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brighton new version

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brighton new version 08/07/2013 at 19:58 #46812
160 posts
hi to all involved a very good sim.

i have noticed that at Brighton we now have a ACI - ON or OFF.

I have also noticed that it inserts the head code for outgoing trains in platforms 5-8 but not platforms 1-4.

once again thanks for an excellent Sim.

Rodney 30

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brighton new version 09/07/2013 at 07:27 #46832
306 posts
Your lucky, we don't get the luxury of ACI in real life. Mind you with the amount of stock changes we get, it wouldn't be worth using it on some days.
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brighton new version 09/07/2013 at 08:20 #46833
129 posts
I imagine you do get a lot of stock changes at Brighton as Lovers Walk prob has a lot of spares during the off peak is this mainly down to train defects and/or short formations for off peak services
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brighton new version 09/07/2013 at 08:31 #46834
306 posts
A good mixture of swapping out defective units and service recovery after perturbation. Getting 313/377/442 back on their correct diagrams for Southern and also the same with FCC for their 319/377 diagrams. How much spare stock Lovers Walk Depot has sitting round I have no idea as most stock would probabily either be going through it's maintenance cycle or is being berthed between the morning and evening peeks and as such has a next diagram.
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