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Delayed trains not operating TRTS

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Delayed trains not operating TRTS 21/07/2020 at 11:57 #129831
706 posts
BNS, 2015TT, 5.0 sim, 5.3 loader.

Up to about 12pm with delays turned on, and I've had a couple of trains get delayed in the main station (inevitably). However although they phone to tell me they have resolved their issues, they do not operate the TRTS either prior to, or following the phone call. In the F2 status window they show as "waiting for NSxxx (207 in the recent case) to show proceed" rather than the right away message I'd expect.

There's the right way, the wrong way and the railway.
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Delayed trains not operating TRTS 21/07/2020 at 18:17 #129850
6325 posts
Thanks - Mantis 31172 for investigation.
SimSig Boss
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Delayed trains not operating TRTS 21/07/2020 at 18:26 #129851
75 posts
That is probably realistic, if the driver has spoken to the signaller to say they are ready to depart, they would not necessarily operate the TRTS as well.
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Delayed trains not operating TRTS 21/07/2020 at 18:57 #129852
Stephen Fulcher
2047 posts
The driver or guard may not but the platform staff at new street will always operate it
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Delayed trains not operating TRTS 21/07/2020 at 19:21 #129854
706 posts
greatkingrat in post 129851 said:
That is probably realistic, if the driver has spoken to the signaller to say they are ready to depart, they would not necessarily operate the TRTS as well.
Possibly the case at some stations, but I'd imagine BNS is mandatory TRTS as part of the dispatch procedure. It certainly would be the case at Piccadilly, as generally the platform staff will inform the box over radio rather than the driver using GSMR.

There's the right way, the wrong way and the railway.
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Delayed trains not operating TRTS 21/07/2020 at 19:27 #129855
1009 posts
greatkingrat in post 129851 said:
That is probably realistic, if the driver has spoken to the signaller to say they are ready to depart, they would not necessarily operate the TRTS as well.
If there's TRTS and it's mandatory especially from a main station then it would be operated. I wouldn't leave Edinburgh, Glasgow cent/Qst, Aberdeen or Inverness without being TRTS.

There would have to be a very very clear understanding between Signaller, Driver, Guard and Dispatcher before allowing a train to leave a platform in case of a signal failure/tcf. but really we'd just be caped.

How to report an issue: www.SimSig.co.uk/Wiki/Show?page=usertrack:reportanissue
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Delayed trains not operating TRTS 21/07/2020 at 19:33 #129856
3946 posts
Hap in post 129855 said:
greatkingrat in post 129851 said:
That is probably realistic, if the driver has spoken to the signaller to say they are ready to depart, they would not necessarily operate the TRTS as well.
If there's TRTS and it's mandatory especially from a main station then it would be operated. I wouldn't leave Edinburgh, Glasgow cent/Qst, Aberdeen or Inverness without being TRTS.

There would have to be a very very clear understanding between Signaller, Driver, Guard and Dispatcher before allowing a train to leave a platform in case of a signal failure/tcf. but really we'd just be caped.
TRTS or use of RA indicator?

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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Delayed trains not operating TRTS 21/07/2020 at 19:57 #129857
706 posts
You can give RA without an Off indication at Piccadilly; and the signallers won't set a route without TRTS even for ECS moves (except P13 and 14). I'd imagine the same applies at BNS but the situation may vary with the platforms being through.
There's the right way, the wrong way and the railway.
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Delayed trains not operating TRTS 21/07/2020 at 20:01 #129858
1009 posts
Steamer in post 129856 said:
Hap in post 129855 said:
greatkingrat in post 129851 said:
That is probably realistic, if the driver has spoken to the signaller to say they are ready to depart, they would not necessarily operate the TRTS as well.
If there's TRTS and it's mandatory especially from a main station then it would be operated. I wouldn't leave Edinburgh, Glasgow cent/Qst, Aberdeen or Inverness without being TRTS.

There would have to be a very very clear understanding between Signaller, Driver, Guard and Dispatcher before allowing a train to leave a platform in case of a signal failure/tcf. but really we'd just be caped.
TRTS or use of RA indicator?
TRTS & RA only out of Glasgow Queen Street. It's not used anywhere else up here for the Toc I work for. Well, except the fife loco hauls from EDB, but they're gone now. If I wanted to get pedantic, then the sleeper from EDB/GLC, which are also gone from our remit.

You'd still get TRTS if there was issues outside any of those stations, but as said clear understanding if you were going to get the go ahead. I believe you can't RA unless the signal is OFF.

How to report an issue: www.SimSig.co.uk/Wiki/Show?page=usertrack:reportanissue
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Delayed trains not operating TRTS 22/07/2020 at 03:10 #129865
13 posts
Splodge in post 129857 said:
You can give RA without an Off indication at Piccadilly;
That sounds like an accident waiting to happen...

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Delayed trains not operating TRTS 22/07/2020 at 03:44 #129866
6325 posts
47417 in post 129865 said:
Splodge in post 129857 said:
You can give RA without an Off indication at Piccadilly;
That sounds like an accident waiting to happen...
Also very much not allowed by the interlocking [these days]. But given the strangeness of the TD at Picc, nothing surprises me any more.

SimSig Boss
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Delayed trains not operating TRTS 22/07/2020 at 07:12 #129868
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
Hap in post 129855 said:
greatkingrat in post 129851 said:
That is probably realistic, if the driver has spoken to the signaller to say they are ready to depart, they would not necessarily operate the TRTS as well.
If there's TRTS and it's mandatory especially from a main station then it would be operated. I wouldn't leave Edinburgh, Glasgow cent/Qst, Aberdeen or Inverness without being TRTS.

There would have to be a very very clear understanding between Signaller, Driver, Guard and Dispatcher before allowing a train to leave a platform in case of a signal failure/tcf. but really we'd just be caped.
What exactly do you mean by not leaving without TRTS? If the signalman sets the route and signal clears before TRTS has being operated then what do you do?

I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
Last edited: 22/07/2020 at 07:13 by Peter Bennet
Reason: None given

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Delayed trains not operating TRTS 22/07/2020 at 11:38 #129872
1009 posts
Peter Bennet in post 129868 said:
Hap in post 129855 said:
greatkingrat in post 129851 said:
That is probably realistic, if the driver has spoken to the signaller to say they are ready to depart, they would not necessarily operate the TRTS as well.
If there's TRTS and it's mandatory especially from a main station then it would be operated. I wouldn't leave Edinburgh, Glasgow cent/Qst, Aberdeen or Inverness without being TRTS.

There would have to be a very very clear understanding between Signaller, Driver, Guard and Dispatcher before allowing a train to leave a platform in case of a signal failure/tcf. but really we'd just be caped.
What exactly do you mean by not leaving without TRTS? If the signalman sets the route and signal clears before TRTS has being operated then what do you do?
First question to that is, why would the signaller clear the signal if they don't know that the train is ready to depart? If there's no driver in the cab at the time of pulling the signal off, signal sits off for X amount of minutes and the train doesn't move. signaller phones the platform coordinator who then finds out there's no driver on train. driver get's into cab and sets up the train and sees that the road is off, starts moving then the road is thrown back in front of him....

So I wouldn't expect a signal to clear from above stations without a dispatcher. Dispatcher would operate TRTS. Pretty certain over the last year or so now (maybe longer) that drivers aren't allowed to call themselves out of stations now, dispatcher must be there and TRTS must be operated. For the case of ECS dispatcher doesn't do anything other than operate TRTS, driver takes the road when it clears with no other interaction from platform staff.

If the signal was to clear and there was no dispatcher then I wouldn't be going anywhere. The signal won't be cleared by the signaller as (s)he doesn't know if there's a dispatcher on the platform. Signaller doesn't know if there's a full train crew on board.

The only place I can think of just now where there is TRTS and a dispatcher but you don't actually have to have either to proceed is Dundee. Although Dundee box are on top of things, sometimes the platform staff are there before the road is cleared and hit the TRTS. Other times they ain't there and the road is off. But Dundee isn't bound by the rules of having to have TRTS operated or for us to be dispatched.

How to report an issue: www.SimSig.co.uk/Wiki/Show?page=usertrack:reportanissue
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Delayed trains not operating TRTS 22/07/2020 at 11:42 #129873
706 posts
GeoffM in post 129866 said:
47417 in post 129865 said:
Splodge in post 129857 said:
You can give RA without an Off indication at Piccadilly;
That sounds like an accident waiting to happen...
Also very much not allowed by the interlocking [these days]. But given the strangeness of the TD at Picc, nothing surprises me any more.
Typo - definitely can’t!

There's the right way, the wrong way and the railway.
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Delayed trains not operating TRTS 22/07/2020 at 13:16 #129874
685 posts
Surely TRTS stands for Tea Ready To Sip :p. Well at least that seems to be the case at certain stations on my patch, yes Sittingbourne, Strood and Paddock Wood I'm looking at you. (Names not changed to reveal the guilty!!)

At these locations the standard operating procedure seems to be that the conductor will operate the plunger as he changes ends (including where (s)he leaves the train to go another train so has no idea if the new crew are even at the location) as this is how they have been shown how to work that location.

Many a time have had to ring the signalling shift manager to say relief crew on train X, can you let the signaller know to ignore the TRTS if operated until after train X has left. Grrrrr

Soap box now filed until next time :p


You have to get a red before you can get any other colour
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Delayed trains not operating TRTS 22/07/2020 at 14:06 #129875
3635 posts
DriverCurran in post 129874 said:
Surely TRTS stands for Tea Ready To Sip :p.
"Train ready to stand" maybe Paul?

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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Delayed trains not operating TRTS 22/07/2020 at 14:31 #129876
5208 posts
DriverCurran in post 129874 said:
Surely TRTS stands for Tea Ready To Sip
How genteel. I would have thought that "Tea Ready To Slurp" was nearer the mark!

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Delayed trains not operating TRTS 22/07/2020 at 15:04 #129877
685 posts
jc92 in post 129875 said:
DriverCurran in post 129874 said:
Surely TRTS stands for Tea Ready To Sip :p.
"Train ready to stand" maybe Paul?
That works just as well lol

You have to get a red before you can get any other colour
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Delayed trains not operating TRTS 22/07/2020 at 17:16 #129882
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
Hap in post 129872 said:
Peter Bennet in post 129868 said:
Hap in post 129855 said:
greatkingrat in post 129851 said:
That is probably realistic, if the driver has spoken to the signaller to say they are ready to depart, they would not necessarily operate the TRTS as well.
If there's TRTS and it's mandatory especially from a main station then it would be operated. I wouldn't leave Edinburgh, Glasgow cent/Qst, Aberdeen or Inverness without being TRTS.

There would have to be a very very clear understanding between Signaller, Driver, Guard and Dispatcher before allowing a train to leave a platform in case of a signal failure/tcf. but really we'd just be caped.
What exactly do you mean by not leaving without TRTS? If the signalman sets the route and signal clears before TRTS has being operated then what do you do?
First question to that is, why would the signaller clear the signal if they don't know that the train is ready to depart? If there's no driver in the cab at the time of pulling the signal off, signal sits off for X amount of minutes and the train doesn't move. signaller phones the platform coordinator who then finds out there's no driver on train. driver get's into cab and sets up the train and sees that the road is off, starts moving then the road is thrown back in front of him....

So I wouldn't expect a signal to clear from above stations without a dispatcher. Dispatcher would operate TRTS. Pretty certain over the last year or so now (maybe longer) that drivers aren't allowed to call themselves out of stations now, dispatcher must be there and TRTS must be operated. For the case of ECS dispatcher doesn't do anything other than operate TRTS, driver takes the road when it clears with no other interaction from platform staff.

If the signal was to clear and there was no dispatcher then I wouldn't be going anywhere. The signal won't be cleared by the signaller as (s)he doesn't know if there's a dispatcher on the platform. Signaller doesn't know if there's a full train crew on board.

The only place I can think of just now where there is TRTS and a dispatcher but you don't actually have to have either to proceed is Dundee. Although Dundee box are on top of things, sometimes the platform staff are there before the road is cleared and hit the TRTS. Other times they ain't there and the road is off. But Dundee isn't bound by the rules of having to have TRTS operated or for us to be dispatched.
I understand that, but my question was based on Greatkingrat's original premise that the driver had spoken to the signalman, however unlikely that may have been. The way I read your reply was that you'd refuse to move unless TRTS had been triggered. I was seeking clarification of what that meant.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Delayed trains not operating TRTS 22/07/2020 at 19:48 #129892
706 posts
Manchester Airport has TRTS (guard operated) but the route can be set by Piccadilly without it being operated, especially at quieter times.

RA is also fitted but no longer used (it was previously a dispatch station).

There's the right way, the wrong way and the railway.
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Delayed trains not operating TRTS 22/07/2020 at 21:33 #129895
1009 posts
Peter Bennet in post 129882 said:
Hap in post 129872 said:
Peter Bennet in post 129868 said:
Hap in post 129855 said:
greatkingrat in post 129851 said:
That is probably realistic, if the driver has spoken to the signaller to say they are ready to depart, they would not necessarily operate the TRTS as well.
If there's TRTS and it's mandatory especially from a main station then it would be operated. I wouldn't leave Edinburgh, Glasgow cent/Qst, Aberdeen or Inverness without being TRTS.

There would have to be a very very clear understanding between Signaller, Driver, Guard and Dispatcher before allowing a train to leave a platform in case of a signal failure/tcf. but really we'd just be caped.
What exactly do you mean by not leaving without TRTS? If the signalman sets the route and signal clears before TRTS has being operated then what do you do?
First question to that is, why would the signaller clear the signal if they don't know that the train is ready to depart? If there's no driver in the cab at the time of pulling the signal off, signal sits off for X amount of minutes and the train doesn't move. signaller phones the platform coordinator who then finds out there's no driver on train. driver get's into cab and sets up the train and sees that the road is off, starts moving then the road is thrown back in front of him....

So I wouldn't expect a signal to clear from above stations without a dispatcher. Dispatcher would operate TRTS. Pretty certain over the last year or so now (maybe longer) that drivers aren't allowed to call themselves out of stations now, dispatcher must be there and TRTS must be operated. For the case of ECS dispatcher doesn't do anything other than operate TRTS, driver takes the road when it clears with no other interaction from platform staff.

If the signal was to clear and there was no dispatcher then I wouldn't be going anywhere. The signal won't be cleared by the signaller as (s)he doesn't know if there's a dispatcher on the platform. Signaller doesn't know if there's a full train crew on board.

The only place I can think of just now where there is TRTS and a dispatcher but you don't actually have to have either to proceed is Dundee. Although Dundee box are on top of things, sometimes the platform staff are there before the road is cleared and hit the TRTS. Other times they ain't there and the road is off. But Dundee isn't bound by the rules of having to have TRTS operated or for us to be dispatched.
I understand that, but my question was based on Greatkingrat's original premise that the driver had spoken to the signalman, however unlikely that may have been. The way I read your reply was that you'd refuse to move unless TRTS had been triggered. I was seeking clarification of what that meant.

ok, If my train had been TRTS and then developed a fault before moving, then the platform staff would contact the signaller as they are in charge right now. He would inform the driver and myself what he was going to do, would phone the signaller and ask for the signal to be replaced. When/if the fault had been sorted the driver or I would inform the platform staff who would then TRTS the train again. Granted I have seen platform staff call the box and say that issues have been resolved, but mainly they just hit the TRTS.

If a train is dispatched by platform staff then they are in control, not the driver. so in sim terms, if a station on any sim is known to be a station that all trains have to be dispatched then either, I would say, you would expect TRTS again OR a phone call from platform staff to say that train ready to depart.

In terms of who's in charge on the platform. Dispatcher - guard - driver for train crew trains. Dispatcher - driver for DO/ECS.

In a scenario of a fault occurring after the signal was cleared and it was a fault the driver had.

Driver would report to me and dispatcher. Dispatcher informs guard and driver that he is going to get road put back, reports to signaller. Fault is fixed, Driver informs guard and dispatcher, dispatcher TRTS again, signals me to commence station duties, then guard signals driver that they're ready to start,

Scenario if Guard had an issue.

Guard informs driver and dispatcher, dispatcher informs driver and guard that they will contact box for signal to be reverted. Guard gets fault rectified, informs driver and dispatcher. Dispatcher informs us that they are going to TRTS and then back to dispatcher signalling guard, who signals Driver.

Again, I will state that this is how we work. Other Tocs may be different but I imagine the rules are the rules.

How to report an issue: www.SimSig.co.uk/Wiki/Show?page=usertrack:reportanissue
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Delayed trains not operating TRTS 23/07/2020 at 13:19 #129901
595 posts
At London Euston, TRTS must be used before dispatch, except with the Sleeper engine.

As HAP has put, on a fault or delay the signal will be replaced to danger, and on resolution TRTS will be pressed, with or without a phone saying it's resolved.

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Delayed trains not operating TRTS 23/07/2020 at 23:20 #129920
1108 posts
Just one small point to also make which I'm sure you already know but the TRTS doesn't need the track circuit to be occupied when pressed. Personally I think it shouldn't be possible but I have seen it first hand.
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Delayed trains not operating TRTS 24/07/2020 at 00:06 #129922
6325 posts
ajax103 in post 129920 said:
Just one small point to also make which I'm sure you already know but the TRTS doesn't need the track circuit to be occupied when pressed. Personally I think it shouldn't be possible but I have seen it first hand.
That entirely depends on the interlocking. Most do these days.

[Edit] Just checked the SSI data I have and all the TRTS require the platform track(s) occupied.

SimSig Boss
Last edited: 24/07/2020 at 00:24 by GeoffM
Reason: None given

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The following user said thank you: Hap
Delayed trains not operating TRTS 24/07/2020 at 10:14 #129930
1108 posts
GeoffM in post 129922 said:
ajax103 in post 129920 said:
Just one small point to also make which I'm sure you already know but the TRTS doesn't need the track circuit to be occupied when pressed. Personally I think it shouldn't be possible but I have seen it first hand.
That entirely depends on the interlocking. Most do these days.

[Edit] Just checked the SSI data I have and all the TRTS require the platform track(s) occupied.
Kings Cross doesn't though, it may be the exception though.

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