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loading timetables to the sim

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loading timetables to the sim 19/11/2013 at 10:33 #51730
21 posts
I have been away from SimSig for various reasons, when I returned I have found that you have changed the format for loading a game. After spending almost 90 minutes I have worked out how to load the locations in using the SimSig loader. Now my problem is I can not load a time table for the Kings Cross sim, so could some one please help a dinosaur with this problem. I have got wtt in the c/users/public/public doccuments/SimSig/timetables so how do I get them from there to the sim so that I can play

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loading timetables to the sim 19/11/2013 at 10:39 #51731
1171 posts
You're very nearly there, Kings Cross timetables go in that folder, in their own KingsX folder (or whatever the name of the relevant .sim is).
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loading timetables to the sim 20/11/2013 at 08:59 #51769
21 posts
:angry: Thanks SACRO I have done that but when I go and start I find that the TT has not loaded into the sim, so my query is how do you get the TT you select into the sim so that you can play
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loading timetables to the sim 20/11/2013 at 09:11 #51770
884 posts
In the timetables folder there should be sub folders for each sim and the WTT files should be inside those.

If this is already the case then I'm not sure what is going wrong.

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loading timetables to the sim 20/11/2013 at 17:07 #51777
3946 posts
" said:
:angry: Thanks SACRO I have done that but when I go and start I find that the TT has not loaded into the sim, so my query is how do you get the TT you select into the sim so that you can play
Just to eliminate it as a possibility, when you select the Simulation in the Loader, do you press 'Next' (taking you onto an options/TT selection page) or just 'Start'?

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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loading timetables to the sim 20/11/2013 at 17:58 #51780
37 posts
This was all so simple before the new loader was introduced. I admit I am a technofobe and find it quite difficult at times. I can't seem to do this either. I use Windows 7 . Life is not easy.When I downloaded a timetable iam not given the option to download it to the loader however it has downloaded else where on the computer and I now have no idea where to find it.
Last edited: 20/11/2013 at 18:03 by Hugh
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loading timetables to the sim 20/11/2013 at 18:38 #51784
5208 posts
" said:
This was all so simple before the new loader was introduced. I admit I am a technofobe and find it quite difficult at times. I can't seem to do this either. I use Windows 7 . Life is not easy.When I downloaded a timetable iam not given the option to download it to the loader however it has downloaded else where on the computer and I now have no idea where to find it.
On the Start button in Windows 7 is a Search option. Use that to look for the file. Microsoft also give some other suggestions on how to find downloaded files in Vista here some of which may be applicable to Windows 7.

If it a zip file, you will need to move the WTT file out of the zip folder to put it into the Simsig\Timetables\{Sim Name} folder.

Once you get your head round it, the Loader does become easy to use.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
Last edited: 20/11/2013 at 18:47 by postal
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loading timetables to the sim 20/11/2013 at 19:07 #51788
1841 posts
" said:
When I downloaded a timetable iam not given the option to download it to the loader however it has downloaded else where on the computer and I now have no idea where to find it.
There's probably an option in your browser setting to 'ask for location before downloading' rather than automatically to a default location.

It's what I have ticked in mine (Chrome), albeit that Chrome cancelled the setting when it 'updated' itself.

I can only help one person a day. Today's not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look too good either.
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loading timetables to the sim 20/11/2013 at 19:22 #51789
902 posts
Right click and save link as... What I tend to use when I want something to go to a certain location
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loading timetables to the sim 20/11/2013 at 19:26 #51790
771 posts
It's may be even easier than that. Many browsers have a download history which you can access using <Ctrl>-J. If you downloaded the TT, it will be in this list. Depending on the browser, you should be able to open the folder the TT was downloaded into. Here's the browsers I know how to do it...

In FireFox, right-click the file and select the "Open Containing folder...".
In Google Chrome, there is a "Show In folder" link just underneath the filename.

Doing the above opens the folder where the download was saved to so you shouldn't need to search for it.

Now, TT's aren't built into an installer (unless its part of the installation package for the sim itself). This is because Geoff would have to create one for every TT that a user submits (unless the user knows how to create an windows installer themselves that is). It's do-able but a quite time consuming process. As a result, the TT's are just left as files you download, usually Zipped up, that you have to first extract and then copy to the correct location.

What you are after for Windows 7 for sims that use the loader is to first extract the WTT file from the download (asuming you don't just get the .WTT on it's own) and then move your .WTT file to C:\Users\Public Documents\SimSig\Timetables\<Sim Name> where <Sim Name> is the name of the sim. If you have downloaded and installed the specific simulation to the default location, the relevant folder should already exist.

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loading timetables to the sim 20/11/2013 at 19:57 #51791
37 posts
Thankyou to everyone for these helpful suggestions but they are all a step beyond me. I still have a copy of my old hard drive from my Windows XP machine and although I had a session with someone from a computer shop who even wrote down fairly easy to follow steps when I try to do them I can't get them to work.I now use Windows 7 or try to. I will just make do with what I have for now until I can find someone willing to give me further reasonably priced tuition.
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loading timetables to the sim 20/11/2013 at 22:29 #51795
771 posts

If your instructions are for Windows XP then they aren't likely to work on Windows 7 because the lovely Microsoft moved things around and renamed things when it released Windows Vista which is what Windows 7 is based on).

If you have an electronic copy of those instructions and you can get them to me, I will be happy to go through them and make the necessary alterations so that it will work under Windows 7 and send them back to you.

You shouldn't have to pay someone to show you how to use a PC, not for something like this after all.

Edit: If I lived in the UK I'd offer to drive to your house and do it for you as it would take only a matter of a few minutes to get things sorted out for you. Sadly though, I am an 8-hour flight away.....

Last edited: 20/11/2013 at 22:35 by Lardybiker
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loading timetables to the sim 20/11/2013 at 23:34 #51802
5208 posts
" said:

If your instructions are for Windows XP then they aren't likely to work on Windows 7 because the lovely Microsoft moved things around and renamed things when it released Windows Vista which is what Windows 7 is based on).

If you have an electronic copy of those instructions and you can get them to me, I will be happy to go through them and make the necessary alterations so that it will work under Windows 7 and send them back to you.

You shouldn't have to pay someone to show you how to use a PC, not for something like this after all.

Edit: If I lived in the UK I'd offer to drive to your house and do it for you as it would take only a matter of a few minutes to get things sorted out for you. Sadly though, I am an 8-hour flight away.....
Perhaps if Hugh could give an indication as to whereabouts he lives, there may be a helpful SimSigger within range that could help him sort things out.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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loading timetables to the sim 21/11/2013 at 07:50 #51809
21 posts

I tried the Victoria LUL with timetable supplied, I clicked start but still not got the time table that came with the sim so I am still frustrated, so the old saying should apply "If it is not broke why fix it"

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loading timetables to the sim 21/11/2013 at 09:26 #51812
35 posts
When you select a sim in the loader you should then press "Next" so that you can then select which scenarios and timetable you would like to use - Do not press start until the "Next" button is greyed out and no longer available
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loading timetables to the sim 21/11/2013 at 09:46 #51813
37 posts
Does any other Simsigger live in or near to Chard,Somerset? My contact number is

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Last edited: 21/11/2013 at 15:04 by mfcooper
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loading timetables to the sim 24/11/2013 at 05:51 #51932
21 posts
Thanks everybody I have worked it out

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