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Shout Box, Soap Box

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Shout Box, Soap Box 29/01/2014 at 02:47 #54455
111 posts
Isn't it time that NoiseyNoel and officials of SimSig get used to people using the shoutbox to ask questions, such as is there a multi-play game being hosted. It is a legitimate question and also encourages potential hosts to canvasse for more players.

So stop making comments designed to surpress conversation and interaction. If you want to be helpful and point people towards the Hosting notices, then do so, in a positive and friendly manner, designed to encourage people.

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Shout Box, Soap Box 29/01/2014 at 03:13 #54456
989 posts
Exactly what have I done wrong here? I just stated that I would look in the forum for the info on behalf of tomcloy? Is this not trying to assist someone in the quest for an answer to their question? Or are we not allowed to assist other people anymore?

Everytime I come on this forum I see you berating everyone else and constantly slagging SimSig off! Do you have nothing better to do? Who made you captain of the shout box?

I suggest you get your head out of your ARSe and stop sticking your nose in things that don't involve or concern you!

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The following users said thank you: DriverCurran, flyingpigs123456, Forest Pines
Shout Box, Soap Box 29/01/2014 at 03:14 #54457
989 posts
For some strange reason, I can see the shout box being removed from this forum very soon as all it ever does is cause issues.
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Shout Box, Soap Box 29/01/2014 at 04:03 #54459
1586 posts
Hmmm tough one.

Firstly, I think Noel and SimSig officials are well-used to the shoutbox being used to ask questions, and giving out help and tech support through it.

The problem lies in that it's the same people, asking the same question several times a day, everyday. You're right, they should be pointed to the hosting details section but how often? I've so far operated on the principal of telling them once - and even then I drew flak for linking the user to the relevant place instead of just answering the question.

I don't think SimSig want to suppress interaction and discussion, if they do it's not a memo I've been sent. But nor do I think they want to see the same users asking the same thing day in, day out.

Where do you draw the line?

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The following users said thank you: officer dibble, DriverCurran
Shout Box, Soap Box 29/01/2014 at 05:18 #54462
6325 posts
" said:
Isn't it time that NoiseyNoel and officials of SimSig get used to people using the shoutbox to ask questions, such as is there a multi-play game being hosted. It is a legitimate question and also encourages potential hosts to canvasse for more players.
The problem that I get continual complaints about is a shout box message of the form "is anyone hosting?" followed just a little further down the same page by one or more entries in the "Forum Latest" indicating that hosting is indeed happening. Is it laziness to not bother scrolling down a few screen inches to find out the answer yourself? Or is the question phrased poorly and the user actually means something different?

" said:
So stop making comments designed to surpress conversation and interaction. If you want to be helpful and point people towards the Hosting notices, then do so, in a positive and friendly manner, designed to encourage people.
If you scroll down... ah, I see the problem. Anyway, what I was going to say was that if you scroll down you'll see that people - including your nominated victim - have been helpful. When the same person then just repeats the same question again when games are clearly going on right at that minute, I can see why people get fed up. It just clutters up the shout box with pointless questions quickly followed by nasty rants in the forum.

SimSig Boss
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The following users said thank you: DriverCurran, officer dibble, jishmondo
Shout Box, Soap Box 29/01/2014 at 06:57 #54463
2756 posts
" said:
Isn't it time that NoiseyNoel and officials of SimSig
"officials of SimSig"?

Apart from Geoff, there aren't any "officials".

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Shout Box, Soap Box 29/01/2014 at 09:01 #54469
271 posts
Personally, I can't see what all the fuss is about. If you are fed up of the same people asking the same question day after day then simply ignore them. Eventually they will get fed up and go elsewhere.
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Shout Box, Soap Box 29/01/2014 at 09:37 #54471
5208 posts
" said:
Personally, I can't see what all the fuss is about. If you are fed up of the same people asking the same question day after day then simply ignore them. Eventually they will get fed up and go elsewhere.
Or give people the option to disable the shoutbox so that they can't see it (with obvious benefits to their temper and blood pressure). If the people who normally answer the questions do that it will soon be left to those who expect to be spoon fed with no-one holding the spoon.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Shout Box, Soap Box 29/01/2014 at 11:05 #54476
22 posts
I am relatively new to the community so I think I could have more of an idea why a newbie would be saying this in the shoutbox. I think it's more to show an interest in wanting to play a game and show yourself to the community, rather than just gaining the information. There's better ways of doing it, but when I first started I didn't know what to do or ask but knew I wanted to get myself out there and show I am keen.

I do agree though it can be frustrating and the continuous stream of the same question over and over and over again is tedious, but maybe the question could just be ignored? Instead of a massive argument (of course if they're taking the p*** a bit, and causing a problem for everybody else then you should have every right to do something about it).

I think it's very important that the community doesn't de-rail, at the end of the day it's a game that anybody can play. And a website anybody can see or join. :)

Just saying, I don't want to look like I am taking sides :lol: just my opinion.

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Shout Box, Soap Box 29/01/2014 at 11:10 #54477
22 posts
Also I don't think it's a good idea for people to post their IP address and open port number in the shoutbox. From an internet security point of view it's a really bad idea to do it.
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The following user said thank you: Aurora
Shout Box, Soap Box 29/01/2014 at 11:34 #54478
72 posts
I expect it's been asked before, but is there any way to run some kind of a "lobby" service that shows open public sessions (even showing numbers connected and number of open panels etc), e.g. some button on the loader to fire it up

Ashamed to admit that i've not actually got around to doing multiplayer yet, so this might be way overkill but thought that despite the hassle of writing/hosting such a thing it might end up a timesaver in the long run (i.e. less rehashing of the same arguments for and against using the shoutbox to ask)

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Shout Box, Soap Box 29/01/2014 at 12:21 #54488
989 posts
All this because I tried helping someone.. won't bother next time!
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Shout Box, Soap Box 29/01/2014 at 12:34 #54490
271 posts
[quote="Noisynoel" .. won't bother next time![/quote]

That's pretty much what I suggested a few posts earlier ;

Personally, I don't have an issue with you saying to check the forum but your 'rant' in response to Roadrunner's original post did seem a bit harsh IMHO. Although not directed at me personally several terse replies such as that started to appear on the forum a while back and I therefore stopped using it for a while (at least I followed my own advice and ignored it).

Nevertheless, I can understand your frustration but in the greater scheme of things does it really matter ? It really isn't worth letting it bother you. It's taken me the best part of 45 years to learn that lesson (and I'm still learning).

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Shout Box, Soap Box 29/01/2014 at 13:05 #54494
40 posts
Whilst i have been an offender in asking if there is going to be a host, i only ask if there isnt a host listed in the forum, so that i can decide if it's worth hanging around, or going off to do something else.

if a few people say they're interested in seeing a host i'll more than happily host it, i do think it would be better if people checked to see if there were any hosts running before asking "is there a host".

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Shout Box, Soap Box 29/01/2014 at 13:58 #54500
94 posts
" said:
Whilst i have been an offender in asking if there is going to be a host, i only ask if there isnt a host listed in the forum, so that i can decide if it's worth hanging around, or going off to do something else.

if a few people say they're interested in seeing a host i'll more than happily host it, i do think it would be better if people checked to see if there were any hosts running before asking "is there a host".
Exactly the same here. I've asked if anyone is thinking of hosting on the odd occasion, mainly as I'd like to see a Marylebone host and unfortunately can't host myself due to the wonders that is CableCom.

That said, asking several times in the space of a hour / evening is slightly annoying. As is asking when it is clear a host is going on.

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Shout Box, Soap Box 29/01/2014 at 14:10 #54502
315 posts
As a long-standing user of the forums (and Simsig) I know how this establishment works, U therefore hope that people who are new will understand that we do things our way, and that by pointing them in the right direction ONCE they should know for future reference, If you choose to ask the same thing over and over expect there to be hostility!

I for one dislike the shoutbox, I'd like to have seen it as a way to discuss sims. ask for help/advice or to discuss real world events, instead it's used by those who choose to be ignorant/lazy (delete as appropriate) and ask for hosting sessions, when we have a dedicated forum for those types of requezts.

Those who ask about hosting should also be pointed in the direction of the "subscribe" button for that forum, that will email users whenever a new post is added (similar to the SHEN that I introduced donkeys ago!)

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Shout Box, Soap Box 29/01/2014 at 21:04 #54533
Forest Pines
525 posts
" said:

I for one dislike the shoutbox, I'd like to have seen it as a way to discuss sims. ask for help/advice or to discuss real world events, instead it's used by those who choose to be ignorant/lazy (delete as appropriate) and ask for hosting sessions, when we have a dedicated forum for those types of requezts.
The sad thing to my mind is that when it first appeared the shout box was mostly used for informal discussions of the sort described, and it's only relatively recently that it's degenerated to nothing but a stream of "is anyone hosting?", "thanks for hosting" and over-the-top attacks on anyone who dares question its use for this.

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Shout Box, Soap Box 29/01/2014 at 21:17 #54539
963 posts
Maybe The Powers That Be could put the "Forum Latest" thing above the Shout Box so that it's the first thing that people see.


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Shout Box, Soap Box 29/01/2014 at 21:18 #54540
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
I thought it was possible to opt out of the chat-box but it appears not. Mind you you don't have to look at it; if you do you don't have to read it; if you do you don't have to pass comment.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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The following user said thank you: Forest Pines
Shout Box, Soap Box 29/01/2014 at 21:22 #54542
963 posts
" said:
I thought it was possible to opt out of the chat-box but it appears not.

There's an "on/off" button top left but I don't know how it functions (or even if it functions). It does change colour when clicked though.


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Shout Box, Soap Box 29/01/2014 at 21:28 #54544
183 posts
" said:
I don't think SimSig want to suppress interaction and discussion, if they do it's not a memo I've been sent. But nor do I think they want to see the same users asking the same thing day in, day out.

Where do you draw the line?

Preferably, those users would restrain themselves. I've done it, and would do it again, but not everyday of the week.

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