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Possible 24 Hour Session

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Possible 24 Hour Session 15/11/2015 at 23:51 #77752
771 posts
" said:
" said:
It's been done once before I think, played at real time on King's Cross. The host did the 24 hours straight and people dropped in and out as they could.
Indeed it was, hosted by 'Afro' (in Dublin?) I recall, KX ran in real time from 0001 to 2359 on a Sunday, I think I did about 16 hrs duty.

Don't recall staffing being a major issue,as a couple of folk can run it in the wee small hours and our Antipodean colleagues are helpful too.
....And the US contingent...

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Possible 24 Hour Session 16/11/2015 at 13:53 #77766
272 posts
Seems like it's definitely doable - and probably more easy now with the SimSig server?

Would definitely press home the importance of being organised though. Especially if it's your intention to introduce failures and host-created issues.

Think KX is the best also because of size, although Saltley would be fun.

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