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Possible for a single player to play just a single panel?

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Possible for a single player to play just a single panel? 03/02/2014 at 14:18 #54907
1637 posts
With Westbury in mind, is it possible for me as a single player to simply play just a single panel of this sim?

I have not set my PC up as a server (but I suppose I could do so if required). Many of the sims can be quite demanding to play in their entirety, so it left me wondering.

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Possible for a single player to play just a single panel? 03/02/2014 at 14:38 #54908
989 posts
No, because someone will still need to run the other panels as it doesn't have ARS
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Possible for a single player to play just a single panel? 03/02/2014 at 15:25 #54910
707 posts
Automatic Route Setting needs to be programmed specifically for any location it is to be implemented in. This complicated work has only been done in SimSig where the developer wanted to. Some SimSigs (eg: Liverpool Street) have ARS in real life, but others (eg: Victoria Central/Eastern) do not, but the dev has decided to be nice to the users.

To date, I don't believe Westbury has had this requested before, but as Westbury is not considered to be one of the most highly demanding sims, I suspect adding ARS isn't a priority use for a developers time.

Last edited: 03/02/2014 at 15:25 by mfcooper
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Possible for a single player to play just a single panel? 03/02/2014 at 15:48 #54912
452 posts
I found Peterborough quite enjoyable with all of the sim bar the station in ARS. As Mfcooper says unfortunately for a developer it's not a trivial thing to add.
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Possible for a single player to play just a single panel? 03/02/2014 at 17:56 #54919
3945 posts
Out of interest, did you consider my advice in this post, based on the saved game you uploaded? There's quite a few auto buttons on Westbury that can be set and left all day- those at Somerton, Castle Cary, 120 & 124 at East Somerset Junction etc. There's also some at Warminster and other rarely used branches (Bradford Jct) where they can be left most of the time, and only cancelled when a train is due. For example, at Warminster- 303 and 308 can be left all day, as the routes don't cross any points. 301 and 306 only need to be cancelled when a train requires the crossover, or needs to leave the MOD sidings.

Auto buttons make life a lot easier, especially when two trains are following each other closely. They also give you more time to notice trains entering at Cogload Junction- the first route you need to set for them is from signal 49 at Castle Cary, as opposed to 41 at Somerton.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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Possible for a single player to play just a single panel? 03/02/2014 at 20:16 #54940
1637 posts
Thanks for all your replies.

With Westbury in mind, is it possible for me as a single player to simply play just a single panel of this sim?
I really meant "a single panel of any sim" rather than Westbury in particular, but it seems Noisynoel answered this by saying basically that the answer is NO. Even if Westbury had ARS I would still need to deal with ARS trains passing through the panel I selected to play, if necessary.

Thanks TomOF for suggesting Peterborough. Haven't tried this one - will look into it.

Also thanks Steamer for recommending greater use of auto buttons to help playing Westbury. Yes, I did read your other post and have now played Westbury long enough to be aware of this. Apart from a few spots such as Warminster, Somerton and Bradford Jn where auto can mostly be left on (and should have been by default IMO), I find it more of a nuisance to set auto (e.g., Bedwyn Siding, Newbury) as the next train will probably need it turned off. The worst omissions of auto from this sim are 49 and 154, just upline of Castle Cary. There's no way to relax in this sim without checking them frequently.

Last edited: 03/02/2014 at 20:17 by maxand
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Possible for a single player to play just a single panel? 03/02/2014 at 20:33 #54945
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
" said:
The worst omissions of auto from this sim are 49 and 154, just upline of Castle Cary.
They are not omitted from the Sim: the panel does not have them, unless you know better.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Possible for a single player to play just a single panel? 03/02/2014 at 20:52 #54946
5208 posts
I know it falls out side the remit in the title but the obvious way to run a single panel in a larger sim is to join a multiplayer game. There is enough of a worldwide following for SimSig now that most people will be able to find something running when they wish to go online.

There will be people who are wary of exposing their inadequacies if they join a multiplay session but most sessions run on the principle that we all had to start once upon a time so we've all had to go through the learning process. It is rare that help is not offered in the most generous of spirits if someone joins and is finding things a bit of a struggle.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Possible for a single player to play just a single panel? 03/02/2014 at 22:17 #54960
6325 posts
Should also note that not all areas are suited to ARS anyway. Real world locations with ARS have usually been designed with ARS in mind, both in terms of track layout and signalling, and in terms of timetabling. A lot of ARS-specific data went into the two Vics but the layout fortunately lent itself to ARS. West Hampstead not so much, hence why it doesn't have ARS.
SimSig Boss
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Possible for a single player to play just a single panel? 03/02/2014 at 22:57 #54965
3635 posts
" said:
Should also note that not all areas are suited to ARS anyway. Real world locations with ARS have usually been designed with ARS in mind, both in terms of track layout and signalling, and in terms of timetabling. A lot of ARS-specific data went into the two Vics but the layout fortunately lent itself to ARS. West Hampstead not so much, hence why it doesn't have ARS.
out of curiousity Geoff could you elaborate on what sort of track layout and signalling is ARS freindly?

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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Possible for a single player to play just a single panel? 03/02/2014 at 23:09 #54966
6325 posts
" said:
" said:
Should also note that not all areas are suited to ARS anyway. Real world locations with ARS have usually been designed with ARS in mind, both in terms of track layout and signalling, and in terms of timetabling. A lot of ARS-specific data went into the two Vics but the layout fortunately lent itself to ARS. West Hampstead not so much, hence why it doesn't have ARS.
out of curiousity Geoff could you elaborate on what sort of track layout and signalling is ARS freindly?
Track-circuited sidings and yards with shunter acceptances mean ARS can signal in in the knowledge that it is safe to do so. Main running signals rather that shunt signals helps. As many TD berths and as much TD stepping as possible means that ARS can keep track of which train is where. Shunter-interposed TD berths on the exits to sidings/yards/etc (eg instead of a phone call) mean ARS can set out of those yards/sidings. Plenty of train approach information so it can regulate properly. Track layouts and/or signalling that help prevent legal-but-undesirable stand-offs help.

Timetables can be missing information that ARS needs. A human signaller can read the timetable and work out what is intended by the planner, but ARS needs a few more babysteps sometimes - usually just line/path/platform codes, but can sometimes mean re-evaluating timing points and suchlike.

SimSig Boss
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The following user said thank you: jc92
Possible for a single player to play just a single panel? 04/02/2014 at 00:26 #54969
310 posts
" said:
I really meant "a single panel of any sim" rather than Westbury in particular, but it seems Noisynoel answered this by saying basically that the answer is NO. Even if Westbury had ARS I would still need to deal with ARS trains passing through the panel I selected to play, if necessary.
I can't quite work out what you're after here, Maxand. Are you saying that, even if Westbury had ARS, that wouldn't suit because you'd still have to signal manually on one panel yourself? Is that not what you're looking for?

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Possible for a single player to play just a single panel? 04/02/2014 at 01:07 #54971
718 posts
Surely a simpler solution to ARS, if this were to be implemented in SimSig, would be for each panel in a sim to have associated entry/exit timing points for each panel in the sim to which it connects, so that trains can be set to enter/exit the panel instead of the whole sim? (This way, any panel or combination of panels could be played just like a normal sim).
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Possible for a single player to play just a single panel? 04/02/2014 at 01:30 #54972
1171 posts
" said:
Surely a simpler solution to ARS, if this were to be implemented in SimSig, would be for each panel in a sim to have associated entry/exit timing points for each panel in the sim to which it connects, so that trains can be set to enter/exit the panel instead of the whole sim? (This way, any panel or combination of panels could be played just like a normal sim).
However not every panel is bounded by mandatory timing points.

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Possible for a single player to play just a single panel? 04/02/2014 at 01:54 #54974
1637 posts
maxand wrote:
I really meant "a single panel of any sim" rather than Westbury in particular, but it seems Noisynoel answered this by saying basically that the answer is NO. Even if Westbury had ARS I would still need to deal with ARS trains passing through the panel I selected to play, if necessary.

I can't quite work out what you're after here, Maxand. Are you saying that, even if Westbury had ARS, that wouldn't suit because you'd still have to signal manually on one panel yourself? Is that not what you're looking for?
Sorry for not explaining myself clearly enough. What I had in mind was the ability to play only a single panel in a large multipanel sim, without needing to join a multiplayer game.

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Possible for a single player to play just a single panel? 04/02/2014 at 02:10 #54975
718 posts
" said:
" said:
Surely a simpler solution to ARS, if this were to be implemented in SimSig, would be for each panel in a sim to have associated entry/exit timing points for each panel in the sim to which it connects, so that trains can be set to enter/exit the panel instead of the whole sim? (This way, any panel or combination of panels could be played just like a normal sim).
However not every panel is bounded by mandatory timing points.
Some would have to be invented/approximated specifically for SimSig timetables, and added to existing timetables, yes. That's still easier than implementing a "perfect" ARS into every sim that has more than one panel ;)

(Not saying doing it this way is easy - just that it's easier ;))

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Possible for a single player to play just a single panel? 04/02/2014 at 02:27 #54976
310 posts
" said:
maxand wrote:
I really meant "a single panel of any sim" rather than Westbury in particular, but it seems Noisynoel answered this by saying basically that the answer is NO. Even if Westbury had ARS I would still need to deal with ARS trains passing through the panel I selected to play, if necessary.

I can't quite work out what you're after here, Maxand. Are you saying that, even if Westbury had ARS, that wouldn't suit because you'd still have to signal manually on one panel yourself? Is that not what you're looking for?
Sorry for not explaining myself clearly enough. What I had in mind was the ability to play only a single panel in a large multipanel sim, without needing to join a multiplayer game.
Right, but that's exacty what ARS offers, on sims where it's provided. You can leave the ARS to look after the entire sim if you like, or switch it off in whichever subareas you choose so that you can set routes manually. It's not available on Westbury, but take SwinDid as an example - when you start the sim ARS is enabled everywhere, so if you want to operate (let's say) workstation 3, you disable the ARS subareas around Didcot Parkway and Wantage Road, and then that area is all down to you, while ARS sets routes on the rest of the sim.

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Possible for a single player to play just a single panel? 04/02/2014 at 06:55 #54979
1637 posts
Thanks Josie, I didn't realize that. Will give it a try in sims that have it.
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Possible for a single player to play just a single panel? 04/02/2014 at 07:10 #54980
1637 posts
Hmmm...Could you not add them to the next update and show them the error of their ways?
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Possible for a single player to play just a single panel? 04/02/2014 at 14:40 #54998
718 posts
" said:
" said:
maxand wrote:
I really meant "a single panel of any sim" rather than Westbury in particular, but it seems Noisynoel answered this by saying basically that the answer is NO. Even if Westbury had ARS I would still need to deal with ARS trains passing through the panel I selected to play, if necessary.

I can't quite work out what you're after here, Maxand. Are you saying that, even if Westbury had ARS, that wouldn't suit because you'd still have to signal manually on one panel yourself? Is that not what you're looking for?
Sorry for not explaining myself clearly enough. What I had in mind was the ability to play only a single panel in a large multipanel sim, without needing to join a multiplayer game.
Right, but that's exacty what ARS offers, on sims where it's provided. You can leave the ARS to look after the entire sim if you like, or switch it off in whichever subareas you choose so that you can set routes manually. It's not available on Westbury, but take SwinDid as an example - when you start the sim ARS is enabled everywhere, so if you want to operate (let's say) workstation 3, you disable the ARS subareas around Didcot Parkway and Wantage Road, and then that area is all down to you, while ARS sets routes on the rest of the sim.
Is the ARS really good enough to allow that? I would have thought at the very least you'd need to keep an eye on the other panels to make sure the ARS doesn't cock up like it frequently does in SwinDid (it can quite easily get into a deadlock lasting half an hour at Swindon station - an early freight train is coming into Swindon, it holds the freight train for a train in the bay platform wanting to come out half an hour later, in the mean time there are passenger trains queueing up behind).

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Possible for a single player to play just a single panel? 04/02/2014 at 20:23 #55008
81 posts
ARS is a tool to help you manage a large area on your own; it is still your responsibility to make sure that things are running smoothly. I like playing SwinDid with most of panel 3 ARS turned off, but still take the time to sweep the other panels when there's not much happening immediately in 'my' panel because, as you say, ARS can cock things up. Humans are a lot more flexible in their intelligence than machines are!
Sam Wainwright
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Possible for a single player to play just a single panel? 04/02/2014 at 22:59 #55028
310 posts
Well yes, perhaps "look after" was a bit strong That's why I was careful to say "set routes" at the end rather than "run" - but it's generally enough to free your attention enough to work one area manually while only glancing at everything else.
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The following user said thank you: maxand