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Sims that are good for timetable writing

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Sims that are good for timetable writing 28/03/2016 at 17:15 #81455
13 posts
Hello all. I am thinking of writing my first timetable. Can you reccomend me a starting simulation to start off with.
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Sims that are good for timetable writing 28/03/2016 at 17:47 #81456
133 posts
I would recommend something small to start with e.g Brighton. And I would also recommend researching the stock that run on the sim you are writing the timetable for. Make notes of their lengths, top speed, etc. Good luck with it, I also hope to start writing timetables soon
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Sims that are good for timetable writing 28/03/2016 at 20:18 #81459
3945 posts
" said:
Hello all. I am thinking of writing my first timetable. Can you reccomend me a starting simulation to start off with.
Is your timetable attempting to replicate the real-life timetable, or is it fictional?

If it's real, you ideally need to know what type of train works each service, and what the rolling stock diagrams are- i.e. what services each train works, whether it joins, splits etc. They can sometimes be deduced from real time trains, but, particularly at larger terminals, they often can't. Times can be sourced from real time trains, if you want to replicate the current timetable. To make the above easier, if you leave near any simulated area, or are particularly familiar with a simulated area in real life, you may wish to write a timetable for that simulation.

If it's fictional, you need to consider what you want the service pattern to be like, and plan it out somewhere (I've used Excel for my fictional TTs) before entering it into the SimSig editor. In some ways, fictional TTs can be harder to write than real ones, because you have to invent everything.

For your chosen simulation, take a quick look at the supplied timetable to help you identify which timing points you need. A comprehensive explanation of how the timetable editor works can be found on the Wiki- I suggest you read this carefully before starting, if you're unfamiliar with the editor.

I echo BVE's comment, ideally pick a smaller simulation to get the hang of things.

Good luck!

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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Sims that are good for timetable writing 28/03/2016 at 22:31 #81466
141 posts
I'm currently writing a couple off tts and I echo the above thoughts a smaller sim is ideal to start and if you can get hold of station workings the easier it is I think the main point is research
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Sims that are good for timetable writing 29/03/2016 at 13:56 #81471
658 posts
As a writer I'd echo the thoughts of those previously...

Before deciding anything read through the Wiki sections a couple of times; it is your best friend! Look at the general timetable writing sections and then the manual of specific sim you decide on as there are often key pieces of information here, such as platforms lengths, and key location timing points.

I'd suggest starting with a small simulation area, and one that you are comfortable using would be an advantage.

As Steamer has said, you then need to decide whether your timetable is going to be real; in which case it will require a lot of research to get the timings, stock diagrams, local signalling rules etc all correct or a fictional one, which can be trickier as you have to plan everything.

If you have local knowledge of a sim, that is also one you may like to write a tt for; however if it is a large sim, I'd still suggest starting on a small sim, so that you can get used to how all the timetable editor works etc and learn the basics; which is well documented on the wiki pages.

As Stanyon said, research is the key, and it can take a long time (obviously dependent on sim size) I won't lie and say it's completely easy to do, but when you've written a timetable (and tested - it's amazing how many little things creep in) and it all works, it gives a good sense of achievement.

Oh the other point is lots of coffee (and or alcohol depending on your age!)

Good luck and ask any questions you come up with, we'll all help as much as we can


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The following user said thank you: LMK
Sims that are good for timetable writing 29/03/2016 at 17:25 #81476
5208 posts
It will all take a good bit longer than you think as well. I have been re-writing parts of a complex timetable on a big sim. The re-writing was the easy part and only took about 40 hours. However, things need to be thoroughly tested before release to make sure everything works. I have so far spent 120 hours in testing the re-write (and about 10 hours in correcting the errors). If I have done a competent job so far, the TT should be ready for release after about another 40 or 50 hours of testing/correcting.

To put that in context, just a partial edit and the associated testing will have taken over a full working month. For someone who is creating the TT in their spare time, it could easily take three or four months even on a small sim to get the data, create the TT, test it, correct it and let the beta loose on a small group for independent testing before it is ready for release.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Sims that are good for timetable writing 29/03/2016 at 19:34 #81479
39 posts
I wrote a timetable for Liverpool Street (not a big area but lots of platforms) having got stock diagrams, platform numbers etc and it took me a while to write and test.
However don't let this put you off as more complicated sims will take longer and will require a little more research and testing but the whole process when complete will give you the satisfaction of a job well done.

Good luck

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