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ARS unable to set route R22BM

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ARS unable to set route R22BM 12/01/2021 at 19:54 #136312
136 posts
Just had this issue with two trains in a row - ARS won't set the route from signal 22 straight ahead towards signal 18, even when there are no trains about on the junction. It instead seems to be waiting for a different condition, which doesn't seem to be related to that area.

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ARS unable to set route R22BM 12/01/2021 at 20:02 #136317
6411 posts
During testing the station throat became very congested with an eager ARS. For that reason, it won't set route until the train reaches Waterloo East. In addition (from the manual), "ARS will not route up to signal L12 while any part of a route is set from platform 3 to L13. This is to prevent the two trains potentially blocking each other’s exit beyond L12 and L19 (to L23) which happens with longer trains."
SimSig Boss
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The following user said thank you: danners430
ARS unable to set route R22BM 12/01/2021 at 20:04 #136319
136 posts
Oops... my apologies then - RTFM :-)
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