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2D02, 2K01

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2D02, 2K01 14/05/2015 at 13:29 #72197
476 posts
Hi Karl, apologies, I think I've found a platforming snag. I've got 2K01 and 2D02 in P4. 2D02 is standing foul of sig LN123 and occupying TC upto sig LN127, but according to P4 length and the length of both units they should both fit ok.
Hope I've not missed anything, but knowing me I'm probably missing something.
Regarding TRTS query, I was being a twit and had forgotten to open the .WAV file for the sim (duh!).


Last edited: 14/05/2015 at 13:33 by delticfan
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2D02, 2K01 14/05/2015 at 14:50 #72202
1111 posts
Noted - Mal if you change 2V06 seed to Leamington P4 and change the divide rear to divide front that should cure it, if in doubt look at 2B00 in the 2015 timetable
Passed the age to be doing 'Spoon Feeding' !!!
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The following user said thank you: delticfan
2D02, 2K01 14/05/2015 at 17:15 #72208
4869 posts
Mal, MELD has already given you a work around, but just to note that it's logged to be sorted in the updated TT.
"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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The following user said thank you: delticfan
2D02, 2K01 23/01/2016 at 17:46 #80078
239 posts

Just come across the problem with 2D02 in Leamington P4 and noted it was reported in May 2015. Is there a date for the release of an updated WTT yet?


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2D02, 2K01 23/01/2016 at 18:35 #80083
4869 posts

I must admit I thought we'd released an updated Leamington timetable when I pushed a Leamington update out back in October, obviously that isn't the case.

I'll have a chat with MELD who handles timetables for my sims, I'd expect something within the next week.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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2D02, 2K01 23/01/2016 at 19:43 #80086
239 posts
" said:

I must admit I thought we'd released an updated Leamington timetable when I pushed a Leamington update out back in October, obviously that isn't the case.

I'll have a chat with MELD who handles timetables for my sims, I'd expect something within the next week.

This seems to be a similar scenario to my recent posts on the Coventry 20091015 supplied WTTs! Something to do with the date, perhaps?

I'm a little concerned that Payware sims seem to get released with supplied WTTs that have errors in them, which doesn't say much for the quality of timetable testing and probably doesn't help the reputation of the sim developer. I find it a rare delight when I run the analyser on a timetable and get no reports of errors. For me, it would be a matter of professional pride to ensure everything was properly tested before I released any software (my working life was spent in IT, or 'Computing' as it was known in the olden days).

By the way, I believe that MELD's proposed workaround probably won't work as it would put 2V06 & 2K01 in the wrong order for departure, but I may be missing something re Seeded trains.

Anyway, I look forward to seeing the release of the corrected WTTs.


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The following user said thank you: tjfrancis
2D02, 2K01 23/01/2016 at 19:48 #80087
1111 posts
I also thought we'd pushed out a revised TT with the last update. I've rechecked data against Saltley and have got the wrong traintype in for 1H18 2D02 & 2L81 they should all be 168/3 not 168/4, Update being tested as I type
Passed the age to be doing 'Spoon Feeding' !!!
Last edited: 23/01/2016 at 20:29 by Meld
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2D02, 2K01 23/01/2016 at 20:16 #80090
4869 posts
" said:


This seems to be a similar scenario to my recent posts on the Coventry 20091015 supplied WTTs! Something to do with the date, perhaps?

I can't comment on the Coventry simulation or WTT as they are nothing to do with myself or Meld.

" said:

I'm a little concerned that Payware sims seem to get released with supplied WTTs that have errors in them, which doesn't say much for the quality of timetable testing and probably doesn't help the reputation of the sim developer. I find it a rare delight when I run the analyser on a timetable and get no reports of errors. For me, it would be a matter of professional pride to ensure everything was properly tested before I released any software (my working life was spent in IT, or 'Computing' as it was known in the olden days).

Unfortunately it is extremely unlikely that any software can be released completely bug free, that is not to say I accept that any I release does contain bugs, myself and my team of testers try there hardest to prevent bugs making it out into the released software, unfortunately though the odd one still makes it through.

Eight months in order to release a fix is well beyond what I would normally expect to provide to the end user, and I can only apologise that it has taken this long.

" said:

By the way, I believe that MELD's proposed workaround probably won't work as it would put 2V06 & 2K01 in the wrong order for departure, but I may be missing something re Seeded trains.

It does work, the exact details allude me but it's to do with how SimSig handles the entry direction of seeded trains.

" said:

Anyway, I look forward to seeing the release of the corrected WTTs.

Meld and myself are currently working through testing to make sure this issue has been properly fixed, I will update you, and the wider forum community when this has been completed.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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2D02, 2K01 23/01/2016 at 20:39 #80092
4869 posts
Right, John and I have run a test and an updated version is attached to this forum post.

I've also submitted both files to the downloads sections, and will arrange for Geoff to push them as a loader update in the next few days.

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"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
Last edited: 25/01/2016 at 17:32 by headshot119
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The following user said thank you: Lyn-Greenwood
2D02, 2K01 24/01/2016 at 09:01 #80097
239 posts
" said:
Right, John and I have run a test and an updated version is attached to this forum post.

I've also submitted both files to the downloads sections, and will arrange for Geoff to push them as a loader update in the next few days.

Full marks to you and your testing team for the rapid response in fixing the WTT problem once you realised a revised version had not been released. Please don't take my earlier remarks as criticism aimed at you and your team; I was simply making a general point that where PayWare sims are concerned, extra care needs to be taken to ensure the user is supplied with a package containing a WTT that works correctly when run under 'Perfect Conditions'. Software can never be guaranteed to be 100% bug-free, but WTTs are a different matter and shouldn't be released as part of the official sim package when they contain glaring errors. User-contributed WTTs are a different matter: what you see is what you get, and the majority of these WTTs are excellent and well tested, but the odd one or two give the impression that they have not been tested at all!

Anyway, everything is fixed now, so I think we can close the matter.

Once again, thanks for the sterling effort in sorting out the problem so quickly.


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2D02, 2K01 24/01/2016 at 23:49 #80111
5239 posts
" said:
I find it a rare delight when I run the analyser on a timetable and get no reports of errors.

It doesn't detract from your comments here and elsewhere about what people should expect when they are paying for a sim and TTs but the TT analyser is not a reliable metric. For example, Pascal's 1979-1980 Carlisle TT throws 13 errors when the carlisle.exe file is loaded. They are all known as the result of the way that the analyser works and do not conflict with the running of the sim. That has carried over into the testing of the revised TT and loader version of the simulation but with even more messages generated as a result of the configuration of the TT.

I have not yet reported them through the error tracking system as I want to make sure that I have all of the information required, but it looks as if the option to use the Decisions module in regard to actions about joins and splits generates TT analyser warnings about every move/train downstream of the join/split decision point even though the TT actually operates as planned.

Once we get into the payware game rather than the freeware and you like it or lump it game, then standards do need to reflect that but we need to be careful that we also have reliable metrics against those standards.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
Last edited: 24/01/2016 at 23:49 by postal
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2D02, 2K01 25/01/2016 at 01:03 #80113
688 posts
It is also worth noting that the base timetable used to produce the SimSig timetable may have errors in it such as trains overtaking each other in section or being booked in a platform that can't be reached from a certain line. In this case these are what the real signallers have to contend with and work with on an ad hoc basis and as such possibly with only a matter of minutes notice to make a regulating decision that may have far and wide consequences.


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