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Trains delayed seemingly forever

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Trains delayed seemingly forever 13/03/2022 at 15:52 #145690
8 posts

I'm playing the Derby sim.
I have two trains that stopped at stations and reported a delay. They both then reported a further delay, but after that I've not heard from then in ages.

One is now over 90 mins delayed with one heck of a queue behind it, and one is now 110 minutes late, blocking the Matlock branch.
Both are listed as "Delayed at" (Tamworth/Ambergate)" in the trains list.
I've tried pausing and un-pausing each train but short of removing them I don't think there is much else I can do.
Any idea what's wrong?

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Trains delayed seemingly forever 13/03/2022 at 16:14 #145691
Tempest Malice
122 posts
So looking into the .ssg file this seems to be the same problem I've had on other sims where the train thinks it is calling you to say the delay is over, but the phone call isn't there (In my cases I think it may have happened due to loading a game that was saved with the call in an unanswered state).

I've attached a save file that is your's with the fixes I usually apply to get this situation going again (and spinning it up on my end the trains should now call to say the delay is over about 5 seconds after loading it). Usual caveats about edited save files and other things may get broken apply, but based on my experience you should be fine with this one.

Details for the Dev's:
If a sim loads with the xml of a save containing a train in <state>16</state> <substate>23</substate> and <timer></timer> containing a value earlier than the sim clock (I've no idea what the meaning attached to the state enums are in the code, but hopefully they can mean something more to those of you who can look at the core code), then you never get the delay resolved train ready to start call, I usually fix this by setting the timer just into the future and re-setting the substate to 0 the loading that edited save, but ideally the core code could be extendd to do something about this case.

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The following user said thank you: Airvan00
Trains delayed seemingly forever 13/03/2022 at 16:27 #145692
1378 posts
To get going:
Abandon timetable
Wait a minute for the trains to get going
'Run to timetable' and choose the same TD and set next stop (Wichnor / Belper)

Cause - no idea
However 1M99 being at a fringe may be relevant.

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Trains delayed seemingly forever 13/03/2022 at 16:33 #145693
Tempest Malice
122 posts
I'd swear that abandoning timetable didn't end delays last time I checked, but clearly either I'm remembering wrong, or that's been changed again as yes that also works (and is much more sensible/simple than my suggestion of messing around in the save file) (maybe it only works on delays which should have already ended like these?).
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Trains delayed seemingly forever 13/03/2022 at 16:33 #145694
8 posts
Two amazingly helpful and super quick responses.

Thank you both. Really appreciated. I love this game and the helpful community too.

Last edited: 13/03/2022 at 16:33 by mr_moo
Reason: None given

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Trains delayed seemingly forever 13/03/2022 at 16:35 #145695
8 posts
I did the abandon timetable and reinstate and it worked for both. I've now got quite the queue of trains to sort out! But this will make it fun - real life of a sort. :)

Thanks again both!

Last edited: 13/03/2022 at 16:35 by mr_moo
Reason: Unable to spell!!!

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Trains delayed seemingly forever 13/03/2022 at 16:43 #145696
5239 posts
mr_moo in post 145695 said:
I did the abandon timetable and reinstate and it worked for both. I've now got quite the queue of trains to sort out! But this will make it fun - real life of a sort. :)

Thanks again both!
If you think you've got problems have a delve round the site and you will find a Derby save posted by our late lamented Antipodean friend Maxand. SimSig was proving a challenge to him at that stage and the save adds new insight to the word "fun" for you.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
Last edited: 13/03/2022 at 21:56 by postal
Reason: None given

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The following user said thank you: UKTrainMan
Trains delayed seemingly forever 13/03/2022 at 17:16 #145698
576 posts
postal in post 145696 said:
mr_moo in post 145695 said:
I did the abandon timetable and reinstate and it worked for both. I've now got quite the queue of trains to sort out! But this will make it fun - real life of a sort. :)

Thanks again both!
If you think you've got problems have a delve round the site and you will find a Derby save posted our late lamented Antipodean friend Maxand. SimSig was proving a challenge to him at that stage and the save adds new insight to the word "fun" for you.
I've done the delve for you: the savegame can be downloaded directly at https://www.SimSig.co.uk/File/Details/1017 with the context around it found at https://www.SimSig.co.uk/Forum/ThreadView/39707?postId=72815

Last edited: 13/03/2022 at 17:16 by Dionysusnu
Reason: None given

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The following user said thank you: postal
Trains delayed seemingly forever 14/03/2022 at 08:25 #145719
619 posts
postal in post 145696 said:
mr_moo in post 145695 said:
I did the abandon timetable and reinstate and it worked for both. I've now got quite the queue of trains to sort out! But this will make it fun - real life of a sort. :)

Thanks again both!
If you think you've got problems have a delve round the site and you will find a Derby save posted by our late lamented Antipodean friend Maxand. SimSig was proving a challenge to him at that stage and the save adds new insight to the word "fun" for you.
To this day, I STILL have no idea how Max managed to get into that situation ...

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Trains delayed seemingly forever 14/03/2022 at 11:13 #145720
8 posts
Wha? Wow. Quite. I note the 'that must be intentional' and his statement that it was not - is he playing in real time, refusing to pause, and still going to the loo and getting tea and cooking meals etc?

That actually looks like quite a fun, er, challenge?

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Trains delayed seemingly forever 14/03/2022 at 15:39 #145722
619 posts
mr_moo in post 145720 said:
Wha? Wow. Quite. I note the 'that must be intentional' and his statement that it was not - is he playing in real time, refusing to pause, and still going to the loo and getting tea and cooking meals etc?

That actually looks like quite a fun, er, challenge?
I am convinced he left the sim running while he went on holiday to Europe, and came back to that three weeks later ...

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Trains delayed seemingly forever 14/03/2022 at 18:19 #145725
6361 posts
I thought we'd sorted this type of issue out, albeit I think last time it was trains examining the line pre-save/load.

Mantis 35869

SimSig Boss
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Trains delayed seemingly forever 18/03/2022 at 00:34 #145774
8 posts
I'm just finishing up now. Got it to 9%. All trains back on time by 22:25. That was great fun, but wow... :)
Thanks again for all your help.

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