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Skip to the next event 19/08/2021 at 22:54 #141219
22 posts
It would be nice to jump forwards to just before the next timetable event. This is already implemented in Train Director where pressing k when all trains are stationary jumps to 3 minutes before the next event.
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Skip to the next event 20/08/2021 at 02:56 #141220
58 posts
Events in SimSig are not limited to timetable events. There are farmers wanting to drive sheeps over UWCs or AHBs at ungodly-o'-clock for some reason and ringing you for clearance, for instance.

A hotkey to restore previous time compression setting could be useful, though.

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Skip to the next event 20/08/2021 at 06:34 #141221
872 posts
zandoodle in post 141219 said:
It would be nice to jump forwards to just before the next timetable event. This is already implemented in Train Director where pressing k when all trains are stationary jumps to 3 minutes before the next event.
Have you read the Wiki and the bit about the F3 key controlling sim speed or have you just dived straight into Sim Sig?

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Skip to the next event 20/08/2021 at 07:59 #141222
1728 posts
I always thought the quiet hours in the middle of the night were for intense contemplation of the Rules & Regs. You know, from a relaxed posture with the eyes closed to minimise distractions.
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The following users said thank you: postal, jc92, Hap, Dionysusnu, flabberdacks
Skip to the next event 20/08/2021 at 08:44 #141223
161 posts
Last edited: 20/08/2021 at 08:44 by AlexH
Reason: None given

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Skip to the next event 20/08/2021 at 08:44 #141224
161 posts
northroad in post 141221 said:
zandoodle in post 141219 said:
It would be nice to jump forwards to just before the next timetable event. This is already implemented in Train Director where pressing k when all trains are stationary jumps to 3 minutes before the next event.
Have you read the Wiki and the bit about the F3 key controlling sim speed or have you just dived straight into Sim Sig?
Really and entirely unsure why such an unpleasant tone has to be taken to a question. What the OP asked for and the F3 speed control are not the same thing.

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The following users said thank you: TUT, Dionysusnu
Skip to the next event 20/08/2021 at 09:02 #141225
3672 posts
kbarber in post 141222 said:
I always thought the quiet hours in the middle of the night were for intense contemplation of the Rules & Regs. You know, from a relaxed posture with the eyes closed to minimise distractions.
Also a full test of the catering appliances and switching off the box lights to reduce electricity costs.

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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The following user said thank you: kbarber
Skip to the next event 20/08/2021 at 09:03 #141226
Stephen Fulcher
2066 posts
zandoodle in post 141219 said:
It would be nice to jump forwards to just before the next timetable event. This is already implemented in Train Director where pressing k when all trains are stationary jumps to 3 minutes before the next event.
https://www.SimSig.co.uk/Wiki/Show?page=usertrack:ssrun:shortcut_keys Shows the list of hot keys available, + and - may achieve what you desire.

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Skip to the next event 20/08/2021 at 09:09 #141227
1162 posts
A ‘sticky’ super-fast button that goes back to normal (or user’s F3) speed when an event occurs would be great!
It can be many lots of 5 minute F skipping in the small hours of a timetable if there’s no movements and few crossings, but suddenly you’re hitting the N key when a track circuit randomly occupies!


Jamie S (JAMS)
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The following user said thank you: Dionysusnu
Skip to the next event 20/08/2021 at 10:01 #141229
1378 posts
Sounds more like you need a '15 minute clock step' function.

There is something similar used for testing, but I think it would need some improvements before making widely available. Those alterations may of course not be practical / worth the hassle.

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The following user said thank you: 9pN1SEAp
Skip to the next event 20/08/2021 at 11:57 #141230
872 posts
AlexH in post 141224 said:
northroad in post 141221 said:
zandoodle in post 141219 said:
It would be nice to jump forwards to just before the next timetable event. This is already implemented in Train Director where pressing k when all trains are stationary jumps to 3 minutes before the next event.
Have you read the Wiki and the bit about the F3 key controlling sim speed or have you just dived straight into Sim Sig?
Really and entirely unsure why such an unpleasant tone has to be taken to a question. What the OP asked for and the F3 speed control are not the same thing.
Sorry I did not realise that having to wait three minutes was such a big problem.

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Skip to the next event 20/08/2021 at 12:55 #141231
161 posts
northroad in post 141230 said:
AlexH in post 141224 said:
northroad in post 141221 said:
zandoodle in post 141219 said:
It would be nice to jump forwards to just before the next timetable event. This is already implemented in Train Director where pressing k when all trains are stationary jumps to 3 minutes before the next event.
Have you read the Wiki and the bit about the F3 key controlling sim speed or have you just dived straight into Sim Sig?
Really and entirely unsure why such an unpleasant tone has to be taken to a question. What the OP asked for and the F3 speed control are not the same thing.
Sorry I did not realise that having to wait three minutes was such a big problem.
Honestly, why bother? Why bother taking time to write unhelpful, rude, unnecessary comments? If you don't like something, scroll on by.

Last edited: 20/08/2021 at 13:00 by AlexH
Reason: I forgot 'rude'.

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The following user said thank you: Dionysusnu
Skip to the next event 20/08/2021 at 13:23 #141232
22 posts
The three minutes in my original post is just an example taken from a game where 10x time acceleration is normal and there is no NX signalling (like the mechanical signalling offered by various simulations where points have to be changed by hand) so a different time might be more appropriate for SimSig.

What I want is a way to skip large periods of time where nothing is happening without the possibility of going past the event or being overly safe and still waiting a long time(although still shorter than with no increase in speed).

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The following user said thank you: Dionysusnu
Skip to the next event 20/08/2021 at 16:06 #141234
2774 posts
zandoodle in post 141232 said:

What I want is a way to skip large periods of time where nothing is happening without the possibility of going past the event or being overly safe and still waiting a long time(although still shorter than with no increase in speed).
I understand what you're asking, though I think you're the first person to ask for it.

From an implementation point of view, the problem is that there isn't a single definition of "event". One could be added - and I can see the benefits - but it would be a major rewrite of much of the Loader. It's not trivial. Furthermore, if a train is moving then it has an "event" every second as it decides whether to accelerate or brake based on line conditions ahead. Even if all trains are stationary (rare in most SimSig timetables) the train could be about to move for some reason. Even trains entering isn't trivial - the train doesn't necessarily enter at the timetabled time for a whole range of reasons, some sim-specific. So I'm not saying it's impossible, but I am saying it's a lot harder than you might think and I'm not seeing a justification for the work involved so far.

There is a debugging feature called "auto-pause" which allows a developer/tester to have the sim pause whenever one of a range of specific events occurs (e.g. specific/any signal changes aspect, train enters / starts moving / stops moving; you can select which ones cause a pause). It's Geoff's call whether we make that generally available.

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Skip to the next event 20/08/2021 at 16:11 #141235
576 posts
clive in post 141234 said:
zandoodle in post 141232 said:

What I want is a way to skip large periods of time where nothing is happening without the possibility of going past the event or being overly safe and still waiting a long time(although still shorter than with no increase in speed).
I understand what you're asking, though I think you're the first person to ask for it.

From an implementation point of view, the problem is that there isn't a single definition of "event". One could be added - and I can see the benefits - but it would be a major rewrite of much of the Loader. It's not trivial. Furthermore, if a train is moving then it has an "event" every second as it decides whether to accelerate or brake based on line conditions ahead. Even if all trains are stationary (rare in most SimSig timetables) the train could be about to move for some reason. Even trains entering isn't trivial - the train doesn't necessarily enter at the timetabled time for a whole range of reasons, some sim-specific. So I'm not saying it's impossible, but I am saying it's a lot harder than you might think and I'm not seeing a justification for the work involved so far.

There is a debugging feature called "auto-pause" which allows a developer/tester to have the sim pause whenever one of a range of specific events occurs (e.g. specific/any signal changes aspect, train enters / starts moving / stops moving; you can select which ones cause a pause). It's Geoff's call whether we make that generally available.

A basic definition of "event" could be:
- Any message appearing in the message window (would also allow a certain degree of user filtering, by disabling messages that shouldn't pause time)
- Any F7 message appearing
- Any incoming phone call

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Skip to the next event 20/08/2021 at 16:21 #141236
1111 posts
But the big question is ' Do we need such gameish features, for what is the most accurate UK signalling simulation around ???'
Passed the age to be doing 'Spoon Feeding' !!!
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The following users said thank you: postal, Hap, northroad, Stephen Fulcher
Skip to the next event 20/08/2021 at 16:29 #141237
6360 posts
Dionysusnu in post 141235 said:
clive in post 141234 said:
zandoodle in post 141232 said:

What I want is a way to skip large periods of time where nothing is happening without the possibility of going past the event or being overly safe and still waiting a long time(although still shorter than with no increase in speed).
I understand what you're asking, though I think you're the first person to ask for it.

From an implementation point of view, the problem is that there isn't a single definition of "event". One could be added - and I can see the benefits - but it would be a major rewrite of much of the Loader. It's not trivial. Furthermore, if a train is moving then it has an "event" every second as it decides whether to accelerate or brake based on line conditions ahead. Even if all trains are stationary (rare in most SimSig timetables) the train could be about to move for some reason. Even trains entering isn't trivial - the train doesn't necessarily enter at the timetabled time for a whole range of reasons, some sim-specific. So I'm not saying it's impossible, but I am saying it's a lot harder than you might think and I'm not seeing a justification for the work involved so far.

There is a debugging feature called "auto-pause" which allows a developer/tester to have the sim pause whenever one of a range of specific events occurs (e.g. specific/any signal changes aspect, train enters / starts moving / stops moving; you can select which ones cause a pause). It's Geoff's call whether we make that generally available.

A basic definition of "event" could be:
- Any message appearing in the message window (would also allow a certain degree of user filtering, by disabling messages that shouldn't pause time)
- Any F7 message appearing
- Any incoming phone call
Clive just explained the difficulties of defining an event, and you want to simplify it to... maybe 10% of things that need user attention?!?!

Frankly my focus is on delivering fixes and new features and simulations to paying users.

SimSig Boss
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The following users said thank you: postal, Hap, Meld, Stephen Fulcher, northroad
Skip to the next event 20/08/2021 at 16:29 #141238
576 posts
Meld in post 141236 said:
But the big question is ' Do we need such gameish features, for what is the most accurate UK signalling simulation around ???'

There's already game-ish features like the F11 menu, train list, or more related, the fast-forward feature. I see this as an improvement to the latter thing.

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Skip to the next event 20/08/2021 at 17:28 #141239
5239 posts
Dionysusnu in post 141238 said:
Meld in post 141236 said:
But the big question is ' Do we need such gameish features, for what is the most accurate UK signalling simulation around ???'

There's already game-ish features like the F11 menu, train list, or more related, the fast-forward feature. I see this as an improvement to the latter thing.
Perhaps SimSig is a little too focussed on portraying the reality of a signalling simulation for someone such as yourself who sees so many game-playing improvement opportunities.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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The following users said thank you: northroad, Meld, Hap
Skip to the next event 20/08/2021 at 18:07 #141240
365 posts
Meld in post 141236 said:
But the big question is ' Do we need such gameish features, for what is the most accurate UK signalling simulation around ???'
Emphasis on the word "simulation" as opposed to game...

User | Multiplayer Host | Timetable Writer
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The following users said thank you: Meld, Hap, northroad
Skip to the next event 20/08/2021 at 18:23 #141241
515 posts
I'm not generally very supportive of requests for fancy new features like this. Indeed I have a history of explaining why such proposals are generally not necessary, or already more-or-less covered by something else. But honestly, I'm surprised at the condescension such a plain vanilla, harmless, seemingly worthwhile suggestion has been met with.

As we know, we do already have the ability to speed up time, which is a feature I would dearly love to have here at Claydon, but it was considered too expensive when they moved the box and in fact I don't think even Marylebone have that feature yet. But despite the fact that it's not a luxury we have in real life, it hardly seems as if altering the time is an unthinkable departure from reality that degrades the realism of SimSig, nor that anybody using such a feature is really out of their depth with such a rarefied and exclusive product as SimSig which will surely become invitation-only before long.

If you have an hour or two to wait before the next train is due to enter the sim, as shown on F4, it doesn't seem like having a button to skip forward to 3 minutes before that event would be such a bad thing. Of course, if you've got a train already in the sim which is not due to depart for 2 hours, that could make things more complicated and I can understand how quickly something like this could become a can of worms. But I'm sure many members of the worshipful company of SimSig players would be prepared to fast-forward until the next train enters the sim, rather than waiting 2 hours in real time, and I don't think having a button to jump forward would be any more unrealistic. It would just be less needlessly tedious.

Also, if I had a two hour wait until the next train in the timetable and those two hours could just be completely cut out, I don't think I would mind too much if that deprived me of an opportunity of dealing with a UWC request at some unpredictable point between 0200 and 0400 (well known for being a busy time for UWC requests in real life). I think I'd be quite happy if that whole chunk of time could be skipped if one of us noobs chose to.

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The following users said thank you: Steamer, Dionysusnu, UKTrainMan
Skip to the next event 20/08/2021 at 18:36 #141242
5239 posts
But the option to run the simulation at maximum speed whenever there is a gap allows even a couple of hours of simulation time to pass in just a few minutes of real time. However, that does require the operator to be keeping track of what is going on and reverting to the speed of choice just before the arrival of the next action requiring signaller intervention. Most players seem quite happy to put up with that, probably because one of the main attractions of SimSig for those players is that it requires the operator to concentrate and make decisions rather than letting someone or something else do the hard work and the thinking.
“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
Last edited: 20/08/2021 at 18:37 by postal
Reason: None given

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The following user said thank you: northroad
Skip to the next event 20/08/2021 at 18:55 #141244
3968 posts
It's a bit sad that we've had another thread where a suggestion by a relative newcomer is responded to not just with facts (there are equivalent features that do the job almost as well, the effort-to-benefit ratio of implementing is poor), but with an attitude that creeps of 'you aren't man enough for this'. It really isn't welcoming, and it doesn't encourage future suggestions, comments or issue reports.

Not all ideas are good, but all should be responded to politely and with an air of encouragement, not belittlement.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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The following users said thank you: Dionysusnu, UKTrainMan, mldaureol, belly buster, as1981
Skip to the next event 20/08/2021 at 19:00 #141246
576 posts
postal in post 141239 said:
Dionysusnu in post 141238 said:
Meld in post 141236 said:
But the big question is ' Do we need such gameish features, for what is the most accurate UK signalling simulation around ???'

There's already game-ish features like the F11 menu, train list, or more related, the fast-forward feature. I see this as an improvement to the latter thing.
Perhaps SimSig is a little too focussed on portraying the reality of a signalling simulation for someone such as yourself who sees so many game-playing improvement opportunities.

There's a difference between features that are separate to the realism, and features that reduce realism.
If someone suggested adding non-existent ARS to every simulation, that would be the latter, and I would certainly be against it.
But if someone suggests a utility feature, that doesn't take away from realism in any major way, like here, I support that. (Granted it's within reasonable scope to add, etc)

Game and simulation aren't mutually exclusive. Realism can still be achieved, while adding more game-ish features that don't take away the simulation part.

Edit: Please also see TUT's comment below mine, that describes my view on the content of the suggestion quite well.

Last edited: 20/08/2021 at 19:09 by Dionysusnu
Reason: None given

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Skip to the next event 20/08/2021 at 19:05 #141248
515 posts
postal in post 141242 said:
But the option to run the simulation at maximum speed whenever there is a gap allows even a couple of hours of simulation time to pass in just a few minutes of real time. However, that does require the operator to be keeping track of what is going on and reverting to the speed of choice just before the arrival of the next action requiring signaller intervention. Most players seem quite happy to put up with that, probably because one of the main attractions of SimSig for those players is that it requires the operator to concentrate and make decisions rather than letting someone or something else do the hard work and the thinking.
You're pressing my buttons and speaking my language there!

I do appreciate where you're coming from and I probably wouldn't have proposed a feature like this myself.

All the same, during a period with no timetabled activities (some timetables have quite a few of these, others have extremely long droughts at the start and/or end) I don't really think the need to wait for the clock to fast-forward is a positive attraction of SimSig, nor do I particularly relish a random, improbable request to cross with a flock of sheep at 0239 hrs! Waiting for the clock to finally get to the part where wheels are gonna start turning isn't quite my idea of concentrating and making decisions!

Last edited: 20/08/2021 at 19:06 by TUT
Reason: None given

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The following user said thank you: Dionysusnu