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Holywell Oil Terminal loco movements help

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Holywell Oil Terminal loco movements help 09/07/2013 at 16:52 #46860
Diesel Rider
62 posts
Getting into a right pickle with Holywell DGL in general. Detaching locos and storing them in Dn Siding etc. Have a problem with NWC Project x timetable v1.00. 7f43 is stuck and overhanging the points into the oil terminal so cannot get the joining light engine out! Also the other engines have detached and gone to down neck and to down siding. I assume 7f43 should line up at first shunt signal before the down siding or do I need to move if along in order for it to be taken into the oil terminal? Will try a re run as only 7.36 in the morning and have created chaos!

Any help appreciated. Can attach a save snapshot or game from before this time. We do I upload it to?


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Holywell Oil Terminal loco movements help 09/07/2013 at 16:53 #46861
4870 posts
Is the train stood at HJ33 or HJ37?
"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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Holywell Oil Terminal loco movements help 10/07/2013 at 10:16 #46885
Diesel Rider
62 posts
Hi headshot119

The various trains I usually put at HJ33 in order for the loco to detach into the neck then down siding. Decided to run to HJ37 and it clears the points for the oil terminal and allows the LE (0S081) to come out and join. Interestingly a LE from Mostyn US 0S040 goes to UGL then reverses across the main line and via DGL to Oil siding except that it reports wrong route at the shunt signal HJ48, so abandoned the TT and ran it into the Oil siding and rerun the TT for it. This was done first and then to allow 7F14 into DGL and is now at HJ37 clear of the Oil Terminal and have joined the loco from the Oil siding. The other loco at HJ37 has detached and is in the neck awaiting a move into the down siding. The question is can I put more than one engine into the Down siding and I assume if late running I will have the engines in the wrong order! Can you put more than one engine into the neck?


John Rowley

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Holywell Oil Terminal loco movements help 10/07/2013 at 10:23 #46886
4870 posts
Longer trains need to be brought to a stand at HJ37 (Basically all of the oil trains) otherwise they don't clear the loop points.

Down Neck 165 metres
Down Siding 150 metres

You can get a few locos in each one, and you can get round them being in the wrong order by reassigning timetables using F2.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
Last edited: 10/07/2013 at 10:24 by headshot119
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