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Floriston crossing lowers despite signal replacement button

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Floriston crossing lowers despite signal replacement button 15/03/2022 at 14:07 #145735
576 posts
Floriston, in the 1980s era and thus AHB, lowers its barriers, and subsequently fails, even if CE501 is at danger, either because CE497 is unlit, or because the replacement control is operated on CE501. Is this accurate to real life? I feel like most other AHBs wait for the other conditions on the preceding signal(s) before actually lowering.
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Floriston crossing lowers despite signal replacement button 15/03/2022 at 14:22 #145737
576 posts
Hm, after further testing with a 2nd train, it seems the replacement button does allow raising the barriers again, while the unlit signal holding CE501 at danger keeps the barriers down. That makes sense, since then trains can safely be authorised to pass at danger towards the unlit signal.
Please disregard the original post.

Last edited: 15/03/2022 at 14:24 by Dionysusnu
Reason: None given

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