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Leeds Ardsley 15-10-09 (0445 start) WTT & Simsig Auto-Update out of step?

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Leeds Ardsley 15-10-09 (0445 start) WTT & Simsig Auto-Update out of step? 17/10/2016 at 15:35 #86866
240 posts
Clicking Update on the Simsig Loader results in the 15-10-09 (0445 Start) timetable for Leeds Ardsley being downloaded (successfully) every time an Update is requested. This appears to be caused by the WTT having its Major Version No. set to 0 whereas the Auto-Update system is expecting the current version to be 1 (at least that's what I've worked out to be the cause). The '0000 Start' WTT (which has its Major Version No. set to 1) doesn't suffer from this problem.

Has the '0445 Start' WTT been updated recently causing the Major Version No. to be wrongly set or has something gone wrong with the Update System?

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Leeds Ardsley 15-10-09 (0445 start) WTT & Simsig Auto-Update out of step? 17/10/2016 at 15:52 #86870
4870 posts

I can't remember the exact details, but it will fix itself next time the timetable is updated as it'll correct the version numbering.

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Leeds Ardsley 15-10-09 (0445 start) WTT & Simsig Auto-Update out of step? 17/10/2016 at 19:52 #86878
240 posts
But every time I clicked Update, I got the same copy of the WTT downloaded because the Updater thinks that Major=1 is the current version, not Major=0. I've fixed it on my PC by editing the WTT so that it shows Major=1 and this makes the Updater think I've now got the latest version, so it no longer insists on updating it.
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