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Team Clarification Badges 01/08/2019 at 16:54 #119792
153 posts
From the recent confusion found here https://www.SimSig.co.uk/Forum/ThreadView/49618?postId=119783
I propose that certain of the fourm groups such as Developer, Tester etc are given a badge or some identifying mark to make it clear who is in the SimSig team and who isn't.

SamTDS - STDS | My comments are my opinions and interpretations and do not reflect on the wonderfull SimSig team. I am in no way part of the team.
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Team Clarification Badges 01/08/2019 at 17:28 #119794
6326 posts
You can already click on a user's name and it'll list the roles they belong to (user, developer, tester, etc). But I guess you're asking for a badge next to their avatar or something?
SimSig Boss
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Team Clarification Badges 01/08/2019 at 17:30 #119795
153 posts
yes exactly, A way to identify if they are part of the team or not without having to go onto thier profile
SamTDS - STDS | My comments are my opinions and interpretations and do not reflect on the wonderfull SimSig team. I am in no way part of the team.
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Team Clarification Badges 01/08/2019 at 17:33 #119796
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
The role list actually gives the access levels to the different areas of the forum but is a reasonable guide.

I've had a go at updating this page, but I'm not 100% sure who is an active developer at this time so there may be errors which can be fixed.

Also the list of Sims is slightly out of date, again that can be fixed.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Team Clarification Badges 01/08/2019 at 17:48 #119797
1160 posts
I'm not part of the SimSig team and probably won't be in the long run, although I have helped and tested a certain Sim including a new timetable for a developer who has now gone. I'm just a standard user on SimSig who just likes making timetables..
Anyway could we not go down the path where the section 'Who's Online' and use different colours to who is what on SimSig? Like Red- Admin, Blue - Tester Etc?

Aaron (AJRO) | Timetable Writer
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Team Clarification Badges 01/08/2019 at 17:53 #119798
387 posts
You mean like how it used to be. :-)
Last edited: 01/08/2019 at 17:53 by Dick
Reason: None given

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Team Clarification Badges 01/08/2019 at 18:44 #119799
153 posts
HST125Scorton in post 119797 said:
I'm not part of the SimSig team and probably won't be in the long run, although I have helped and tested a certain Sim including a new timetable for a developer who has now gone. I'm just a standard user on SimSig who just likes making timetables..
Anyway could we not go down the path where the section 'Who's Online' and use different colours to who is what on SimSig? Like Red- Admin, Blue - Tester Etc?
That is a good idea and could probably be done in only a few lines

SamTDS - STDS | My comments are my opinions and interpretations and do not reflect on the wonderfull SimSig team. I am in no way part of the team.
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Team Clarification Badges 01/08/2019 at 19:13 #119800
3635 posts
Peter Bennet in post 119796 said:
The role list actually gives the access levels to the different areas of the forum but is a reasonable guide.

I've had a go at updating this page, but I'm not 100% sure who is an active developer at this time so there may be errors which can be fixed.

Also the list of Sims is slightly out of date, again that can be fixed.

Peter I think the list on the testers page is the most up to date.

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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Team Clarification Badges 01/08/2019 at 19:44 #119801
5208 posts
I think the whole concept of the "SimSig team" and ascribing some sort of mystical powers to the members of that team is rather over-played and is taking us back the days when Aaron/Kieran had similar ideas about some secretive team which controlled SimSig and was dedicated to denying any involvement of others in any sort of decision making or open process.

There are a small number of people who know how it all works, who have done all the work to start SimSig off then maintain it as a going concern for these last 20 years and who take an active role in things. Beyond that there is a pool of developers, TT writers, testers etc. a large proportion of whom are acting on a purely voluntary basis and take little or no recompense for the hours that they put in so that the ordinary user gets a thoroughly tested and appraised product when something is released or updated. This pool has very little say (or even consultation) in much of the work that goes on in the background such as deciding the policies that SimSig will follow, deciding what simulations will be developed, managing the timescales of the development etc. etc. Knowing who is in this pool or what they do will have no impact on how SimSig works nor will it identify any influencers or movers and shakers.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Team Clarification Badges 01/08/2019 at 21:35 #119802
2756 posts
postal in post 119801 said:
I think the whole concept of the "SimSig team" and ascribing some sort of mystical powers to the members of that team is rather over-played
There are a small number of people who know how it all works,
As Peter already pointed out, this page gives quite a lot of detail. But here's a quick overview.

Geoff invented SimSig and is in charge. While he doesn't use his dictatorial powers very often, if he insists then what he says goes.

The "core code" is the Loader, the Updater, the Licence Manager, and some other similar stuff that isn't visible to users (e.g. the compiler that converts simulation sources into .sim files). Only Geoff and I touch that. We each have our own areas of expertise (I don't touch ARS code, for example). So we're the only ones who can add new features to the Loader or fix Loader bugs.

Developers are the people who write simulations. In general each simulation has a single assigned developer. Geoff decides what simulations get written and by who but, in general, a developer goes to Geoff and says "I'd like to write X; I've got the information required". Geoff can't order us to write a specific sim, but does have a veto. In an emergency someone else could fix a bug in a simulation but the normal practice is to leave it to the sim developer.

There is a pool of testers with someone who sort of manages them and assigns them to sims needing testing. They can't cause a sim to change in any way; all they can do is write Mantis entries (Mantis is our bug-tracking system).

Anyone can write a timetable and make it available for download; I don't know who can approve a timetable for download. Usually the sim developer writes, or has written for them, the initial timetable for a new sim.

The Forum admins deal with things like removing spam and fixing problems with the Forum. They don't have any control over simulation development or testing.

Postal normally organizes the thrice-yearly "official" meets, but anyone can arrange a meet if they want to go through the effort.

Hope that helps.

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The following users said thank you: norman B, as1981
Team Clarification Badges 02/08/2019 at 00:25 #119803
5208 posts
clive in post 119802 said:
Postal normally organizes the thrice-yearly "official" meets, but anyone can arrange a meet if they want to go through the effort.
It'll soon be "used to organise". I'll be stepping back after the Peterborough meet next March.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Team Clarification Badges 03/08/2019 at 03:06 #119816
597 posts
and Meld is employed as a general nuisance
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Team Clarification Badges 03/08/2019 at 04:16 #119817
1107 posts
flabberdacks in post 119816 said:
and Meld is employed as a general nuisance
Oooooh a promotion

Dont wanna step on the Kiwis toes tho

Passed the age to be doing 'Spoon Feeding' !!!
Last edited: 03/08/2019 at 06:41 by Meld
Reason: None given

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The following user said thank you: flabberdacks
Team Clarification Badges 03/08/2019 at 10:13 #119818
587 posts
Meld in post 119817 said:
flabberdacks in post 119816 said:
and Meld is employed as a general nuisance
Oooooh a promotion

Dont wanna step on the Kiwis toes tho

How can you? I'm not even on the "Who are we" list! (Who is he again??)

Sorry guys, I am in the business of making people wait!
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