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Downloads (Simsig Launcher)

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Downloads (Simsig Launcher) 08/11/2013 at 18:29 #51055
Class 92
359 posts
I think a good idea to help 'newbies' is too put in the description of the sim, if it requires the SimSig launcher.
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Downloads (Simsig Launcher) 19/11/2013 at 19:23 #51749
315 posts
If you look on the Downloads, there is a file called SimSig Revisions, it is out of date (I'll ask AndyG to update it), and I'll also see if he can add if the sims are .exe or launcher versions
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Downloads (Simsig Launcher) 19/11/2013 at 22:01 #51756
Stephen Fulcher
2066 posts
Most of them say in the Wiki, although you have to go fishing for it a little.

It is a good idea to put it on the download page itself as that is most likely where people will look.

The revisions list is quite old if I remember correctly, and I cannot personally see many people downloading it before a sim!

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