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How do I seed in a shunter engine to a running timetable

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How do I seed in a shunter engine to a running timetable 28/10/2021 at 11:59 #142072
211 posts
I need some help urgently.
I am running the 1980s Carlisle TT and the shunter engine 0T01 has gone AWOL. Is it possible to "create" this engine at a suitable entry point so that I can continue with the TT ?
I used to be able to do this years ago with the simpler set up but now I am baffled by the various options.

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How do I seed in a shunter engine to a running timetable 28/10/2021 at 12:57 #142074
3968 posts
You'll need to create a new schedule with the same characteristics as the iteration of 0T01 you want to replace, schedule it from a suitable entry point (e.g. Carlisle Wapping Sidings), then write the TT such that it picks up the required next activity.

Given the complexity of the TT though, I'd suggest abandoning the game and going back to a saved position before you 'lost' the shunter.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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How do I seed in a shunter engine to a running timetable 28/10/2021 at 13:45 #142077
211 posts
Thanks for your reply steamer.
The method that I tried to use was :
(a) Look for a suitable 0T01 entry in the timetable and open up its individual tt,
(b) Edit this tt by changing the entry time and save it,
(c) Wait for the engine 0T01 to enter and change the tt to correspond with the required service.
However this method never works for some reason.

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How do I seed in a shunter engine to a running timetable 28/10/2021 at 14:10 #142079
3968 posts
Ray in post 142077 said:
Thanks for your reply steamer.
The method that I tried to use was :
(a) Look for a suitable 0T01 entry in the timetable and open up its individual tt,
(b) Edit this tt by changing the entry time and save it,
(c) Wait for the engine 0T01 to enter and change the tt to correspond with the required service.
However this method never works for some reason.
There will almost certainly be rules set up within the TT which stop that working.

For example, if 0T01-A exits at Wapping and 0T01-B enters some time later, there will be a timetable rule that 0T01-B can't enter until X minutes after 0T01-A exits the area. You can do what you like with the entry time of 0T01-B, until 0T01-A exits and the rule is satisfied then 0T01-B won't enter, especially if you've 'lost' 0T01-A such that it can never exit. You would need to delete the timetable rule as well.

I'd stress again that, given the complexity of that particular WTT, I would backtrack to when everything was working or you're likely to create more problems later on.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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How do I seed in a shunter engine to a running timetable 28/10/2021 at 15:16 #142080
211 posts
Thanks again Steamer. I can see that its not a simple as I had thought.

I eventually used another work around. I "stole" a service engine that was about to go into Appleby Yard and I made it run as 0T01. It seemed to work and it was a simpler method of creating the much needed shunter.

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How do I seed in a shunter engine to a running timetable 28/10/2021 at 17:44 #142084
1378 posts
Ray in post 142077 said:
Thanks for your reply steamer.
The method that I tried to use was :
(a) Look for a suitable 0T01 entry in the timetable and open up its individual tt,
(b) Edit this tt by changing the entry time and save it,
(c) Wait for the engine 0T01 to enter and change the tt to correspond with the required service.
However this method never works for some reason.
Given this is Carlisle 1980, Steamers advice is best.

However generically you would be better to:

*Duplicate* a suitable individual timetable
Edit that one as you say, remember to clear out any unwanted / passed decisions in it.
Also reset it to 'unentered' if the source timetable had entered (grey not black text)

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How do I seed in a shunter engine to a running timetable 28/10/2021 at 18:00 #142085
5239 posts
If the jocko has gone AWOL, it had probably been sent somewhere where it drops off the sim rather than where it sits in sim and waits for its next duty. You can check what was meant to happen by following through the shunt workings shown in the Pilot and Trip workings section of the sim manual on the Wiki (https://www.SimSig.co.uk/Wiki/Show?page=simulations:carlisle#1979-1980_tt).

Click on the relevant day of the week for Trip 01 and a PDF shows the full schedule for that day. Track back the TT running in the sim to find the last "entered" (i.e. greyed out) TT for the duty on the relevant day and then you can enter the next working from the PDF schedule. On the presumption that the previous working was misdirected to an exit point rather than a holding position you can seed the due train at its starting location.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
Last edited: 28/10/2021 at 18:01 by postal
Reason: None given

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How do I seed in a shunter engine to a running timetable 30/10/2021 at 12:41 #142118
211 posts
Thanks for all your help on this matter. The 1980 tt for Carlisle must be, by far, the most complex tt devised which really stretches the mental capacity of a single player of the sim. Yet I far prefer a tt where there are plenty of complex station movements.
It is hard to see how traffic flow is maintained nowadays without the goods avoiding line. I think Carlisle has a platform out of action at the moment which means it has to handle all through traffic with only two platforms.

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How do I seed in a shunter engine to a running timetable 04/11/2021 at 09:19 #142183
265 posts
Ray in post 142118 said:
It is hard to see how traffic flow is maintained nowadays without the goods avoiding line.
Quite simply, there are fewer trains these days!

(Formerly known as manadude2)
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