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Avoiding vertical scrolling when vertically challenged

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Avoiding vertical scrolling when vertically challenged 16/04/2014 at 13:45 #58971
1637 posts
Even though SimSig enables vertical scrolling when the sim is too high, it is still annoying to have to do this.

My screen is 1920 (w) x 1080 (h) pixels, about 17". I was interested in playing Birmingham New Street but it needed a little vertical scrolling. Then I discovered that by moving the Control window (File - Show - Timetable etc.) and the Messages window to the bottom of the screen, I was able to get everything in without needing to scroll.

The reason this works is that a window is reduced vertically by raising its bottom border. If I move the View (panel) window to the top of the screen and raise its bottom border, I can just fit the Control window menu underneath. The View window might overlap the top of the Control window slightly, but as long as the menu is visible, that's all you need.

Remember that when you click any of the menu tabs such as Show, the menus now open upwards as Windows detects that they are at the bottom. This mightn't do for an IECC panel as it might block off the track so the signaller misses a SPAD, but it works fine for us!

Likewise, position the Messages window so the bottom line (and one or two above it) are visible. I've attached a screen capture of the result. Notice the absence of a vertical scrollbar.

Obviously, this won't work for sims taller than New Street on screens 1080 px high, but you might be able to adapt this idea of moving the Control window to the bottom of the screen for sims only slightly larger than the screen you currently use.

PS the red CAPS LOCK sign is put there by a very useful app named Keyboard Leds

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Last edited: 16/04/2014 at 13:50 by maxand
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The following user said thank you: ozrail
Avoiding vertical scrolling when vertically challenged 16/04/2014 at 14:39 #58975
1171 posts
Could also hide the bottom bar, or move it to the side to get a few extra pixels of screen estate!
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The following user said thank you: maxand
Avoiding vertical scrolling when vertically challenged 16/04/2014 at 14:52 #58976
5208 posts
" said:
Could also hide the bottom bar, or move it to the side to get a few extra pixels of screen estate!
Also maximise the Main View and push the title bar as far off the top of the screen as it will go. Then you can use the "Stay on Top" option and put the Control View and Message Window in front of an area of the Main View where they do not obscure anything meaningful for most of the action.

I reckon in Max's screen grab (and even after only taking the screen space left after not hiding the bottom bar) that there is getting on for 10% of the screen which is not productively utilised.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
Last edited: 16/04/2014 at 14:52 by postal
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Avoiding vertical scrolling when vertically challenged 16/04/2014 at 14:56 #58977
872 posts
To be fair to Max I have had this problem with various sims. Saltley as an example. Going to try these ideas and hopefully come up trumps.......might even buy Birmingham New Street if they do work.


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Avoiding vertical scrolling when vertically challenged 16/04/2014 at 15:24 #58978
872 posts
Seems I was dishing out praise too early. Birmingham New Street still has Platforms 10, 11, 12 and the sidings missing. Saltley still has a similar height problem.
Anyone got any better (sensible) ideas, as this does annoy me at times and certainly makes trying to play solo a tad more difficult. Do other 15" screen, notebook users have the same problem.


Last edited: 16/04/2014 at 15:28 by northroad
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Avoiding vertical scrolling when vertically challenged 16/04/2014 at 15:31 #58981
3945 posts
" said:
Seems I was dishing out praise too early. Birmingham New Street still has Platforms 10, 11, 12 and the sidings missing. Saltley still has a similar height problem.
Anyone got any better (sensible) ideas, as this does annoy me at times and certainly makes trying to play solo a tad more difficult. Do other 15" screen, notebook users have the same problem.

You could try increasing the screen resolution, downside is that everything gets smaller.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
Last edited: 16/04/2014 at 15:31 by Steamer
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Avoiding vertical scrolling when vertically challenged 16/04/2014 at 15:31 #58982
1171 posts
Buy a laptop / external monitor with a higher resolution?
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Avoiding vertical scrolling when vertically challenged 16/04/2014 at 15:39 #58983
872 posts
" said:
Buy a laptop / external monitor with a higher resolution?
Thanks for that....not very practical on a flight backwards and forwards to Seoul however a good excuse to ask my employer for a first class return.......

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Avoiding vertical scrolling when vertically challenged 16/04/2014 at 15:55 #58984
1841 posts
I place the Windoze tooltaskbar on the (right-hand) side, to maximise the vertical space available for the SimSig view.

Then simply use the scroll wheel to move left/right, and the left hand just dabs the shift button to scroll up/down when needed, to methodically scan the panel/simulation.

By maximising the vertical availability, it minimises the vertical scrolling.

(all on a 15" laptop screen, seems to work for me)

I can only help one person a day. Today's not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look too good either.
Last edited: 16/04/2014 at 17:54 by AndyG
Reason: terminology

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The following user said thank you: maxand
Avoiding vertical scrolling when vertically challenged 16/04/2014 at 17:45 #58998
452 posts
May be going slightly off topic here, but I smell something fishy.

As others have said, would recommend using the 'Stay on top' function allowing the smaller windows to overlap the main panel, but you can still scroll left/right if they still obscure bits on the fringes.

In the loader, on F3 -> Display there is an option "hide message window title bar". Unless you find this somehow works for you I wouldn't recommend this!!

Just to cross-reference with your other display thread Max I note that the text on the Control window buttons is too big. What is more noticeable for me is that the application icons (bottom left) and start button appear to be of proportionally abnormal sizes for what I think they should be for your operating system. Not necessarily cause for concern but definitely something not quite right there.

Also, your use of Opera is interesting, but why the need for so many visible taskbar icons? I hope you have a huge processor!

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The following user said thank you: maxand
Avoiding vertical scrolling when vertically challenged 17/04/2014 at 09:02 #59022
1637 posts
Hadn't considered moving Windows taskbar to either side, thanks AndyG.

peterb asked:
Also, your use of Opera is interesting, but why the need for so many visible taskbar icons?

I sometimes have to test web pages on different browsers as part of development, also Opera offers cleaner downloads in certain cases. Agree there are probably a few too many icons on the taskbar, but I seem to use most of them.

Just to cross-reference with your other display thread Max I note that the text on the Control window buttons is too big. What is more noticeable for me is that the application icons (bottom left) and start button appear to be of proportionally abnormal sizes for what I think they should be for your operating system. Not necessarily cause for concern but definitely something not quite right there.

Hmmm, thanks, will check that out. Maybe one day I will bite the bullet and reinstall Windows 7 before they drop support for it.

Another way of managing vertical sim height might be to pick up a cheap but slow "all in one" desktop where the CPU is built into the back of the screen and the keyboard is connected only by a USB cable. Then for an extra AU$200, buy a 21 inch monitor with 1920 x 1080 resolution and put that directly in front of the keyboard, using the screen that came with it for Train List, etc.

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Avoiding vertical scrolling when vertically challenged 17/04/2014 at 09:25 #59023
1171 posts
" said:
What is more noticeable for me is that the application icons (bottom left) and start button appear to be of proportionally abnormal sizes for what I think they should be for your operating system.
Guessing you've never ticked "Use small taskbar buttons", it looks fine to me.

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The following user said thank you: maxand
Avoiding vertical scrolling when vertically challenged 17/04/2014 at 09:29 #59024
718 posts
" said:
peterb asked:
Also, your use of Opera is interesting, but why the need for so many visible taskbar icons?

I sometimes have to test web pages on different browsers as part of development, also Opera offers cleaner downloads in certain cases. Agree there are probably a few too many icons on the taskbar, but I seem to use most of them.
I hope that's The One True Opera (Opera 12) and not Chromium: Red Skin Edition (Opera 15+)

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Avoiding vertical scrolling when vertically challenged 17/04/2014 at 19:33 #59041
476 posts
Hi, I'm having the same problem. Would love to get rid of the vertical scrolling. I managed to move the 'messages' box to the bottom of the screen but the 'menu' box won't move so I couldn't experiment any further. Also, it seems to make the messages box a bit cramped and difficult to see. I'll keep watching for any further suggestions.

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Avoiding vertical scrolling when vertically challenged 17/04/2014 at 21:34 #59045
771 posts
The vertical scrolling issue is one that devs (including me) are aware of. I personally, do my best to keep my sims as short as possible and use width instead. Unfortunately, that is not always desirable for accuracy or indeed possible depending on the layout, without squashing things everything up so tight it breaks several of the SimSig style guide rules and also becomes very, very cluttered and difficult to read.
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Avoiding vertical scrolling when vertically challenged 17/04/2014 at 22:34 #59047
197 posts
The overview screen can be used to navigate the main screen up and down as well.
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The following users said thank you: delticfan, maxand
Avoiding vertical scrolling when vertically challenged 18/04/2014 at 04:45 #59052
197 posts
The tragedy is my old Gateway laptop running Windows 98SE on a 15.7 inch screen and 1280x1024 resolution will run all SimSig simulations without any need to scroll vertically and there's still room for the control panel and messages on the screen as well. Even Saltley.
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Avoiding vertical scrolling when vertically challenged 18/04/2014 at 06:58 #59055
476 posts
" said:
The tragedy is my old Gateway laptop running Windows 98SE on a 15.7 inch screen and 1280x1024 resolution will run all SimSig simulations without any need to scroll vertically and there's still room for the control panel and messages on the screen as well. Even Saltley.
I'll have to get one of them then.

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