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Updates, a thank you, and an apology

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Updates, a thank you, and an apology 01/08/2013 at 21:59 #47822
6325 posts
Firstly, we have issued new versions of the System Files and of the Marylebone simulation. These can be found in the Downloads area, and the version history can be found in the Wiki shortly.

Secondly, a huge thank you to all the support we've received. A very large proportion of those who downloaded Marylebone liked what they saw and went ahead to purchase the full version. Not only that but we still received donations as well, sometimes along with the Marylebone order! If that's not enough encouragement to carry on and try even harder to give you what you want, I don't know what is.

Finally, an apology to those who did suffer some problems. I would like to stress that these were in a significant minority - those who didn't encounter any problems didn't generally feel the need to post about it, and those who did had every right to be vocal about it. These are the reasons people had problems, in order of magnitude from highest:

1. Licenses not automatically issued. What is supposed to happen is that the 3rd party HikaShop software on this site sends a payment processing request to PayPal. PayPal does all the secure stuff, and then sends a notification back to HikaShop. HikaShop then informs its own plugins of a successful order, which includes the SimSig website issuing those licenses. However, something has been going wrong within the HikaShop shop software between the PayPal notification and the calling of plugins, which they have acknowledged and are working on. Resolution: Until the HikaShop software is fixed, licenses are issued manually, usually when we receive PayPal notification (independent of HikaShop) but sometimes not until a day or two later.

2. Users not installing the latest software or rebooting after an install. These days a reboot shouldn't be necessary but it seems that on certain systems the install is not complete until the machine has been rebooted. Resolution: The installer has been changed to strongly suggest a reboot rather than making it an option that is perhaps overlooked. We also need to make the installation instructions clearer, including the need to actually download and install the latest system files.

3. Some non-English installation of Windows, such as Chinese or Hungarian, did not display properly. Resolution: We worked with users in a couple of countries to ensure the solution worked. Thanks to those users.

Obviously it's disappointing to us when problems like this happen, especially when they're beyond our control. The majority of you have been very understanding and we really appreciate you being patient. A major release like this is bound to have at least some teething issues, no matter for how long and how wide the testing goes. But we can still do better, and that's what we hope to do. Again, thanks for your support.

SimSig Boss
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The following users said thank you: Sparky, gbaban, rwpenny, English Taffy, EGDR, Southernrover, Didcot, Chan, duncan89, CTCThiago, jnjkerbin, UKTrainMan, KymriskaDraken, Noisynoel, Hooverman, meeko, Josie, whitetigger, John, officer dibble, mfloyd, andyb0607, guyh, derbybest, GoochyB, rodney30, Phil-jmw, Silverstar, TimTamToe, dk3000, broodje, Gwasanaethau, John 23, outofsection, Richard42, Steamer, Anthony061, crompton, Mattyq, larsht, geswedey, miker15
Updates, a thank you, and an apology 08/08/2013 at 17:42 #48120
17 posts
Good Day!

My problem was - not correct screen with russian region setting.

After reinstalling new system and Marylebone files the problem with Marylebone was solved.

But not solved with "Brighton1_2b3a", "Lancing3_246b3a" and "LivSt3_1a".

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Updates, a thank you, and an apology 08/08/2013 at 19:54 #48129
6325 posts
" said:
But not solved with "Brighton1_2b3a", "Lancing3_246b3a" and "LivSt3_1a".
I've yet to re-release these with the fix. Watch the forum and/or home page for news of this.

SimSig Boss
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The following user said thank you: Mikhail
Updates, a thank you, and an apology 12/08/2013 at 22:29 #48266
6325 posts
Regarding #1 above, we think this is now fixed. There were actually several issues: the HikaShop software changed (and introduced a bug, now fixed) which required settings in both HikaShop and PayPal to be changed. We've now have several orders go through successfully so fingers crossed it really is fixed.
SimSig Boss
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Updates, a thank you, and an apology 12/08/2013 at 22:31 #48267
Sam Tugwell
493 posts
Just bought Fenchurch and the licence came through automatically.
"Signalman Exeter"
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The following user said thank you: GeoffM
Updates, a thank you, and an apology 12/08/2013 at 22:51 #48268
1277 posts
Yep. Licence came through automatically for me as well. Nice work.


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Updates, a thank you, and an apology 24/11/2013 at 17:01 #51954
17 posts
Good Day!

I installed v4 versions of simulations and now my screen problem
with russian region and language settings is solved!


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Updates, a thank you, and an apology 09/01/2014 at 11:39 #53693
12 posts
All good wishes for the coming year to you all at SimSig.
Just read GeoffM's post concerning PayPal and Hika Shop. It seems that the problems are still there. I paid for a copy of Marylebone on 02.01.14. PayPal No.- J1J0U1K991.
The reply email states a licence will follow by separate message. .....Still waiting.....!
Any ideas what might be happening. Or not. Many Thanx.

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Updates, a thank you, and an apology 09/01/2014 at 12:16 #53694
4869 posts
Have you opened the License Manager and checked if it has come through?
"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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Updates, a thank you, and an apology 09/01/2014 at 13:07 #53697
1841 posts
" said:
All good wishes for the coming year to you all at SimSig.
Just read GeoffM's post concerning PayPal and Hika Shop. It seems that the problems are still there. I paid for a copy of Marylebone on 02.01.14. PayPal No.- J1J0U1K991.
The reply email states a licence will follow by separate message. .....Still waiting.....!
Any ideas what might be happening. Or not. Many Thanx.
Licence Manager shows licence has been issued, and allocated to a PC.

I can only help one person a day. Today's not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look too good either.
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Updates, a thank you, and an apology 09/01/2014 at 14:59 #53700
12 posts
Licence Manager has given access, but sim still only runs in demo mode. On starting it says there is no valid Licence issued.
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Updates, a thank you, and an apology 09/01/2014 at 15:11 #53702
68 posts
Do you have common.cfg file in C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\SimSig folder? License Manager should create the file, but if you're missing the folder, create it first and run Licence Manager again.


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Updates, a thank you, and an apology 09/01/2014 at 16:54 #53705
12 posts
Yup. Had a read through some earlier posts and saw that was a possibilty. The file is in the Users/Pynlic/PublicDocumenrts/SimSig folders. Can't think what else might be holding things up.
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Updates, a thank you, and an apology 09/01/2014 at 17:14 #53707
989 posts
I have suffered a similar issue and had to get the license re-issued which seemed to cure the problem.
Hang fire a few mins. A dev is having a look as I type

Last edited: 09/01/2014 at 17:16 by Noisynoel
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The following user said thank you: wossop699
Updates, a thank you, and an apology 09/01/2014 at 17:18 #53708
1586 posts
Second license issued, try allocating that one to your machine
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Updates, a thank you, and an apology 09/01/2014 at 17:49 #53710
12 posts
Many thanx for your efforts so far.
"......Second Licence issued"....."
Where to? And How? Email. Forum. Pigeon!

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Updates, a thank you, and an apology 09/01/2014 at 17:57 #53711
4869 posts
To your license Manager, which is where all licenses go.
"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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Updates, a thank you, and an apology 09/01/2014 at 18:10 #53712
12 posts
Sorry, Guys. That doesn't work either. One thing is for certain. Anytime there is the most remote possibilty of something out of the ordinary getting in the way, I'm your man waiting for it to happen!!
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Updates, a thank you, and an apology 09/01/2014 at 18:15 #53713
94 posts
Just curious, would un-allocating the licences and then doing a fresh install solve the issue?
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Updates, a thank you, and an apology 09/01/2014 at 18:17 #53714
3946 posts
" said:
Sorry, Guys. That doesn't work either.
Could you give more detail? What happens when you open the Manager and log in to it?

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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Updates, a thank you, and an apology 09/01/2014 at 19:33 #53718
6325 posts
" said:
Just read GeoffM's post concerning PayPal and Hika Shop. It seems that the problems are still there. I paid for a copy of Marylebone on 02.01.14. PayPal No.- J1J0U1K991.
The reply email states a licence will follow by separate message. .....Still waiting.....!
Any ideas what might be happening. Or not. Many Thanx.
No, the problems were fixed several months ago and hundreds of licenses later there have been no problems - at least not ones easily fixed. The email states that a license has been issued; the "separate emails" bit says "**Other** product licenses may arrive in separate emails" (my emphasis).

James issued you a second license but you don't appear to have picked it up. Go in to license manager, unallocate the original license, and allocate the new one. Then try running Marylebone again.

If that doesn't work, try uninstalling everything, rebooting, download and re-install, reboot, allocate license, and run.

SimSig Boss
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Updates, a thank you, and an apology 09/01/2014 at 21:15 #53720
9 posts
And thanks to you and all the Sim Sig team for the many hours of fun and entertainment. Please keep up the great work. Have just recently rediscovered the Cambridge sim - with a lot of very good and interesting TTs ... any chance of an updated scrolly version of this one?
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Updates, a thank you, and an apology 09/01/2014 at 21:50 #53721
884 posts
Back in December 2011, Clive said he had no plans to 'scrollify' Cambridge.
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Updates, a thank you, and an apology 10/01/2014 at 10:12 #53740
12 posts
Morning chaps. And any chapesses that may be here! Heaps of thanx to everyone who got involved yesterday regarding the above. I've done as was hinted at yesterday evening. Uprooted the Loader and the Marylebone sim.
Re-installed both, and the licence sync'ed itself as the sim was starting up. Don't know why it was not so the first time but, that's not unusual in this house!
Good Luck and Good Health in the coming Year.

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Updates, a thank you, and an apology 10/01/2014 at 15:38 #53749
989 posts
" said:
Sorry, Guys. That doesn't work either. One thing is for certain. Anytime there is the most remote possibilty of something out of the ordinary getting in the way, I'm your man waiting for it to happen!!
Did you go into the license manager and refresh it then allocate the new license to the appropriate computer?

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