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Metro train driver caught on ice

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Metro train driver caught on ice 20/06/2014 at 14:06 #61881
1637 posts
A (Melbourne, Australia) Metro train driver was high on ice when he drove through a stop signal earlier this month, prompting an automatic drug and alcohol test in which a cocktail of drugs was detected in his system.

The driver was suspended on the spot and later quit during an investigation. Metro is not pursuing any legal action against its former employee.

The revelation that the driver was in control of a six-carriage train while under the effects of a mix of methamphetamine and amphetamine was sparked by a minor safety breach, in which the city-bound Sunbury train he was driving passed a red signal by just two metres on the approach to Albion station. There was no risk of collision, Metro says.

The incident occurred just before 4.30pm on June 6.

“On this occasion, the driver misjudged the distance he had to brake before the red signal because he was distracted while looking for a person trespassing, which had been reported to him,” Metro spokeswoman Larisa Tait said. “Once the driver realised this, he applied the train’s emergency brakes before the train passed the red signal.”

The driver phoned train control to inform them he had passed a signal at danger and was told to drive the train to Albion station where it was pulled out of service. He was relieved of his duties and tested for drugs and alcohol as is standard.

“The driver involved was immediately suspended pending investigation (this includes urine samples being sent to a laboratory for further testing),” Ms Tait said. “During the investigation phase, the driver tendered his resignation. We will not be pursuing any legal action.”

The company says the incident was the only positive drugs reading in almost 700 drug and alcohol tests it has conducted on its staff in the past six months. Metro train drivers must have a zero blood-alcohol reading while at work.


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The following user said thank you: Aurora
Metro train driver caught on ice 20/06/2014 at 20:18 #61892
138 posts
We don't know that he was "high". Millions of soldiers used amphetimines during the war perfectly safely. The US Navy will be using them in a few days to bomb ISIS (probably). In fact I assume that he wasn't even under the effects of these substances unless shown evidence to the contrary, they are detectable for a couple of days, so on a probablistic basis he was not under the influence (let's assume for the sake of argument that they can be detected for 4 days, but only effect you for one - that means 25% chance).

This is not to excuse him at all of course, and certainly he should be sacked. Just seems a silly headline.

Last edited: 20/06/2014 at 20:21 by arabianights
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Metro train driver caught on ice 25/08/2014 at 14:27 #64106
1637 posts
Victoria's Rail, Tram and Bus Union has called for Metro train drivers to be drug tested at the beginning of each shift, claiming the company's safety protocols are too weak.

Full article here

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