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(Melbourne) Metro trains skipping stations justifiable

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(Melbourne) Metro trains skipping stations justifiable 06/06/2014 at 13:51 #61385
1637 posts
Metro trains skipping stations justifiable: Transport Minister Terry Mulder

Metro's practice of skipping stations when trains are running late is sometimes a justifiable way for the operator to improve its on-time performance, Victoria's Public Transport Minister Terry Mulder said.

Metro met its monthly punctuality target for a record 25th consecutive month in May, prompting Mr Mulder to boast that Melbourne's trains are vastly more reliable now than they were under the former Labor government.

A total of 92.7 per cent of Metro's trains ran on time in May, an improvement of 10 percentage points on the May 2010 figure of 82.7 per cent. Metro is contractually obliged to run 88 per cent of trains on time each month, or be financially penalised. It receives bonuses for meeting its targets.

Mr Mulder said Melbourne's trains were not yet as punctual as they should be, because the public invested huge sums of money in public transport and deserved a "dividend". He would now push Metro to run 95 per cent of trains on time.

"We don't accept that 88 per cent, which is the benchmark for Metro, we think that they should do better," Mr Mulder said.

"Public Transport Victoria are pushing them to do better. We think it should be closer to 95 per cent and all of the work and all of the investment that we're making, we're going to push them as hard as we can to get that improved punctuality," he said.

Yet Metro's strong punctuality performance over the past two years is driven in part by its practice of skipping stations when trains fall behind time. Mr Mulder said the practice was rare, but a necessary strategy to ensure delays on one line did not spread across the network.

"Skipping is monitored closely by PTV," he said. "You will get incidents on the network that will mean you've got five or six trains that are held up on the network. Under those sorts of circumstances, rather than have five or six trains slowly make their way along that particular line, there will be a decision made in the best interests of the entire network, to perhaps skip a station, but I point out the number of occasions in which that occurs are very small indeed."


A train is considered "on time" if it arrives at its destination less than five minutes late or one minute early, under the terms of Metro's franchise agreement with the state.
Seems to me that if our esteemed Public Transport Minister tries to raise punctuality to 95%, more trains will skip stations, inconveniencing more passengers. I don't know how prevalent this practice is in the UK, what punctuality penalties are imposed or whether the decision is made when drawing up the TT or announced to signallers, but it could do a lot for my Performance Analysis.

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(Melbourne) Metro trains skipping stations justifiable 06/06/2014 at 14:45 #61387
Peter Bennet
5396 posts
TOCS in the UK do omit stations on late running trains in order to get them back into path and try and mitigate later delays. Like your example the arrival at the end stations within the prescribed number of minutes (varies between TOCS) is where the punctuality is determined. However, other performance measure targets include measuring the effect of the omitted stops on passenegers. Somewhere I have an email from the ORR explaining exactly how it works.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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The following user said thank you: maxand
(Melbourne) Metro trains skipping stations justifiable 06/06/2014 at 16:25 #61391
1171 posts
Actually, the TOCs have similar Public Performance Measure (PPM) requirements, five minutes for London and South East or regional services, versus 10 minutes for long distance services.
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The following user said thank you: maxand
(Melbourne) Metro trains skipping stations justifiable 06/06/2014 at 16:30 #61392
Peter Bennet
5396 posts
" said:
Actually, the TOCs have similar Public Performance Measure (PPM) requirements, five minutes for London and South East or regional services, versus 10 minutes for long distance services.
Which is a variation between TOCS, which is what I said: actually.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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(Melbourne) Metro trains skipping stations justifiable 06/06/2014 at 18:00 #61397
718 posts
I seem to remember reading that cancelling a single stop counts as cancelling the entire train for performance statistics, but I might be misremembering/otherwise wrong, so don't quote me.
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(Melbourne) Metro trains skipping stations justifiable 06/06/2014 at 18:08 #61399
1600 posts
" said:
Actually, the TOCs have similar Public Performance Measure (PPM) requirements, five minutes for London and South East or regional services, versus 10 minutes for long distance services.
3 Minutes for Heathrow Express and Heathrow Connect

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(Melbourne) Metro trains skipping stations justifiable 06/06/2014 at 20:01 #61404
227 posts
To be fair, this happened long before privatisation. Speaking as a Controller of another network, I support any person in a similar capacity as me recovering the service in such a way - provided there is an alternative for those who "miss" the non-stopper (unless it's me who is suffering on my journey home ) Any operator who makes no effort to recover time, and simply sits back and hopes it fixes itself should not hold the position they do.

On LUL's Met Line we tend to run late running services "fast" where possible to recover time. It is more preferable to turning a service short of its destination, or having the service run late and delay a subsequent train. Obviously there are exceptions, and usually we have an alternative train to serve those who cannot catch the original service,

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The following user said thank you: maxand