my mailbox and usually require me to return to the originating website to take advantage of any offers, so I usually prefer to bookmark and scan the website/forum directly, though in this situation a Recent Files newsfeed seems like the best solution for the subjects raised in this thread.

Let me assure other forum members that my identity has not been hijacked and I am indeed a professional - in my own field.

Last edited: 13/06/2013 at 01:51 by maxand
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The following user said thank you: postal
new sims 13/06/2013 at 05:42 #45678
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
" said:

This puzzled me. The link was to a forum post mentioning newsletter #1, yet nothing about how to subscribe to it. Obviously no point in clicking the Subscribe button at the top of the thread as the thread wasn't the actual newsletter, only about it. There's no advice elsewhere on the forum or on the home page that I can find about how to subscribe to this newsletter or indeed how often it is likely to appear. It's now 6 months since notice of the first was posted.
From memory Newsletter #1 was issued to all forum subscribers (at the time) with an option to unsubscribe from future newsletters. There has been no #2 as yet.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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The following user said thank you: maxand
new sims 13/06/2013 at 11:48 #45682
1637 posts
Thanks Peter for clearing that up.

On looking into it, I found that one's Profile contains a list of current subscriptions including categories as well as individual threads. Any of these can be deleted by checking them, just as on an email inbox page. However, information about recently uploaded files is held in the File Repository which is off-forum. This does make an Announcements section in the forum redundant, unfortunately.

Note that two RSS feeds of Recent Files are available - the most recent Official software and the most recent User-contributed software (mostly timetables). The RSS button for the latter is duplicated on the Official software page.

I will try to make time to write this up in the Wiki.

Last edited: 13/06/2013 at 12:46 by maxand
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new sims 23/06/2013 at 14:56 #45951
2756 posts
" said:
I'm sure Maxand can speak for himself but I don't think we would be doing the Forum any favours by implying that ideas and suggestions (however outlandish) are unwelcome.
As I've said before, Max has made suggestions in the past which have been adopted into sims.

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