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Any Crossover Mac users? Resolution Question

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Any Crossover Mac users? Resolution Question 04/01/2022 at 16:58 #143344
270 posts
Anyone playing Simsig on a Mac via Crossover?

I've been playing Simsig on my Mac using a virtual windows machine in Parallels but thought I would try it via Crossover instead since it would work if I upgraded to an M1 Mac. I got it installed and it runs, but the resolution of the gam window is so low that I have to scroll so much to see any simulation that isn't super small. Is there any way in Crossover to adjust the resolution that Simsig runs at.

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Any Crossover Mac users? Resolution Question 05/01/2022 at 08:47 #143352
1315 posts
What is the resolution of your screen (as seen in the Mac OS display settings) and did you apply any scaling there?
AJP in games
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