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Potential bug: max failure count not checked on sim load

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Potential bug: max failure count not checked on sim load 11/03/2015 at 07:40 #69947
Forest Pines
525 posts
The recent threads on failures have reminded me of an issue that cropped up for me the other day, which Iddon't remember being reported here previously. This was with Coventry, but I assume it is a core code issue.

I started the sim in normal mode but immediately turned the max failure count to zero, leaving the sliders in their default positions. No failures, naturally, occurred during play.

However when I next came back to the same sim and reloaded the saved file, a signal failure was reportedIimmediately. I checked the failure options, but the max failure count was still zero.

Understandably, the issue does not seem to be easily repeatable!

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