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SimSig server

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SimSig server 13/08/2015 at 01:13 #75063
55 posts
Some of you have already met me, but I'm Joshua (Yes Josh is fine before anyone asks )
My main occupation is Track Design Engineer (Based in Liverpool, UK)
But I. am also a free-lance Website Design / Server Owner.

I'm currently in the mist of getting a Dedicated Server setup to run Multiplayer Sessions for SimSig which (if agreed [No arrangements made yet]) may be open to use by other SimSig Host people to ease load on a Home PC (Also take care of chaining a lot easier)

If anybody has any questions please don't hesitate to ask me,
See you all on the tracks sometime?

Bye for now,
Joshua Nathan Pope-Lewis

Forgot to mention -- I am starting a project shortly which will combine Network Rail Data Feeds & SimSig Data Feeds (Along with exact timetables) to see if you can keep up (Or even do better) than the controllers 'live' that day (Starting with Liverpool Lime Street) - Simulation will need to be set at 1x speed and timetables will be set up to start at each hour of the day (So they closely ressemble the real-traffic without having to fast forward time and mess up your services)

"There's a right way, a wrong way and the 'railway'"
Last edited: 13/08/2015 at 10:12 by joshuapopelewis
Reason: Added extra content

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SimSig server 13/08/2015 at 22:39 #75103
771 posts
Hi Josh,

Just so you know, the idea of a dedicated server for SimSig has cropped up before. There are benefits in doing so such as it could potentially allow a lot more folks to host (it gets round the need to do the whole port forwarding issue).

The flip side is there are several issues too, the biggest being the person running the host needs to have direct access to the host sim(s) as there are certain actions in a multiplayer game that cannot be done from a SimSig client and must be done on the host sim such as pausing/unpausing and manipulating ground frames to name but two examples. There are also some minor issues like what happens if more than one person wants to host a game on the server at the same time?

So far no-one has come up with an elegant solution that really works and so folks generally just host using there own machines. It's not like SimSig requires a large bandwidth in a multiplayer setup after all even if you are running a chain and most residential internet access are more than fast enough these days.

That all said, if you got ideas on how to resolve the issues then by all means give it a go. I am sure some of the regular SimSig hosts interested in how you get on with it.

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SimSig server 14/08/2015 at 08:55 #75108
718 posts
" said:
The flip side is there are several issues too, the biggest being the person running the host needs to have direct access to the host sim(s) as there are certain actions in a multiplayer game that cannot be done from a SimSig client and must be done on the host sim such as pausing/unpausing and manipulating ground frames to name but two examples.
That's why I've said in the past that network topology (whose computer is the one listening for connections) should be completely decoupled in SimSig from game semantics (who is actually "hosting" the game from a game perspective, ie making sure everyone is OK and handling requests to do things like this).

There are also some minor issues like what happens if more than one person wants to host a game on the server at the same time?
It would simply choose a different port. If you already have some way of automating SimSig hosting (which you'd have to, in order for this proposal to make any sense in the first place), it's hardly an insurmountable problem to make it increment the port number for every additional game being hosted.

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SimSig server 14/08/2015 at 10:31 #75110
254 posts
Folks I've thought about this and some time ago proved a successful host from an Amazon Web Services Windows host, while RDP'd to the server

It still means you need to allocate a license to the server though if you want to host a Payware Sim

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SimSig server 14/08/2015 at 12:18 #75112
55 posts
I have given it much thought,
As of present I have setup a "SimSig" User account on my Server which has the permissions to run SimSig Software (Although Software updates will have to be done by me atm)
The host could just play RDP - It is stable enough as I have tried it off a different network and everything seemed good.

It runs brilliantly for clients as well (As I hosted my session off it the other day)

I have a total of 40 ports that are open for connection (20 for hosting multiplayer server - 20 for Data Interface) meaning a total of 20 single map sessions can be hosted or multiple "Chains"

I am working on an idea for the "Host-only actions" which I will soon put forward to Admins which does include completely decoupling the Game Actions from the Server. (But depends on what they want to do - if not back to the drawing board.)

It wasn't so much for Bandwidth but more of a easy join thing...as it would all be playing off the same IP...but on a different Port...

As for running multiple at the same time, I am currently setting up a software to allocate people certain ports so no session will start on top of another (Currently in coding stage...will let you know more shortly)

Also an issue comes when 2 people are logged into the server RDP - As I only have a singular user atm. They would be logging each other out...however I am working on a fix for that (Such as making a different user for different maps [Chains would connect to the 'base' map user account.])

I will keep you updated

Joshua Pope-Lewis

"There's a right way, a wrong way and the 'railway'"
Last edited: 14/08/2015 at 12:26 by joshuapopelewis
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SimSig server 14/08/2015 at 13:51 #75114
55 posts
ADMIN: Please can you move this thread to an appropriate category as it has went off topic...but need it for reference. thanks!

" said:
Folks I've thought about this and some time ago proved a successful host from an Amazon Web Services Windows host, while RDP'd to the server

It still means you need to allocate a license to the server though if you want to host a Payware Sim
Yes this is very possible, However I have built my own Server from scratch (More upgradable in the future), it is running Microsoft Server 2012 R2.

The program runs brilliantly when installed into "Programs x86" but not how I wanted it (On it's own dedicated hard drive - as the Fonts can't be found...but then again I think I might have thought of the fix while writing this...I will give it a shot)

As for Payware Sim's...this could be complicated...as anybody could use my server...but not everyone will have paid for the Payware Sims...but would still be able to use because of the way it is installed onto the server...have to give this some thought...I could create everyone their own account...however that could get messy and I could end up with the same maps etc installed 20 times throughout the storage drives...(Which isn't ideal..) -- Maybe some sort of agreement could be made up? It could go 1 of a few ways...

  • Pay a monthly fee to SimSig for use of the licenses..

  • Have accounts setup for Payware Maps...SO only people who have paid for their own version have access to this...

  • Have a system in place which requires users to enter their SimSig Username & Password before server will launch a payware product so it can be checked against SimSig databases...

This is something I need to discuss with the Owners
Currently updating permissions setting and installing the required programs onto Server.

Joshua Nathan Pope-Lewis

"There's a right way, a wrong way and the 'railway'"
Last edited: 14/08/2015 at 14:15 by joshuapopelewis
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