Parks Bridge ARS issue

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Parks Bridge ARS issue 17/01/2021 at 22:30 #136538
64 posts
Not sure if it's an ARS issue or a timetable issue... on the multiplayer tonight and on previous sessions, trains booked fast to Ladywell are being sent wrong direction by ARS.

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Parks Bridge ARS issue 18/01/2021 at 16:18 #136568
1460 posts
The train on its' own runs fine, so not a simple timetable error.
A test timetable attached.

Delving deeper would need a save, maybe another train has made the 267 main ('A' as most leftwards) route set, although there's nothing on the screenshot.

Have also checked that if I lock the points to main/normal then ARS (correctly) does not set the main 'A' route and train status is "waiting for route R267BM to become available".


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