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Just a few thoughts

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Just a few thoughts 03/04/2014 at 19:55 #58326
476 posts
Hi all, I've been playing Simsig on and off for quite a time now, having a few of the early sims to which I happily donated. I must admit that since release of the West Mids sims I have got into it in a big way and purchased 3 of them. This was my first venture into the Payware sims and I've been completely hooked by the sheer quality. I previously had a number of sims from P*****, but have decided that they just don't have the prototype 'feel' of Simsig.
Having said that, may I comment from a purely personal view?
I notice that for some time there have been posts on various threads regarding tweaks to options and modes in the sims, some of which have become quite intense, for want of a better word. From my own viewpoint, I am in my 60s and worked as despatcher for 12 years at New St. I play the sims from very much an 'as they are' perspective and am more than happy just using the options and menus that come with the sims. I will honestly say that some of the terms and tech jargon in some of the aforementioned posts leaves my old brain a little confused and I tend to let much of it go over my head, preferring to enjoy the playability as it presents to me. I have always been impressed and most grateful for the replies and assistance received whenever I have a comment or a query. Plus the excellent Wiki and Sim manuals, which I often refer to in times of trouble(!). I will never cease to be amazed and truly grateful at just how much time and work is put in by all writers and developers, especially GeoffM, who got the whole thing rolling. Thanks for reading these ramblings of an aging avid Simsigger. Right, back to sorting out New St. At least the sim is 'angry passenger' free!

Hope this post is in the correct place, but feel free to move it.

Last edited: 03/04/2014 at 19:56 by delticfan
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