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Possible double payment made in error via PayPal

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Possible double payment made in error via PayPal 09/02/2016 at 17:12 #80501
19 posts
Note to admin (sorry couldn't find a direct route for this message)
I think I may have purchased the same multibuy package [Victoria & West Hampstead] twice inadvertently by using the back and forward browser buttons -- so I think I was on the Paypal confirm purchase package twice - the second time when I hit the return to SimSig page which I didn't notice the first time round! Anyway, I've ended up with two licences each for the three sims - one of each has been allocated and the other not. Only 1 set of emails confirming purchase so far!

John Tempest

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Possible double payment made in error via PayPal 09/02/2016 at 17:52 #80502
6362 posts
I can only see 1 email from PayPal with 1 "product" purchased (ie the multibuy), and the admin section of the License Manager only shows 1 each of Vic C, Vic E, and West Hampstead issued.

However, it looks like you purchased the three some time ago... so good you bought them twice! I'll refund the latest.

SimSig Boss
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Possible double payment made in error via PayPal 09/02/2016 at 22:39 #80521
19 posts
Thanks Geoff, for sorting that out very quickly. I've had 2 PCs fail on me over the last 18 months. The last one had to have a motherboard replaced after it reformatted my hard drive during an unwanted recovery procedure was invoked! So any thing that was on that machine disappeared completely and I'm having to rely on my own deteriorating memory to remember exactly what was on it before it failed!
Thanks again
John Tempest

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Possible double payment made in error via PayPal 09/02/2016 at 22:48 #80522
3969 posts
" said:
Thanks Geoff, for sorting that out very quickly. I've had 2 PCs fail on me over the last 18 months. The last one had to have a motherboard replaced after it reformatted my hard drive during an unwanted recovery procedure was invoked! So any thing that was on that machine disappeared completely and I'm having to rely on my own deteriorating memory to remember exactly what was on it before it failed!
Thanks again
John Tempest
The License Manager will show you every simulation you've bought- if there's anything showing as 'Allocated to another machine' (presumably the one that blew up), just request a license unlock and once they're unlocked you can allocate them to your current machine. Apologies if you already knew this!

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
Last edited: 09/02/2016 at 22:48 by Steamer
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