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WH/MML Prize Draw 2016: closing 4th February 2016 at 11:59pm GMT

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WH/MML Prize Draw 2016: closing 4th February 2016 at 11:59pm GMT 29/01/2016 at 17:21 #80204
6362 posts
Ray Keattch (ala Mr. Bitsy) of West Hampstead PSB has organised a set of prizes kindly offered by Network Rail and Midland Main Line / East Midlands Trains in order to benefit the Kent Battle of Britain museum which holds the most important collection of Battle of Britain artefacts on show in the country including aircraft, vehicles, weapons, flying equipment, prints, and relics from over 600 crashed aircraft. An important part of our history as I'm sure you'll agree.

You may remember a similar fundraiser for Millie about 4 years ago. This will be similar in that anybody who bids will have a chance of winning something, while top bidders additionally have a chance of a cab ride.

The prizes up for grabs are as follows:
- Cab ride (highest bidder) - expected to be a Meridian to Leicester and an HST back to St. Pancras (train type and destination not guaranteed as set swaps, delays, and cancellations can happen at any time)
- Two shifts working with Ray at West Hampstead PSB (one to a high bidder; one randomly selected from other bidders)
- Six tours of West Hampstead PSB (four to high bidders; two randomly selected from other bidders)

Full details can be found here. While it looks complicated, it's not for the bidders: all you do is send the initial £2, send an email with your preferred prizes, cross your fingers, and then send your bid amount if you are one of the winners.

You can start bidding right now and have a week to enter. Earlier bids of equal value take priority over later ones so the sooner the better!

Good luck!

[Edit: You'll get an email from SimSig saying "Dear SimSig User, Thank you for your purchase of SimSig products. Your receipt will arrive in a separate email. Please find below details of the licenses you have been issued. Other product licenses may arrive in separate emails.". Since there is no product there will also be no license.]

SimSig Boss
Last edited: 29/01/2016 at 20:52 by GeoffM
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The following users said thank you: headshot119, Trainfan344, flabberdacks, djc2067, JamesN
WH/MML Prize Draw 2016: closing 4th February 2016 at 11:59pm GMT 30/01/2016 at 14:08 #80240
149 posts
Please bid lots.
The shift with Ray in the West Hampstead box is well worth the wining, and the memory of the visit will last forever.
I was lucky enough to be a winner last time.

-- Get bidding --

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The following users said thank you: belly buster, headshot119, JamesN
WH/MML Prize Draw 2016: closing 4th February 2016 at 11:59pm GMT 30/01/2016 at 15:20 #80241
587 posts
Sadly, being down under, the prizes are not much use to me if I won (much as I'd love to win them!). If I bid, and were to win, are the prizes transferable to another member?
Sorry guys, I am in the business of making people wait!
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WH/MML Prize Draw 2016: closing 4th February 2016 at 11:59pm GMT 30/01/2016 at 17:41 #80242
3969 posts
" said:
Sadly, being down under, the prizes are not much use to me if I won (much as I'd love to win them!). If I bid, and were to win, are the prizes transferable to another member?
From the rules linked to above:

" said:
14. You can bid on behalf of someone else, that is, you may donate your prize to someone else, as long as that someone else is not another bidder.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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WH/MML Prize Draw 2016: closing 4th February 2016 at 11:59pm GMT 31/01/2016 at 02:03 #80254
1 posts
Train Driver in Sydney here, I still entered, I would fly over there for those prizes!
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WH/MML Prize Draw 2016: closing 4th February 2016 at 11:59pm GMT 01/02/2016 at 22:10 #80289
6362 posts
Don't forget - only a few more days left! Also don't forget - even if you only bid the minimum £2 you still have a good chance of winning an entire working shift with Ray at West Hampstead PSB where (under supervision) you will likely be able to set routes for high speed trains alongside slower freights and stopping passenger trains. Or maybe even just a panel visit!

You only need to pay £2 to enter. You only pay your winning bid if you win. But be prepared to pay that winning bid if you do win. All for good causes so come on, get bidding!

SimSig Boss
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WH/MML Prize Draw 2016: closing 4th February 2016 at 11:59pm GMT 04/02/2016 at 18:21 #80379
6362 posts
Only a few more hours left now. Slightly lower bidders than expected so your chances of winning something are better. But if you don't bid, you won't win anything! All for a good cause.
SimSig Boss
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WH/MML Prize Draw 2016: closing 4th February 2016 at 11:59pm GMT 05/02/2016 at 19:18 #80418
6362 posts
The results are in!
Cab ride: Peter Arnold
Working shift 1: Andrew G
Tour 1-4: 0causton0, njmiller, djc2067, Muzer

The remaining prizes are "chosen" by the Millionaire Maker draw (see earlier in this thread for details) - one working shift and two tours. The entries for this are:

doublea999: 7 15 23 31 39 47 55 63 71 79 87 95
Hornbytrains125: 6 14 22 30 38 46 54 62 70 78 86 94
Headshot119: 5 13 21 29 37 45 53 61 69 77 85 93
Table 52: 4 12 20 28 36 44 52 60 68 76 84 92
Belly Buster: 3 11 19 27 35 43 51 59 67 75 83 91 99
carpentr: 2 10 18 26 34 42 50 58 66 74 82 90 98
JamesN: 1 9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 73 81 89 97
RedViper: 0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96
The bottom four lines above get an additional number per the rules mentioned earlier. Draw takes place in about 1h45 from the time of this posting I believe. Any typos in the above table should be fairly obvious as to what they should have been.

There were a couple of payments with no accompanying bid. These will be returned in due course.

More details after the weekend or when I get my Internet connection back, whichever is soonest. Tethering or WiFi in Starbucks is not fun.

SimSig Boss
Last edited: 05/02/2016 at 19:36 by GeoffM
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WH/MML Prize Draw 2016: closing 4th February 2016 at 11:59pm GMT 08/02/2016 at 23:13 #80488
6362 posts
The Millionaire Maker Results were RBH758372. Per the bids, this results in:
75 (working shift 2): Belly Buster
83 (tour 5): (Belly Buster again, but he can't win twice)
72 (tour 6): RedViper
As Belly Buster can't win twice we add 1 to each pair to get a new set of numbers:
76: (tour 5): Table 52

I'll now send each of the winners an email with instructions on how to submit your bid. Separately Ray will be in contact to organise the prizes and dates/times.

SimSig Boss
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The following user said thank you: belly buster
WH/MML Prize Draw 2016: closing 4th February 2016 at 11:59pm GMT 08/02/2016 at 23:37 #80489
belly buster
368 posts
Cool - can't wait.

Might host some West Hampstead "practice sessions" in the near future.

Thanks to all involved.

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WH/MML Prize Draw 2016: closing 4th February 2016 at 11:59pm GMT 09/02/2016 at 10:59 #80497
121 posts
" said:
Cool - can't wait.

Might host some West Hampstead "practice sessions" in the near future.

Not too much practice, you might show me up :-)

Can someone get the Didcot sim updated - I could use some practice before I move there later in the year :-)

TVSC Link 4 signaller - Temple Meads, Bath & Stoke Gifford
Last edited: 09/02/2016 at 10:59 by MrBitsy
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WH/MML Prize Draw 2016: closing 4th February 2016 at 11:59pm GMT 09/02/2016 at 22:29 #80520
315 posts
Panel diagram.


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RIP Feltham Panel 1
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The following user said thank you: flabberdacks
WH/MML Prize Draw 2016: closing 4th February 2016 at 11:59pm GMT 12/02/2016 at 13:49 #80617
121 posts
" said:
Panel diagram.

Wow, nicely done!

TVSC Link 4 signaller - Temple Meads, Bath & Stoke Gifford
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The following user said thank you: madaboutrains
WH/MML Prize Draw 2016: closing 4th February 2016 at 11:59pm GMT 26/02/2016 at 22:36 #80887
2 posts
Can I just thank Geoff for hosting and managing the draw, Ray for his patience and time with me today, and Ray's managers for allowing the visits and making me welcome.

Ray was a phenomenal host and I learned a great deal from him in the time I was in the Box. I didn't need to ask many questions because his introduction and explanations were so good. I had only played the West Hampstead sim briefly ahead of the visit, just to get an idea of the layout and a feel for the service patterns, although even having done that it still took me time to get used to the up and down lines not being paired(!) The visit has made me appreciate even more the high quality work NR signallers put in every day e.g. I had no idea that the tolerance of signaller-induced delays was so low. The one thing that really did surprise me was just how big the relay room is!

I think the charity is very deserving too.

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The following user said thank you: tjfrancis