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Swindon to Swindon West (Rev)

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Swindon to Swindon West (Rev) 29/03/2021 at 15:22 #138222
1234 posts

2018 TT and Swindon 4.3(7). Due to emergency shuffling round obstruction at Bourton, I had to shunt 5T12 from P3 to P4 so I amended TT while it was standing at SN59 (UM Home) to:
Swindon P3 (sd)
Swindon West Rev (sd)
Swindon P4 (acts)

However whilst it was at P3 with 44 off to 50 in down direction, it refused to move. F2 showed the direction was still Up so I was forced to do a manual reverse and caused about 20 delay minutes :(

Sorry, didn't catch a save.


Jamie S (JAMS)
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