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Duddeston/Vauxhall station name 13/03/2022 at 21:50 #145709 | |
1315 posts |
In the 1976-1991 era, Duddeston station is displayed as "Vauxhall" on the panel. According to Wikipedia, this station was renamed to its present name in 1974. This means the name Vauxhall pre-dates the era the sim is representing, so should it be Duddeston on the panel? AJP in games Log in to reply |
Duddeston/Vauxhall station name 13/03/2022 at 23:18 #145710 | |
1189 posts |
Not sure when the faceplate was replaced on the Proof House panel, presumably in the 2000 remodelling? Maybe it had a sticky label that fell off :) I see a picture of the panel in in 2017 here (NB Curzon St is labelled Duddeston Sidings in that picture!) Thanks Jamie Jamie S (JAMS) Last edited: 13/03/2022 at 23:19 by 9pN1SEAp Reason: None given Log in to reply |
Duddeston/Vauxhall station name 14/03/2022 at 07:56 #145717 | |
1315 posts |
Makes sense - although I don't see it documented in the sim manual.
AJP in games Log in to reply |
Duddeston/Vauxhall station name 14/03/2022 at 18:14 #145724 | |
6380 posts |
I have a faceplate diagram dated 1986 that shows it as Vauxhall. I'd be more inclined to believe a formal diagram than an unofficial book, to be honest. In sim terms, while I state 1976, that's more of a "we think it accurately represents from about this date" rather than absolute, and may actually cover years earlier as well. Information from decades ago is hard to come by and often contradictory like this. Not really a big issue in any case. SimSig Boss Log in to reply |
Duddeston/Vauxhall station name 14/03/2022 at 21:40 #145729 | |
1315 posts |
In this case the sim doesn't accurately cover earlier eras because of the removal of the Exchange Carriage Sidings near Grand Jn shortly predating the sim era. As the Vauxhall name on the sim causes occasional confusion to new players, I'd suggest adding a note to the sim manual in the wiki that the panel used to say Vauxhall - if that was still the case in '86, you have got most of the '76-'91 time frame covered.
AJP in games Log in to reply |
Duddeston/Vauxhall station name 14/03/2022 at 22:31 #145730 | |
1432 posts |
As the timetabler is 'Duddesdon' would be better to have Duddesdon on the sim (text only change) and perhaps have Duddesdon # with # formerly Vauxhall somewhere convenient. A degree of flexibilty over 'date of sim' is good as it allows a better spread of timetables to be written and operated without inflicting too much 'era' pain on the sim dev. Leaving in the odd siding or exit here or there can make a lot if difference. Log in to reply |
Duddeston/Vauxhall station name 14/03/2022 at 23:27 #145731 | |
6380 posts |
I have added a note to the manual but I'm not adding a label to the sim as that's a slippery slope of endless notes for any sim with an era featuring changes within that era. At some point users do have to move on from spoon feeding.
SimSig Boss Log in to reply The following users said thank you: Newhampshires, Meld |