Chester Winter 2019 SX

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Chester Winter 2019 SX 25/08/2021 at 23:22 #141368
14 posts
Timetable has been updated with the following corrections

1I18 11:48 Holyhead - Birmingham International has been corrected from a 2 car to a 4 car 158
2J80 05:45 Chester - Wrexham General is now 4 coaches on all days having noticed an error in the unit diagrams
6J37 has both sets of its working now in the sim. 1 of them will run at random

5P45, 5D41, 5K42, 5D43, 5K44 which were missing are now in. These are Locomotive Services training runs which run at random. (If 5P45 runs, the other 4 won't)

A few other minor changes have also been done

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