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Waterloo (Windsor Lines)

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Waterloo (Windsor Lines) 03/04/2021 at 21:38 #138348
28 posts

I am currently looking to making my own timetable for Waterloo, however I am having difficulty making the route for the train up from Clapham Yard, up the UWF into Platform 12. Im attempting to follow the schedule of 5P05 (https://www.opentraintimes.com/schedule/C85312/2021-04-21), does anyone know how to get around this?

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Waterloo (Windsor Lines) 03/04/2021 at 21:40 #138349
28 posts
ok nvm, managed to fix the issue.

(For anyone wondering, no route was found for some weird reason but I've figured it out now, was caused by a dodgy path/line near Int Jnc

Last edited: 03/04/2021 at 21:41 by BxnoYT
Reason: None given

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