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6B30 to enter Sandy Down Sidings

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6B30 to enter Sandy Down Sidings 09/03/2021 at 16:34 #137722
1832 posts
I have played the Peterborough sim several times in the past and can't recall having so much trouble routing 6B30 from shunt signal No.1 on the Up Fast at Sandy, into the Down Sidings. I know that you have to set the hand signal and route a train via signal No.5 on the Down Slow, but I can’t seem to set a route from signal No.1 to signal No.5 no matter what I do.

I can’t believe that I’m having to ask this stupid question, but here goes anyway.
What is it that I’m doing wrong and what is the correct sequence for setting the route?

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6B30 to enter Sandy Down Sidings 09/03/2021 at 16:47 #137723
391 posts
Just set the route directly from 1 to 13
You obviously wont be able to set the route whilst you have the route set on the Down Fast though.

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6B30 to enter Sandy Down Sidings 09/03/2021 at 16:54 #137724
1832 posts
Dick in post 137723 said:
Just set the route directly from 1 to 13
You obviously wont be able to set the route whilst you have the route set on the Down Fast though.
Oh well. I'd have thought that I would have tried that but obviously hadn't. What a twit.

Thanks for putting me out of my misery.

Everything that you make will be useful - providing it's made of chocolate.
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