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Linespeeds on the Cutsyke and Drax Branch

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Linespeeds on the Cutsyke and Drax Branch 28/05/2022 at 14:20 #146661
96 posts

Whilst testing a Timetable that I have written for the West Yorkshire Sim. I noticed a couple of things that didn't seem right.
The 1st was a passenger train from Castleford to Pontefract Monkhill stuck to 25mph for the full length of the Cutsyke Branch. When in places the line speed rises to a maximum of 40mph in places.

The other place was trains coming out Drax Power Station at 55mph! The strike in point for trains dropping on the sim and in real life is within the power station its self and the line speed in Drax through the entire complex is 15mph obviously lower when discharging Coal, Bio Mass or Limestone or when loading Gypsum. When trains pass D16 Signal they are on NR metals but the rear of the train is still on Drax Power Station infrastructure. The Line Speed does not rise till trains are clear of D16 Signal. This causes trains to be early at Drax Branch Junction agains the WTT Schedule times and STP Schedule times.

I have attached copies of the LNE Sectional Appendix to show and illustrate what I mean.

Zero Delta Zero Seven

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Linespeeds on the Cutsyke and Drax Branch 28/05/2022 at 17:53 #146665
6391 posts
Thanks, Mantis 36142.
SimSig Boss
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