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Another "forgot to save" moment

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Another "forgot to save" moment 31/07/2021 at 15:08 #140873
1748 posts
At lunchtime today I inadvertently left a Doncaster South sim running for approximately 33 minutes unattended (a shorter lunch break than usual).

Initially I was going to delete the subsequent saves and resume from where I left it. But then I thought, no, sort out the chaos. It was actually good fun, so good that I'm thinking of doing another one.

I remember that Maxand was good at creating chaos: the Derby one springs to mind and I know that several people took up the challenge of sorting it all out.

I bet that others have done the same thing

Everything that you make will be useful - providing it's made of chocolate.
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Another "forgot to save" moment 31/07/2021 at 16:47 #140874
369 posts
oh yeah loads, my best is when I left a picc + east chain (me doing them solo) on for around 5 hours when I went out shopping and came back to chaos! was an.....interesting challenge sorting it out and took till around 5am the next day (simtime) to sort, good fun though!
Resident Mock Maker! / "The Out Of Control Host"
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