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People disruppting mulit-player games.

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People disruppting mulit-player games. 04/01/2010 at 20:10 #475
167 posts
Hi guys, as most of you already know that in Sacro's multi on 03/01/10 and in Ipeters game on 04/01/10 we had disrupptions to our game by BNM on Sacro's game and OBBO on Ipeters's game.

In Sacro's game, BNM was asked multiple times by a number of players to de-sit an argument which was carried in from another game called Freight Yard Manager. As a result of failing to de-sit the argument BNM was discon from the game.

In Ipeters's game, OBBO connected to tha game and procceded to interpose "deleted" on a pannel and also switched a number of emergency switches. For his actions he was discon from the game.

As most of us playing these games agreed, actions like this will stop other people from using SimSig and has already stopped some members from hosting multi games.

So I think i speak for most memebers when I say,

Could players please leave incidents and arguments that occured on other games, outside SimSig unless they are of a railway or signalling nature. Also If you are going to join a game, please have some consideration for other players, as a multi game is a team game and we dont the team atmosphere broken.


Edited for language- I appreciate the point being made was a quote but that does not make it acceptable. Peter

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People disruppting mulit-player games. 04/01/2010 at 20:10 #5504
167 posts
Hi guys, as most of you already know that in Sacro's multi on 03/01/10 and in Ipeters game on 04/01/10 we had disrupptions to our game by BNM on Sacro's game and OBBO on Ipeters's game.

In Sacro's game, BNM was asked multiple times by a number of players to de-sit an argument which was carried in from another game called Freight Yard Manager. As a result of failing to de-sit the argument BNM was discon from the game.

In Ipeters's game, OBBO connected to tha game and procceded to interpose "deleted" on a pannel and also switched a number of emergency switches. For his actions he was discon from the game.

As most of us playing these games agreed, actions like this will stop other people from using SimSig and has already stopped some members from hosting multi games.

So I think i speak for most memebers when I say,

Could players please leave incidents and arguments that occured on other games, outside SimSig unless they are of a railway or signalling nature. Also If you are going to join a game, please have some consideration for other players, as a multi game is a team game and we dont the team atmosphere broken.


Edited for language- I appreciate the point being made was a quote but that does not make it acceptable. Peter

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People disruppting mulit-player games. 04/01/2010 at 20:44 #5506
6325 posts
It is unfortunate if this happens but SimSig obviously cannot do anything about it. If the host accepts the connection in good faith and then that client disrupts the game then all the host can do is disconnect the client.

Please remember not to stoop to their level. Ignore and disconnect them and they will go away. You can send an email to me (see contact us page) to report the offending users, as Howard P did this morning. Remember to not post an IP address in the Shout Box as unregistered users can see it. Post instead in the forum as only registered users can see the Hosting subforum.

The host can also request that potential clients post their IP address on the Hosting forum which will mean that the Host knows the user identity of the client attempting to connect. Note that the clients do NOT need to do any port forwarding, firewalls etc, but simply visit http://www.SimSig.co.uk/whatsmyip.php and note the address.

SimSig Boss
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People disruppting mulit-player games. 04/01/2010 at 21:01 #5507
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
This kind of problem was previosuly reported and questions were asked about writing a set of guidelines on good practice in advertising IP addresses and how to deal with the situation etc etc - I also had a PM making the same point.

I said that if someone drafted up something I would look into publishing it; as yet I have received nothing.

I've not been involved in a MP over the net for some years so I'm not really in a position to write with any authority on the matter.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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People disruppting mulit-player games. 04/01/2010 at 21:31 #5509
274 posts
I totally agree. 1st of all i agree that ip addresses should NOT be posted in the shoutbox and 2nd if anyone is 'unruly' ( and i accept that tyhis is a very small minority) they should be dissconnected. Phraphs we should have a name & shame thread on here so as to keep these people from joining games. If anybody has an issue with someone elkse then multiplay is NOT the place to have a go at each other. I used to host games but have stopped because of this problem. I was just about to start again but now this has started up again i'm reluctant to.


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People disruppting mulit-player games. 04/01/2010 at 21:40 #5510
6325 posts
Please don't let a very small minority spoil your enjoyment or willingness to host. Remember that games are hosted virtually every night, or so it seems these days, and I know of only 3 so far that have been disrupted.

If anybody has ideas of software improvements that can be made, please do so in either the hosting q&a subforum or the features wish list subforum. I can't promise to do anything about it but I am willing to consider the options.

SimSig Boss
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People disruppting mulit-player games. 04/01/2010 at 23:22 #5511
5208 posts

It must be very disappointing for you to see how a few at the outlet end of the sphincter manage to upset the many who take great enjoyment from the sims.

I have no idea about the complexity of the coding requirement and I've seen your previous comments about the problems of flexibility when PNBs are required, but would it be possible to put some sort of restriction into the coding for MP so that only either the host or person controlling the particular panel could make any changes in that area? Making it more user-friendly but presumably more complex, could that even be an option which could be invoked by the host in the middle of the session if necessary?

I find it disappointing that I have to suggest things like this (particularly in view of the great investment of time and commitment that you and the developers give to the rest of us) and hope that those who take delight in spoiling things for everyone else realise how stupid, juvenile and pathetic they are.


“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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People disruppting mulit-player games. 05/01/2010 at 00:20 #5512
989 posts
The only downside to making that restriction will be when MP's get extremely busy (Sacro's KGX game last night had 11 on), this would then prevent 1 panel being operated by 2 or more people.


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People disruppting mulit-player games. 05/01/2010 at 01:30 #5513
5208 posts

That is where I was coming from when I suggested that it might be an option that the host could invoke if required (even in the middle of a session). You would only actually use the restriction if there was some jiggery-pokery going on. All depends whether it is an option that can be built into the code without too much difficulty.


“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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People disruppting mulit-player games. 05/01/2010 at 01:34 #5514
167 posts

It is great to see such a response to this issue, but them main reason i started this topic, is that I am a relatively new user to SimSig only starting to play multi games a week or two before christmas and I have noticed the team spirt and willingness to help each other is incredible so i pointed out the 2 disrupptions to show this minority it will not be tolorated and also wrote the final few paragraph's which I have quoted below to show this team spirit and to ask the small few disruppting game to have consideration.

"As most of us playing these games agreed, actions like this will stop other people from using SimSig and has already stopped some members from hosting multi games.

So I think i speak for most memebers when I say,

Could players please leave incidents and arguments that occured on other games, outside SimSig unless they are of a railway or signalling nature. Also If you are going to join a game, please have some consideration for other players, as a multi game is a team game and we dont want the team atmosphere broken."

P.S. I would urge anyone who is apprehensive to host because of this not to worry, as if a situation in a game arises you will have the full support of all playing.

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People disruppting mulit-player games. 05/01/2010 at 01:57 #5515
10 posts
I strongly support your efforts. Maybe we could create an option where we have to login to multiplayer in order to be part of it. Also, we could give the hoster the option to let only invited people join the server. If you have any questions or you need any help, feel free to contact me.


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People disruppting mulit-player games. 05/01/2010 at 08:09 #5516
6325 posts
John, it can be done fairly easily. Each control element already has a workstation allocation flag (for telephone messages and messages to be directed to that workstation) so it would be a case of only allowing the appropriate client to operate it. But I will make it an option somewhere.
SimSig Boss
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People disruppting mulit-player games. 05/01/2010 at 08:31 #5517
2756 posts
I must admit that I can't see the benefit in being able to lock people into a single workstation. If someone is being disruptive, they can disrupt just as easily with their own area; they should simply be thrown off the game.

Geoff: I'm not sure that all control elements have workstations set up; in particular, what about points.

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People disruppting mulit-player games. 05/01/2010 at 08:55 #5520
989 posts
Before you go looking at making alterations Geoff, it must be worth emphasising that of all the MP sessions that are going on now, it's only been 3 incidents, which is fairly minimal. Of these 3 incidents, two of the people have been named which will hopefully make them realise that they are causing problems and also allows other hosts to be aware of their disruptive ways. Of the third game, we have an 'idea' who it was, however that person has caused no further problems. As one of the regular hosts (Well, apart from over christmas when all the keys on the keyboard became merged into one through excessive alcohol) I have no problem having any of the people who have been named in my game, but will, if I find them disrupting my game, remove them. If I have a game which is being disrupted by unknown people, then I will start by removing those that are new to me, if it still persists (Which I would doubt) then the game ends. As a host you do have power! Don't forget guys, you don't have to accept a connection in the first place!
In answer to Pizzawesleys idea about having invited people on, this will put off newer members as hosts will not know that they are out there & want to join in.

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People disruppting mulit-player games. 05/01/2010 at 09:19 #5521
5208 posts

Just makes it easier to get a definite ID for the pillock so you can throw him/her off.


There were at least 2 incidents just before Xmas as well on KX so it is a small problem but a bit more widespread than your research shows.


“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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People disruppting mulit-player games. 05/01/2010 at 11:50 #5523
93 posts
is there anyway to create a log of who has done what? i know in a huge multiplayer game the list would be massive, but ive seen debug versions of sims, where it shows whats been clicked. can a similar thing not run in the background with time and action recorded, and by whom?
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People disruppting mulit-player games. 05/01/2010 at 12:45 #5527
452 posts
It may just be an idea to have a list of IPs available to the Host in a separate box with the option to bar one or more of the IPs. As the same people tend to host saved games anyway, if that list of barred members can be saved on their machine then The IP could then be automatically prohibited from joining when the session starts. I find it quite sad the subject has even come up..
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People disruppting mulit-player games. 05/01/2010 at 13:25 #5529
1841 posts
The host already has available a list of the currently connected IDs/IPs; what may be useful would be a log file of this for later analysis, as noting IPs is the last thing to do when trying to identify an interloper.

At the moment, it seems we only have one to identify for banning.

I can only help one person a day. Today's not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look too good either.
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People disruppting mulit-player games. 05/01/2010 at 14:08 #5530
5 posts
I must admit reading comments about banning etc. makes me rather upset in what should be a happy and interesting past time.

In the past I have linked in to a multiplayer session just to watch other peoples decisions on regulating compared with the probably different decisions I would have made.

Especially on complex simulations like KX, Sheffield and Trent this would in my opinion provided assistance to newcomers and less experienced operators who probably like me find them overwhelming as single player sessions.

I would hope that this type of "watching" session might still be allowed, as they have an intention of learning rather than being disruptive, or is this too much to ask of wiser heads who might help newer users?

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People disruppting mulit-player games. 05/01/2010 at 14:21 #5531
260 posts
I still think that the best option is to simply ignore and disconnect.

Whilst it is really annoying when things happen then just disconnect the person and get on with the game.

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People disruppting mulit-player games. 05/01/2010 at 14:35 #5532
884 posts
simmybear31 said:
I would hope that this type of "watching" session might still be allowed, as they have an intention of learning rather than being disruptive, or is this too much to ask of wiser heads who might help newer users?
Newbies are always welcome in multiplayer games, in fact hosts and more experienced players are only too pleased to offer their advice and assistance.

Similarly if neophyte players would prefer to watch before taking the plunge and working a panel solo, then no host would object.

The purpose of this thread is not to discourage new players from participating in multiplay, quite the opposite, it's aimed at removing disruptive elements and promoting respect for the host and other players.

Although there has unfortunately been a recent spate of disorder in a number of multiplay sessions, the disruption does appear to have been purpotrated by just one unruly member, who was quickly identified and removed from the games.

I would like to emphasise that this type of disrespectful behaviour is not typical of multiplay sessions, and hosts and players alike should not be discouraged from participating.

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People disruppting mulit-player games. 05/01/2010 at 15:37 #5533
5 posts
Thank you for the clarification - much appreciated.


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People disruppting mulit-player games. 05/01/2010 at 15:58 #5534
officer dibble
393 posts
I found the whole escapade somewhat disappointing. I have been "with" Simsig now for a couple of years at least (possibly longer, cant remember exactly), and never have I seen the behaviour that we, who were participating in a MP game, were subjected to.

Whilst I enjoy a good MP game, I am not sure whether to participate further in MP games, as despite many attempts to quell the "argument" during the first incident of game disruption, it failed miserably (until said "member" was dis-connected). Then, to join another game a couple of days ago & to have some childish moron type what they did onto my panel has frankly, well, ticked me off something rotten (I wont put down my true feelings!).

I also feel sorry for those hosting, as they allow these people to join the game in very good faith, and it must be somewhat embarrassing for them when incidents like this occur?!?

As I pointed out in SCRO's game last night, "the usual suspects", as lately it has been the same group of us engaged in incredibly good MP games, thus allowing us to gain a rapport and work well as a team. In my opinion, what a MP experience should be - after all we are not all to the same experience level - if we were, I feel it would become turgid. I like being able to offer advice, and also to receive it in return, and any constructive criticism as well (makes you a better player IMHO).

As usual, its one moron who ruins it for everyone else - thanks a bunch!:mad::mad::mad::mad:

(off to put soapbox away now!:P)

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People disruppting mulit-player games. 05/01/2010 at 16:27 #5535
884 posts
Paul, please don't be put off - this is exactly the reaction we as a friendly community don't want.

It is after all only one miscreant causing trouble, and he can be dealt with quite easily.

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People disruppting mulit-player games. 05/01/2010 at 17:22 #5537
167 posts

I have been reading some of the posts on the thread since my last post.


I think locking pannels to 1 player would be a bad move as in recent sims we have had 10 to 15 players online with 2 or 3 people working each pannel, and working very well together at that. This is the team spirt which I keep metionong because we all get along and work so well with eack other.


As you mentioned in last nights game "The Usual Suspects", which shows to me as a relative newbie that everyone that has played MP's with us in the past few days, knows who each other is, is willing to help each other out as much as possible, and we all enjoy playing MP's alongside each other. I would be very dissapointed for you to stop sigging wit us Paul because of "one bad apple" to put it nicely, as you are gentleman and an excellent signalman.


Thank you for reinforcing my point with this thread. It is not to put people off MP's, but to show that we are a friendly and happy bunch of people, who has a community and team atmosphere around us. And also to demonstrate that disruptive behaviour will not be tolorated as we will all rally behind each other to stop this minority from runing enjoyable games.

Again thanks to all for commenting on the thread. And I am so proud to be a SimSig member knowing what a great bunch of guys you all are.


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