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Leamington Spa & Fenny Compton SX 09-24-2021 (The Well Groomed Edition)

You are here: Home > Forum > Simulations > Timetables > Leamington Spa > Leamington Spa & Fenny Compton SX 09-24-2021 (The Well Groomed Edition)

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Leamington Spa & Fenny Compton SX 09-24-2021 (The Well Groomed Edition) 21/03/2022 at 21:57 #145813
101 posts
Please post any feedback for the newly released September 24, 2021 timetable for LS&FC. This timetable is chainable with Marylebone (and soon, Oxford!).

Link to download: https://www.SimSig.co.uk/File/Details/2732

Welcome to Leamington Spa & Fenny Compton!

Continuing up the Chiltern Main Line from Marylebone, you will find the area our timetable replicates. Please feel free to play this timetable as a standalone or in a chain with Marylebone (and perhaps even Oxford).

This is a good simulation and timetable for beginners or intermediate players. This simulation represents the Working Timetable between May 2021 and December 2021, specifically those services which ran on September 24, 2021.

Credit must be given to Wellgroomed, as he has once again come along and enhanced this timetable.

Last edited: 21/03/2022 at 23:08 by Newhampshires
Reason: None given

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