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Saltley and New Street Chaining ?

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Saltley and New Street Chaining ? 10/08/2014 at 19:47 #63733
Cardiff Bluebird
31 posts

Is it possible to chain Saltley with Birmingham New Street, then if your really disturbed to Coventry and Wolverhampton?



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Saltley and New Street Chaining ? 10/08/2014 at 20:03 #63734
1461 posts
The easiest way to find out is to try it yourself (assuming you own New St):

00:00 The host at has rejected your connection attempt.
00:00 These signalboxes do not chain together

Saltley will need to be updated to the loader before the sims will chain.

Last edited: 10/08/2014 at 20:04 by Danny252
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Saltley and New Street Chaining ? 10/08/2014 at 20:11 #63735
315 posts
It's also mentioned in the Manual, Handy things they are!
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Saltley and New Street Chaining ? 10/08/2014 at 21:23 #63736
718 posts
Confusion about which sims can chain with which others is one reason I created this (rather ugly but functional) map. Chains are represented by two think lines on sim boundaries - the colour of these represents what chaining is available:

* Green on both sides: chaining works (to the best of my knowledge, I've not always fully tested it - corrections welcome)
* Green on one, orange on the other: green sim is set up for chaining but orange one needs an update to support it
* Orange on both sides: both sims need an update to support chaining
* Green on one, red on the other: green sim set up for chaining, red sim doesn't actually exist yet.

Thick black lines are present where the lines representing the sims touch but they are totally unrelated (eg Drain and Waterloo), and grey lines are present where coverage areas overlap significantly (Cambridge and Royston, Central Scotland and Cowlairs, Wembley Main Line and Euston).

Last edited: 10/08/2014 at 21:30 by Muzer
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Saltley and New Street Chaining ? 13/08/2014 at 09:34 #63765
John 23
173 posts
" said:
Confusion about which sims can chain with which others is one reason I created this (rather ugly but functional) map. Chains are represented by two think lines on sim boundaries - the colour of these represents what chaining is available:

* Green on both sides: chaining works (to the best of my knowledge, I've not always fully tested it - corrections welcome)
* Green on one, orange on the other: green sim is set up for chaining but orange one needs an update to support it
* Orange on both sides: both sims need an update to support chaining
* Green on one, red on the other: green sim set up for chaining, red sim doesn't actually exist yet.

Thick black lines are present where the lines representing the sims touch but they are totally unrelated (eg Drain and Waterloo), and grey lines are present where coverage areas overlap significantly (Cambridge and Royston, Central Scotland and Cowlairs, Wembley Main Line and Euston).
Please exercise caution looking at Muzer's excellent map. It caused my, admittedly 5 y.o., PC to freeze solid!

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Saltley and New Street Chaining ? 13/08/2014 at 18:26 #63771
3945 posts
" said:

Is it possible to chain Saltley with Birmingham New Street, then if your really disturbed to Coventry and Wolverhampton
Chaining to Coventry and Wolverhampton (and Aston, for that matter) is possible, as others and the manual have said Saltley requires an update before it will chain.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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Saltley and New Street Chaining ? 13/08/2014 at 22:24 #63773
718 posts
" said:
Please exercise caution looking at Muzer's excellent map. It caused my, admittedly 5 y.o., PC to freeze solid!
Apologies - it IS a rather large image. I didn't realise it could cause that, though!

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Saltley and New Street Chaining ? 14/08/2014 at 00:03 #63775
Temple Meads
307 posts
The map doesn't load for me at all, I just get a blank web page!
Username TIM in multiplayer
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Saltley and New Street Chaining ? 14/08/2014 at 08:55 #63778
495 posts
It's interesting to notice how all we need is a Derby/Burton-on-Trent sim to chain all the way from Immingham to Ivybridge (See what I did there? ), quite a substantial distance!
Last edited: 14/08/2014 at 08:58 by GW43125
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Saltley and New Street Chaining ? 14/08/2014 at 10:43 #63781
872 posts
" said:
It's interesting to notice how all we need is a Derby/Burton-on-Trent sim to chain all the way from Immingham to Ivybridge (See what I did there? ), quite a substantial distance! :ohmy:
You mean the area covered by this (see PDF file from the manual) http://www.SimSig.co.uk/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=simulations:derby:overview

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Saltley and New Street Chaining ? 14/08/2014 at 11:52 #63784
495 posts
" said:
" said:
It's interesting to notice how all we need is a Derby/Burton-on-Trent sim to chain all the way from Immingham to Ivybridge (See what I did there? ), quite a substantial distance! :ohmy:
You mean the area covered by this (see PDF file from the manual) http://www.SimSig.co.uk/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=simulations:derby:overview
Yes I do!
I knew that, I just didn't want to beg for it!

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Saltley and New Street Chaining ? 14/08/2014 at 13:07 #63785
872 posts
" said:
" said:
" said:
It's interesting to notice how all we need is a Derby/Burton-on-Trent sim to chain all the way from Immingham to Ivybridge (See what I did there? ), quite a substantial distance! :ohmy:
You mean the area covered by this (see PDF file from the manual) http://www.SimSig.co.uk/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=simulations:derby:overview
Yes I do!
I knew that, I just didn't want to beg for it!
Very wise decision not to beg for it. I can hear those immortal words being prepared just in case you did Mind it is a while since someone said it so I will beat them to it......IT WILL BE READY WHEN IT'S READY :whistle:

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Saltley and New Street Chaining ? 14/08/2014 at 13:07 #63786
254 posts
Muzer - might be worth pushing that PNG through an image desizer its prob not needed as 10mb in size you could prob get away with 512k !
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Saltley and New Street Chaining ? 14/08/2014 at 13:15 #63787
718 posts
Good point, I don't know how well compressed it actually is. I'll give it a try in a bit.
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Saltley and New Street Chaining ? 14/08/2014 at 15:44 #63793
771 posts
I should also add that some of the links may not be correctly identified particularly on the boundaries of an existing sim and non-existent sim. The likelihood is the existent sim is NOT setup for chaining. The fact that the "Link to external box" option lists sims that may not currently exist does not mean all the underlying data required is also set up and correct and as a result, it cannot be used as a reliable indicator of whether its setup for chaining or not. It possible the existent sim may be setup for chaining to a non-existent sim but the only way you'd truly know would be either to look at the source sim data or to ask the developer in question.

Even if the chaining data was included there is no guarantee it's actually correct and may need an update should the previously unreleased sim become available. So for most sim to non-existent sim links, I'd mark as no chaining at all.

I can tell for example, that South Humberside is not setup to chain to anything other than Worksop (And as I developed SH I should know!).

Last edited: 14/08/2014 at 15:46 by Lardybiker
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Saltley and New Street Chaining ? 14/08/2014 at 23:25 #63802
718 posts
Out of interest then, what's the reason for including the other boxes in the menu if there is no code for them?
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Saltley and New Street Chaining ? 15/08/2014 at 00:10 #63803
5208 posts
" said:
Out of interest then, what's the reason for including the other boxes in the menu if there is no code for them?
Possible future developments.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Saltley and New Street Chaining ? 15/08/2014 at 00:12 #63804
707 posts
" said:
Out of interest then, what's the reason for including the other boxes in the menu if there is no code for them?
We are now approaching the need to explain how chaining works...

When we chain, we need to disable the "spawning" of trains from the boundary Entry Point on each sim and just allow the transfer of trains between the simulations. This process requires both sims to have compatible information (Track Circuits, Signals, etc).

The menus are written elsewhere, and just typing the name of adjacent simulations is quick and easy to do and does *not* require the boundary sim to even exist! The associated data to make the (for example) messaging between simulations work can be added once the adjoining simulation exists.

It has been common to include the names of adjacent sims in the messaging box, but in theory they didn't *have* to be there. Perhaps this has fuelled some confusion.

EDIT: DISCLAIMER: All info ready and waiting to be corrected by Geoff or Clive or a dev who actually knows what they are talking about

Last edited: 15/08/2014 at 01:10 by mfcooper
Reason: Adding a disclaimer

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Saltley and New Street Chaining ? 15/08/2014 at 07:16 #63805
2756 posts
" said:
" said:
Out of interest then, what's the reason for including the other boxes in the menu if there is no code for them?
We are now approaching the need to explain how chaining works...

When we chain, we need to disable the "spawning" of trains from the boundary Entry Point on each sim and just allow the transfer of trains between the simulations. This process requires both sims to have compatible information (Track Circuits, Signals, etc).


The menus are written elsewhere, and just typing the name of adjacent simulations is quick and easy to do and does *not* require the boundary sim to even exist! The associated data to make the (for example) messaging between simulations work can be added once the adjoining simulation exists.
Sort of true, but not how I would put it.

In many cases, the boundary of a simulation is plain track. Therefore it's pretty obvious what data will be required by the chaining simulation as and when it gets created. Therefore it's very little effort to put that data in now whether or not that other simulation exists. But the relevant data has to be tagged with the name of the other simulation, so that name appears in the menus.

Thus, IIRC, Peterborough has the ability to chain to Doncaster even though there is and was no Doncaster sim. It could have been able to chain towards Oakham and Spalding if the data had been added, but there was no expectation of such sims and so it wasn't done.

In other places the required data is far more complicated. WembleySub can't chain to Watford Junction because I couldn't be bothered to work out the chaining data for a sim that wasn't even being dreamed of at the time. Without that data, there's no point in putting the name in the menus.

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Saltley and New Street Chaining ? 15/08/2014 at 07:22 #63806
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
All my Sims are coded to chain and in all cases the chained-to sim exists if only for a few miles of track. That way it's future proofed in case I ever complete or am allowed to complete the adjacent Sim.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Saltley and New Street Chaining ? 21/08/2014 at 00:45 #63969
718 posts
OK, I've updated my map to reflect Lardybiker's comment about SH in particular - I've decided to keep it as it is except where I receive negative confirmation about a sim's chaining abilities, for two reasons - one, because some sims clearly DO have the code as Peter Bennet illustrates, and two, for my own sanity considering I'm still effectively updating this in a paint program and removing all those lines would involve copying and pasting "patches" from the original image and redoing any obscured layout...

I've also taken the time to update the Waterloo section for today's (er, yesterday's) release. I noticed an error (I had only one connection between Victoria Central and Victoria South Eastern in that area nearish to Clapham when in reality there are two), and I marked chaining to Victoria Central as possible and to Victoria South Eastern as the latter requiring an update. Finally I added the chain to the non-existent Feltham. I note that Waterloo hasn't been coded with any Wimbledon chaining option in the menu - the question is whether this is because a Wimbledon sim will almost certainly never be released, or if it's because it will be but it will also cover the Waterloo area so chaining will be unnecessary... ;)

I'll look into making the image smaller some other time, I really need to go to bed now.

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Saltley and New Street Chaining ? 22/08/2014 at 01:18 #64009
718 posts
Thanks to meeko for doing it and detailing what he did so I can replicate it in the future, I've now uploaded a much smaller (in filesize) version that is still reasonable quality. Same URL as before: http://tim32.org/~muzer/SimSig-pax-map.png
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Saltley and New Street Chaining ? 15/09/2014 at 09:46 #64578
595 posts
Sorry to reopen this topic, but I for one am eager for Saltley to be chain to New Street.

Saltley is one of the few sims with multiple failure senarios, which causes chaos on Saltley [evil laugh], so the madness it would cause to 'BNS' would make for a fun chaining session.

As I've said before, this lack of chaining is the only reason I haven't purchased BNS.

For those who don't know I generally only play sims chained; on my own or hosting.

And I gladly host sims if requested and I have time.


I might do it the diplomatic way and start a poll and see what opinions come back.

Last edited: 15/09/2014 at 09:50 by Guts
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Saltley and New Street Chaining ? 15/09/2014 at 09:57 #64579
1461 posts
Well, you can do a poll all you want, but it won't make the conversion to loader format any quicker (which, if the current rate of conversions is anything to go by, may already be underway).
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The following user said thank you: Guts